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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  267   Fri Apr 4 08:58:16 2003 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug report  Re: Password Problem
> I noticed that when I put in a password such as <test1> a person can login 
> with the password <test2> or any other number at the end.  Is the 
> encryption not able to tell the difference between numbers?  The encrypted 
> passwords even look the same in the password file.  Is this a bug?

This is really strange. Encryption only works on ASCII characters and does 
not distinguish between letters and digits. When I try to reporoduce that, 
the system distinguishes well between "test1" and "test2". The first gives 
encrypted "dGVzdDE=" and the second gives "dGVzdDI=", note the different "E" 
and "I". So I have no clue right now what is wrong in your installation. If 
running under Linux, you can compile elogd after adding "-DHAVE_CRYPT" and "-
lcrypt" to the Makefile to use the standard Linux crypt() function, but I 
would rather like to understand what is wrong in your case.

- Stefan
  266   Fri Apr 4 00:53:00 2003 Question ByronBug report  Password Problem
I noticed that when I put in a password such as <test1> a person can login 
with the password <test2> or any other number at the end.  Is the 
encryption not able to tell the difference between numbers?  The encrypted 
passwords even look the same in the password file.  Is this a bug?
  265   Fri Apr 4 00:50:31 2003 Question ByronQuestion  Login user problem
When I use the <Login user => option to specify what users I want to be 
able to login into the different logbooks it does not seem to work.  Is 
there something else you are supposed to do to restrict what logbooks users 
can log into?
  264   Thu Apr 3 10:11:08 2003 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chInfo  Re: Logbook Title bar
> I need something to set the title of the page when on the summary page for 
> the logbook, as it just says ELOG - Config DB (this isnt set anywhere)

I added the option "Summary page title = xxx" in a similar way than the "Page 
title". The new version is at

It will be included in the release 2.3.5 of elog.

- Stefan
  263   Thu Apr 3 09:40:45 2003 Reply nicknick@nick.comInfo  Re: Logbook Title bar
> > Is there a way to change the title entry for individual log books, and 
> > forms ive completely rebranded our system but ut stil says ELOG ENTRIES 
> > the summary screen
> I changed the default title recently to "ELOG - <logbook>" where <logbook> 
> is the name of the current logbook. For the individual messages, the 
> title "ELOG" can be changed with the elogd.cfg option "Page title". This 
> title can even contain attributes from the logook entry like:
> Page title = ELOG - $subject
> where $subject gets replaced by the subject of the logbook entry.

I have those attributes already working for example

Page title = Customer Relational Management System < this sets the selection 
page ok

[Config DB]
Page Title = ABC123 - $Customer Name < this sets the individual log book 
entries title

I need something to set the title of the page when on the summary page for 
the logbook, as it just says ELOG - Config DB (this isnt set anywhere)
  262   Wed Apr 2 21:45:18 2003 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chInfo  Re: Logbook Title bar
> Is there a way to change the title entry for individual log books, and 
> forms ive completely rebranded our system but ut stil says ELOG ENTRIES on 
> the summary screen

I changed the default title recently to "ELOG - <logbook>" where <logbook> 
is the name of the current logbook. For the individual messages, the 
title "ELOG" can be changed with the elogd.cfg option "Page title". This 
title can even contain attributes from the logook entry like:

Page title = ELOG - $subject

where $subject gets replaced by the subject of the logbook entry.
  261   Wed Apr 2 16:36:18 2003 Entry nicknick@nick.comInfo  Logbook Title bar
Is there a way to change the title entry for individual log books, and 
forms ive completely rebranded our system but ut stil says ELOG ENTRIES on 
the summary screen
  260   Wed Apr 2 10:15:22 2003 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug report  Re: Disappearing attachments
> Let me start by saying that I really like ELOG-- it's a nice tool.
> I'm trying out version 2.3.3. The problem that I'm having is with
> attachments disappearing when I do the following:
> 1. create a new entry that contains one or more attachments.
> 2. verify that the new entry from step 1 saved correctly.
> 3. reply to the entry from step 1.
> 4. return to the entry from step 1 only to find the attachments gone.
> The attachement files are still in the logbook directory, it's just that
> they are no longer attached to the entry.

This is a known problem and has been fixed in version 2.3.4, which has been 
released today. To prove that it's working, I attached the current 
elogd.cfg from this forum.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6