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    icon14.gif   Re: password encryption, posted by Alex H on Tue May 31 09:07:37 2005 
Thanks Stefan 8)
    icon14.gif   Re: [BUG] quick filter, posted by Emiliano Gabrielli on Mon Jun 27 15:37:25 2005 

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Fixed in current CVS.

uhm... now the drop down menu is composed of only blancs ..

the following patch should solve the problem Wink
--- src/elogd.c 24 Jun 2005 20:22:33 -0000      1.685
+++ src/elogd.c 27 Jun 2005 13:34:05 -0000
@@ -15853,7 +15853,7 @@
                      if (comment[0] == 0)
                         strcpy(comment, attr_options[i][j]);

-                     for (i1=i2=0 ; i1<=(int)comment ; i1++) {
+                     for (i1=i2=0 ; i1<=(int)strlen(comment) ; i1++) {
                         if (comment[i1] == '(') {
                            option[i2++] = '\\';
                            option[i2++] = '(';
    icon14.gif   Re: A comprehensive listing of all commands elog performs, posted by Gary Clayson on Thu Jul 7 04:49:19 2005 

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:

Gary Clayson wrote:
Can someone please enter a comprehensive list of the commands eLog will honor. I'm trying to build a 'decent' start page and am not totally familiar with eLog just yet. Thanks Stefan for an awesome application. The documentation is really decent, too. I just have been unable to locate a list of all commands available.
Thanks in advance.
Gary ;->

there's a link in the main elog web page.. it's under the Admin guide and it is the elog.cfg syntax guide

thanks for the advice. DuH on me, I just needed to read the syntax page a little more closely.
    icon14.gif   Re: Suppress Email notification checkbox, posted by Gary Clayson on Fri Jul 8 22:20:19 2005 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Gary Clayson wrote:
Hello All. Stefan, would it be possible to add one more option to the Suppress Default flag? I'd appreciate a setting that would suppress emails being sent and remove the option from the page. Or, has this been accomplished? And, if so, what is that setting. Thanks in advance!! Keep up the great work.

I added
Suppress default = 3

which always suppresses email notifications. The addition is under CVS and will be included in the next release.

- Stefan

Thanks Stefan.
    icon14.gif   Re: Summary page, posted by Dinesh Bapat on Mon Aug 1 06:14:41 2005 

Thank you very much.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Dinesh Bapat wrote:
But "Summary" page of my e-log continues to display additional column "Text". Kindly advise how to hide this last column.

Summary lines = 0

Dinesh Bapat wrote:
Also, is it possible to assign % width for each of these columns (ID, Author, Type, When, Subject)

Yes, via the Cascading Style Sheets, but only for the single display page. First put a

Format Author = 0, author_name, author_value

then put into your default.css following sections:
.author_name {
  border:1px solid #0000FF;
  border-top:1px solid white;
  border-left:1px solid white;

.author_value {
  border:1px solid #308000;
  border-top:1px solid white;
  border-left:1px solid white;

Here you can then play with the width, font-size etc. I use this for example for the large subject dispaly in this forum.

On the list display however, the column width is determined by the browser, which tries to optimally arrange the colums for best readability.
    icon14.gif   Re: "full" only changes color, posted by Kees Bol on Fri Aug 5 14:30:52 2005 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Kees Bol wrote:
Stefan, I installed V2.6.0-beta3 and there is a (unwanted) difference. The Text field now appears in the summary-view despite the config specifies:

List Display = ID, Logdate, Author, Book, Chapter, Type, Subject

so in my opinion the text-field should not show up here.

If you do not want text display in the summary view, add

Summary lines = 0

into your config file.

Kees Bol wrote:
Another point: there was some discussion about v2.6.0-beta3 being slow.
I have v2.6.0-beta and v2.6.0-beta3 running side by side on the same server and notice also a big difference in speed, beta3 being much slower.

This is still a mystery to me, since on all machines I try the speed is fine. I'm still waiting for some debugging analysis from users which have this problem. If I cannot reproduce it, I cannot fix it.

After upgrading to v2.6.0-beta4 everything works fine now.
Thanks for your help
    icon14.gif   Re: Display last page by default, posted by Yoshio Imai on Fri Oct 28 13:12:46 2005 
For the moment, I could satisfy the users by setting the start page to the "All" view, but if it can be implemented in a future version, this would come very handy.

    icon14.gif   Re: Conditional hiding of attributes in list view, posted by Yoshio Imai on Mon Oct 31 01:36:52 2005 
Thank you! I have tested it and it works just as expected!
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6