Re: Truncation of the displayed text in Summary view of the list of entries, posted by Olivier Callot on Wed Mar 14 15:08:17 2012
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
Olivier Callot wrote: |
In the summary view, it seems that the text is truncated at the first "<" character. See for a simple entry, then use the 'list' command to see that only a very small part is displayed.
That's a feature 
In the summary view, I cannot use any HTML code, since it will screw up the table layout. Therefore elog searches for any "<" and ">" pairs and removes the text in between. In principle one could do a better job, but I do not want to write a complete HTML interpreter just for that purpose.
Well, this is a choice. But if the encoding of the entry is 'plain', you could just avoid checking for embeded HTML. We use the summary view constantly for our main experiment logbook. Thanks anyway. |
FCKEditor doesn't show up in Windows 8?, posted by John Haggerty on Wed Feb 20 02:45:45 2013
After installing ELOG on a new Windows 8 machine, I found everything working fine... until I went to make a new entry. New entries work... but the FCKEditor toolbars do not show up. I tried a variety of things (start as a service, start not as a service, run as administrator), but nothing made the toolbar appear that I coumd find. The ELCode editor toolbar appears, but the nifty FCKEditor toobar never appears. I could not figure out how to debug FCKEditor. Any ideas? |
kerberos authentication NOT working, posted by Fabio Sella on Wed Oct 30 17:57:38 2013
Hi guys,
we configured a kdc server using OPENLDAP as backend. We installed on it elog and configured the Kerberos Authentication on one logbook as follows:
Authentication = Kerberos, File
Kerberos Realm = TEST.COM
Password file = ./pwd.xml
Detect language » Italian
Even if the kinit comand is retrieving correctly a ticket for the user tsearch@TEST.COM(we see it using klist and tcpdump on lo interface), elogd kerberos authentication is not working.
We tried using tcpdump for troubleshooting but no traffic is generated on the loopback interface.
Did someone solve this problem or do you have an idea on how to make the kerberos authentication working?
Thanks |
Max Logbooks for Email notify, posted by Oliver Kleinau on Wed Apr 8 11:40:27 2015
we've got 109 logbooks in Elog. Whenever I set a notify for all logbooks in configuration menu it is limited to 73 entrys. After saving the changes the rest of the entrys are cut off.
I've already searched in the sourcecode if I can find some limitation for that but without success.
When I change the password file by hand, it is working as long as I don't change anything in the configuration that rewrites the file.
Problem with autosave functionality when combined with no 'edit' button, posted by Thomas Lindner on Tue May 5 07:33:50 2015
We recently tried upgrading the ND280 elog instance to elog 3.1.0. [1] We seem to have some problems with this 'auto-save' functionality. Specifically, it doesn't seem to play nice with the fact that we prefer to disable user's ability to edit old messages. So we have (up to now), had the following set of commands specified in elogd.ccfg
Menu commands = List, New, Reply, Delete, Duplicate, Copy to, Move to, Find, Help
The problem is that we now get auto-saved messages, but no ability for the user to actually go back and finish the draft message. You can see an example of this state in this test elog
Clicking on the draft message you can see that it can't be editted. If you try to click 'new' then edit the draft, you get the message 'Error: Command "Edit" not allowed'. So we had zombie draft messages, until we added the edit command back; but that defeats our preference that users not mess up old messages.
In general this auto-saving seems like a useful feature. So the ideal solution for me would be to have some mode where users could edit/finish draft messages, but where we could still disable users from editting completed/finished messages. Ie, where we can omit 'Edit' from the menu command, but still get auto-save.
A less ideal, but perhaps simpler solution would be that if an elog has omitted 'Edit' from the menu commands, then this auto-save/save functionality is disabled so that we don't get uneditable draft messages.
[1] |
Need to move ELOG to other host, posted by Mario Gaertner on Wed Jun 24 19:27:49 2015
Hi there,
our host running ELOG crashed. I installed ELOG at another host with copying backup files / folders to new installation. New installation looks fine and seems to be working. But one big problem occurs I only can see some of former existing logbooks. Are there any suggestions how to build an new ELOG with old data?
Many thanks Mario |
Self register = 0 not working , , posted by rudy on Wed Jun 8 15:00:47 2016
I have Split Elog to Two Top Group [Check the Config Below].
Problem =
After Staff01 login successfully to and if he/she fill the url and choose any elog topic, it will direct registration form.
port = 8080
Self register = 0
Show top groups = 1
Preset Author = $long_name
Locked Attributes = Author
Restrict edit = 1
Top group Staff = Website, Notes
Top group Administrator = Website Update, Admin Notes, Ticketing
[global Staff]
Menu commands = List, New, Edit, Reply, Duplicate, Find, Config
Password file = staff.pwd
Admin user = sylpid
Login user = staff01
[global Administrator]
Password file = admin.pwd
Admin user = sylpid
Login user = admin01 |
SSL, posted by Chris Smyth on Thu Aug 4 14:28:18 2016
How do I enable SSL with port 443 in version ELOG V2.7.8-2294 and rename from localhost?
Server is running Windows 2008
We got http://servername:8080 to work and on the network just fine..
but everytime we try to change the port to 443 in global we cant get anything with https:// working
port = 443
ssl = 1
url = https://servername
how do you customize the elog.exe or elogd for windows enviorment to listen on port 443 with specific hostname. please give an example.