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  66196   Fri Feb 6 12:08:49 2009 Entry Steve

If I open an elog entry as read-only then attachments show as links which can be clicked to open the attachment.  However, if I open an entry using Edit then attachments show as text with a delete button - I would expect to be able to read attachments when editing an entry but there may be some good reason for not being able to.

Also, on attachments, if I click on the attachment icon (paperclip) on the list page the URL encodes "/" as "%2f", e.g. and I get the following error:

"Invalid URL: Change_Log/..%2FChange_Log%2F090205_123135%2FCHANGE_CONTROL_NOTICE_050209.doc" .  If I then change all occurrences of "%2f" to "/" the link works.

We don't use attachments very often but occasionally they are just what you need - and so is elog!

great piece of software - many thanks for sharing it




  66228   Fri Feb 27 16:43:01 2009 Entry Dennis Seitzdenseitz@comcast.netBug reportMac OSX2.7.5Attachment problems

Apologies if these are known bugs, I'm very busy at the moment but I wanted to post this before I forget:

I'm using Safari on a Mac to make Elog entries.

1) The preview of some pdf attachments in edit mode displays huge areas of white space around each page. I can send examples if you'd like - please email me directly, for some reason I never get email notifications from this forum (and they aren't being tagged as spam, so I don't know where they go).

2) When that happens, the text entry area for ELcode format expands horizontally to match the huge pdf file width. Text without line feeds then doesn't wrap until the huge window width is filled, so I have to scroll horizontally all the time while editing to see what I've written.

3) So I turned off attachment previewing as a workaround (Preview attachments = 0 ). That worked fine by not expanding the entry area, but I noticed some odd behavior. The list of attachments below the text entry area is badly formatted. Here's a screen shot:


I tried to reproduce this with a new entry but the text was formatted properly for that entry.

P.S. While editing this entry, I see that the text area width is again being set by the width of the picture I've attached - try it yourself; if you try to resize your browser window smaller while editing, the text will only wrap until the width of the attachment is reached - the text no longer wraps at smaller widths than the attachment. 

  66283   Tue Mar 31 15:16:58 2009 Question Franck Sabatiefsabatie@cea.frBug reportLinux2.7.5Attachment not downloaded when elog is mirrored ?


I just mirrored a logbook and noticed attachments are missed.

On another similar note, when an email notification is sent and the post has attachment, the attachment show up in the email BUT there is nothing in them.

Anything special I should know about those attachments ?

Thank you,



  67591   Mon Oct 28 11:21:19 2013 Question Alexander Nozikaltavir@gmail.comQuestionLinux2.9.2-2455Attachment file names encoding
I am trying to move elog from old FreeBSD system to a new Ubuntu server and stuck with attachment encoding problem. The elog entries as well as attachments ашду тфьуы are mostly in koi8-r or cp1251 encoding. While it is relatively easy to configure log entries to display correctly, I still can't manage to deal with attachments. In old elog all attachments with Cyrillic file names are "not found" by elog web interface while files are present in the directory (though previous admin could have done something with the encoding).

If I am creating a new elog with default koi8-r charset, then new cyrrilic attachments are uploaded and displayed normally but after download the file name encoding is broken. Does elog do something with attachment name encoding?
  710   Tue Sep 28 22:44:50 2004 Question roetsjim.roets@valero.comQuestionLinux Attachment file "" empty or not found
I am getting the following error message with version 2.5.4-4 when I try to
add a new entry to a log book.

Attachment file "" empty or not found

If I add the following line to me elogd.cfg I do not get the error, but will
not be able to use attachments.

Enable attachments = 0

I recently upgraded from version 2.2.5 which did not have the problem.  I
did not see anything in the changelog referencing this type of change to how
attachments are handled.

I there something I need to set in the config so that an attachment is not
expected every time a new entry is made?
  68110   Wed Sep 2 20:23:21 2015 Entry Edmund Hertleedmund.hertle@kit.eduBug reportWindows3.1.1Attachment Uploaded Time is off by one hour

If I upload an attachment the timestamp of the attachment is set to one hour in the future, as demonstrated with this test attachment being one hour in the future compared to the entry time

Attachment 1: elogTest.rtf
{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}

\f0\fs24 \cf0 test}
  67293   Wed Jun 27 14:56:43 2012 Question Graham Medlinglmedlin@ncsu.eduBug reportLinux2.9.2-2455Attachment URL login redirect error

If I have a couple of attachments in a log book entry, I can link to that entry "", I get the appropriate log in page, and after logging it, it takes me to the entry.

However, if I link directly an attachment, "", I receive a plain log in page that doesn't have the stylesheet applied, and logging in, I am directed to "" which throws an invalid error. If I am already logged in the browser, it links correctly. 

I assume the problem must stem from messed up relative URL somewhere, hence the lack of stylesheet, or from the redirect incorrectly handling the /. (Looking at the source for the two login pages, the only difference is "<input type=hidden name=redir value="7">" versus "<input type=hidden name=redir value="7/1">". ) But that reaches the end of my ability...

This breaks the attachment links in emails.

Any help would be much appreciated!

  66776   Sun Mar 21 19:03:52 2010 Cool Eric Fengericjfeng@gmail.comQuestionAll2.7.8-2278Attach multiple (many!) files at one time


Is it possible to attach multiple files at one time?  Right now I have to attach each individually, click submit, then confirm, then re-select the next file...

This is a pain if one is attaching many files as I often want to do.  It would be nice to be able to select groups of files together using Ctrl and/or Shift, and even to attach a whole directory recursively.

I looked through previous threads but did not find this question asked there.



ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6