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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  248   Fri Mar 14 10:30:25 2003 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug report  Re: Problems with 2.3.2
> > Ive just installed the RPM of Elog 2.3.2 and ive found a bug relating to 
> > port bindings, basically im running elog bound to port 81 and when i 
> > install the new RPM it refuses to bind to this port, i tried port 8080 
> > that worked fine

The bug has been fixed in V 2.3.3 which has been released today.
  247   Thu Mar 13 17:33:58 2003 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug report  Re: Problems with 2.3.2
> Ive just installed the RPM of Elog 2.3.2 and ive found a bug relating to 
> port bindings, basically im running elog bound to port 81 and when i 
> install the new RPM it refuses to bind to this port, i tried port 8080 and 
> that worked fine
> Any ideas ?

This is a bug I discovered myself just today, so we are working on it. I 
expect this to be fixed by tomorrow or somewhen during this weekend.

- Stefan
  246   Thu Mar 13 17:30:16 2003 Entry nicknick@nick.comBug report  Problems with 2.3.2
Ive just installed the RPM of Elog 2.3.2 and ive found a bug relating to 
port bindings, basically im running elog bound to port 81 and when i 
install the new RPM it refuses to bind to this port, i tried port 8080 and 
that worked fine

Any ideas ?
  245   Tue Mar 11 18:40:39 2003 Question Aamir  Compile on AIX 5L
Dear Friends,

Anyone managed to compile elog on AIX 5.2 or 5.1 ... is there a binary 

new to "C"

kind regards Aamir
  244   Fri Mar 7 12:32:34 2003 Reply Robert Keeneyrkeeney@dfs.state.fl.usBug report  Re: https:// changed to http:// when submit button is clicked
Operator error. Figures!

Elog has worked fine for a log time then I upgraded and added stunnel at the
same time. A case of not seeing the forest for the trees.

Thanks for the help.

> > > I'm using elog 2.3.1 on redhat 7.1 and using stunnel to redirect from port
> > > 443 to 8080. When I try to add a new record (click submit) https:// in the
> > > browser gets changed to http://. I ve tried three browsers all with the 
> same
> > > result. If I go into the address field and change it to https:// after
> > > getting a 404 error it works. The record gets posted.
> This is due to a change we had to do in the redirection of the pages. If you 
> submit a page, the result is a redirection using the HTTP 
> statement "Location: ..." inside the header. While this was a relative link 
> in the previous versions, we changed this into an absolute link, which then 
> agrees with the standard. But since elgod does not know if it runs 
> under "http:" or "https:", you have now to add the line
> URL = https://your.server:port
> into elogd.cfg. I will add this note into the documentation.
> - Stefan
  243   Fri Mar 7 09:39:45 2003 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug report  Re: https:// changed to http:// when submit button is clicked
> > I'm using elog 2.3.1 on redhat 7.1 and using stunnel to redirect from port
> > 443 to 8080. When I try to add a new record (click submit) https:// in the
> > browser gets changed to http://. I ve tried three browsers all with the 
> > result. If I go into the address field and change it to https:// after
> > getting a 404 error it works. The record gets posted.

This is due to a change we had to do in the redirection of the pages. If you 
submit a page, the result is a redirection using the HTTP 
statement "Location: ..." inside the header. While this was a relative link 
in the previous versions, we changed this into an absolute link, which then 
agrees with the standard. But since elgod does not know if it runs 
under "http:" or "https:", you have now to add the line

URL = https://your.server:port

into elogd.cfg. I will add this note into the documentation.

- Stefan
  242   Thu Mar 6 20:49:31 2003 Question Robert Keeneyrkeeney@dfs.state.fl.usBug report  Re: https:// changed to http:// when submit button is clicked
> I hope this is not something I did. 
> I'm using elog 2.3.1 on redhat 7.1 and using stunnel to redirect from port
> 443 to 8080. When I try to add a new record (click submit) https:// in the
> browser gets changed to http://. I ve tried three browsers all with the same
> result. If I go into the address field and change it to https:// after
> getting a 404 error it works. The record gets posted.

Just an update: It does the same thing when I click the back button
  241   Thu Mar 6 20:37:16 2003 Question Robert Keeneyrkeeney@dfs.state.fl.usBug report  https:// changed to http:// when submit button is clicked
I hope this is not something I did. 

I'm using elog 2.3.1 on redhat 7.1 and using stunnel to redirect from port
443 to 8080. When I try to add a new record (click submit) https:// in the
browser gets changed to http://. I ve tried three browsers all with the same
result. If I go into the address field and change it to https:// after
getting a 404 error it works. The record gets posted.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6