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  68249   Thu Feb 4 14:21:19 2016 Cool Francois CloutierFrancois@fcmail.caQuestionWindowsV3.1.1-0767eb0Applying cell style or some sort of subst in list view only
Good day,

I have an attribute that is 25 chars. it can be empty until someone edit it to fill the information.
The default view for that logbook is List. 

Is it possible to display that attribute in list view but not the entire 25 chars ?
What I mean is that if the field is empty, show it as empty but if it has some information, show something like "X" in List view.

I tried playing with Styles and Cell Styles but I couldn't figure it out...
Cell Style seams to require specific values "" to apply the style properties. I can't figure how to apply cell style "if field is not empty" :)

Thanks for your help :)
  67509   Sat May 18 17:41:51 2013 Entry Normnormthompson@yahoo.comBug reportWindowsUnknownApplication failed to initialize properly

I attempted to install the newest version of elog on our site elog server from an old old version.  Around 2008 I believe.  I then received an application failed to initialize properly 0xc0150002 after installing the newest version.  I then tried installing the Feb 2013 version and received the same message.  Panicked, I rolled back our server to its state yesterday.  I would like to update our elog software, anyone know why I am receiving this error??

  1908   Tue Aug 22 10:41:42 2006 Idea Ben Shepherdbjs54'at' | Windows2.6.2-1714Append option for elog.exe

Would it be possible to add an 'append' option to the elog.exe client program? I would like to be able to write a simple script for adding images into a logbook - i.e. right-click in Windows and click 'add to log', or click a button in LabVIEW or Matlab and have an image immediately added to the last log entry. There would also have to be an option to either return a list of entry IDs, or just append to the last entry. Is this possible/likely?


  66214   Fri Feb 20 05:00:40 2009 Question mike ciancimike2.cianci@comcast.netQuestionWindowsV 2.7.5Append a routine entry

I am using the following commands to display the text of all of the entries at once (so that you can read them without having to click on each entry).

Display mode = threaded
Expand Default = 3

Problem is that the information on the page is packed so tightly together (no white space) that it can be hard to read. Especially with single line entries.

Is it possible to automatically append a new line to a routine entry?

THANK YOU for your assistances.


  840   Thu Dec 9 18:39:15 2004 Question auserauserQuestionLinux Anyone try doing majordomo->Elog?
Hi all,

We currently have Elog postings mirrored on to a majordomo email list. 
Invariably, people on this list reply to the listserv and not to the Elog. 
Has anyone tried getting emails to a listserv to autoformat and register as
proper elog entries.  Didn't see any mention of this in the docs or forums.

  69566   Tue Oct 4 20:43:28 2022 Angy mathew goebelmgoebel@emich.eduQuestionLinuxELOG V3.1.4-3d7Anyone else running elogd on redhat ES 8 having random crashes?

For the last couple of months we are getting a random elogd crash once in a while we are getting something like the following in the middle of the night

> Sep 29 20:45:07 elog kernel: server_name686835]: segfault at 7ffd7f5a0000 ip 00007fceaeabbf06 sp 00007ffd7f577348 error 6 in[7fceaea8a000+1bc000]

I'm going to try and see if it will leave a coredump file, just thought I would ask if anyone else had seen this before?





  66662   Thu Jan 7 21:41:43 2010 Question Erik Iversoneiverson@ornl.govQuestionAll2.7.8Any way to paste clipboard into entry?
Is there any way to directly paste an image from a Windows clipboard into an elog entry page?  It's obvious
for uploading a file, but many of my users say that they never make a file, they just want to paste in an image
already onscreen.
  1808   Fri Apr 14 16:30:56 2006 Question Steve Jonessteve.jones@freescale.comQuestionAll2.6.1-1684Any way to move Replies from one logentry to another?
Is there anyway to reattach a reply within a logbook from one logentry to another? I guess it would be "re-associate"?
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6