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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  220   Wed Feb 12 08:56:29 2003 Question Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug report  Re: Find
> When you do a find in elog, records per page (some crazy large number - for 
> your forum logbook, display 57 entries seem to cause the problem, then 
> select last year (1 years worth of logs),(don't select printable)
> the results appear way off the screen (the message body looks fine, but the 
> title, etc extend way off the screen).
> Printable doesn't have this problem.

I could not reproduce this problem. Can you send me the exact URL (the 
address with all the parameters from your browser's address bar like and tell me exactly under 
which browser this happens?
  219   Wed Feb 12 08:54:05 2003 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chInfo  Re: Feature request
> > > Can you consider implementing the following additions to the 
> > > 
> > > 1) Subt on edit <attribute> = xyz 
> > > 
> > > This would be fantastic for implementing version control so you can see 
> > who 
> > > has edited a posted or a db entry.
> > 
> > Can you give me an example of how you would use that?
> -----
> Lets say you are storing configuration information relating to a customers 
> solution, you need the ability to track who has made what changes to the 
> config information stored in the log book so you can backtrack who changed 
> what and when, for example
> If you have a field name called Last Edited by this field is locked and not 
> editable using the Lock attributes flag, but if you had Subt on edit 
> everytime that entry is updated it places your login name into this field 
> therefore stamps it to say you have edited it, as the field isnt free txt 
> cant be spoofed as the $long_name comes from your login details.

Ok, I implemented "Subst on edit", it will be contained in Version 2.3.1 
which is supposed to come out next week.

- Stefan
  218   Wed Feb 12 01:11:08 2003 Reply NickNick@nick.comInfo  Re: Feature request
> > Can you consider implementing the following additions to the functionality
> > 
> > 1) Subt on edit <attribute> = xyz 
> > 
> > This would be fantastic for implementing version control so you can see 
> who 
> > has edited a posted or a db entry.
> Can you give me an example of how you would use that?


Lets say you are storing configuration information relating to a customers 
solution, you need the ability to track who has made what changes to the 
config information stored in the log book so you can backtrack who changed 
what and when, for example

If you have a field name called Last Edited by this field is locked and not 
editable using the Lock attributes flag, but if you had Subt on edit 
everytime that entry is updated it places your login name into this field and 
therefore stamps it to say you have edited it, as the field isnt free txt it 
cant be spoofed as the $long_name comes from your login details.

> > 2) Have a SORT fieldname flag so you can decide which column to sort 
> things 
> > by on a display listing in conjunction to the display flags, it current 
> > defaults to the # column and I find i am directly linking to a sorted 
> > display
> Sorting is not done by the "#" column but by the sequence when messages 
> been entered. You can sort the table differently by clicking on the table 
> titles (twice for reverse sort). To sort by default on a column, for 
> sort by the author, you can add
> Start page = ?sort=author
> into elogd.cfg which does the job.
Excellent I didnt know what Ill try that tomorrow


  217   Tue Feb 11 11:45:22 2003 Idea Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chInfo  Re: Feature request
> Can you consider implementing the following additions to the functionality
> 1) Subt on edit <attribute> = xyz 
> This would be fantastic for implementing version control so you can see 
> has edited a posted or a db entry.

Can you give me an example of how you would use that?
> 2) Have a SORT fieldname flag so you can decide which column to sort 
> by on a display listing in conjunction to the display flags, it current 
> defaults to the # column and I find i am directly linking to a sorted 
> display

Sorting is not done by the "#" column but by the sequence when messages have 
been entered. You can sort the table differently by clicking on the table 
titles (twice for reverse sort). To sort by default on a column, for example 
sort by the author, you can add

Start page = ?sort=author

into elogd.cfg which does the job.

> 3) Have the elogd.conf track actual log entries people have changed 
> detailing date and time etc.

Revision management is not forseen by the structure of the ELOG database. 
What you can do is if you edit a message you check "Resubmit as new entry", 
then you keep a copy of the old version. 

> 4) Ability to export contents of the log books to files on disk for backup 
> purposes as all data is contained within a single log file which causes 
> problem for command line searches.

Well, you have already all log book files on disk in a simple format:


(Year/Month/Day) which you can easily backup. By a mask like 02*a.log you 
can backup all data from 2002 and so on. The idea of having separate log 
files for each day is to have this possibility to simply backup various date 

What kind of command line searches are you interested in?

- Stefan
  216   Tue Feb 11 11:26:03 2003 Idea Nicknikc@cnic.comInfo  Feature request
Can you consider implementing the following additions to the functionality

1) Subt on edit <attribute> = xyz 

This would be fantastic for implementing version control so you can see who 
has edited a posted or a db entry.

2) Have a SORT fieldname flag so you can decide which column to sort things 
by on a display listing in conjunction to the display flags, it current 
defaults to the # column and I find i am directly linking to a sorted 

3) Have the elogd.conf track actual log entries people have changed 
detailing date and time etc.

4) Ability to export contents of the log books to files on disk for backup 
purposes as all data is contained within a single log file which causes 
problem for command line searches.

Many thanks 
  215   Tue Feb 11 11:17:29 2003 Reply Nicknikc@cnic.comQuestion  Re: Lost features since upgrade to 2.3.0
> > > > Problem 2 - no matter what i try in the config file i cannot get 
> to 
> > > > use stylesheets ive tried specifying and even editing and removing 
> > > > default.css style sheet i downloaded but it just seems to ignore its 
> > there.
> > 
> > I resolved this problem, many thanks for your help
> What happened. If you tell your initial problems, I can maybe put something 
> into the docs so that others won't have it...
> - Stefan

I upgraded to version 2.3.0 the previous version didnt seem to work with 
stylesheets, when you viewed the html source there was no stylesheet defined 
in it.

Please see my other posts for feature requests.

Many Thanks - FANTASTIC program btw
  214   Tue Feb 11 09:03:18 2003 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestion  Re: Lost features since upgrade to 2.3.0
> Would be nice if you can specify which columns data has links as a flag or 
> setting of some sorts, as opposed to either the first or all, but given a 
> choice I would want the first column to be the linkable one 

Well, I decided to make all entries in a table a link, to be consistent with 
the threaded display. But I changed the style such that they look like 
before, but are actually links. This way it cannot hurt (like having too 
much underlined text). The style can be changed via classes ".list1" 
and ".list2" in the style sheet.

The modification will come in 2.3.1, or you can get the source code from CVS 


> > > Problem 2 - no matter what i try in the config file i cannot get elogd 
> > > use stylesheets ive tried specifying and even editing and removing the 
> > > default.css style sheet i downloaded but it just seems to ignore its 
> there.
> I resolved this problem, many thanks for your help

What happened. If you tell your initial problems, I can maybe put something 
into the docs so that others won't have it...

- Stefan
  213   Tue Feb 11 08:57:39 2003 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestion  Re: elog notification process causes the email to be truncated when going to Blackberry
> I just noticed that the notifications I receive from your ELOG system, 
> doesn't show anyone in the "TO:" section but myself.  Or is ELOG 
> to only send myself a message?

This is on purpose. I have many people registered for the Forum. So when a 
notification is sent, it is not a good idea if everybody sees everybody 
else's mail addresses. Therefor I have 

Omit Email to = 1

in the config file. This way the "To:" field is omitted to "hide" the mail 
recipients from each other. Your mail client realizes that and fills in your 
own address automatically, that's why you only see yourself. Maybe you try 
that option, might help with your previous problem as well.

- Stefan
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6