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icon5.gif   Access to global configuration in v2.6.1, posted by Giorgio Croci Candiani on Thu Jan 19 15:02:38 2006 
I just installed v.2.6.1 coming from the previous 2.6.0 (on Win2000)
When I access the "configuration" function from a logbook, in the cfg page I only see two buttons in the header
(save or cancel); in the previous version I saw more buttons there ("global config", "create new logbook" and so
on), so here I'm unable to access global configuration or logbook management (except for current logbook options).
I am logged in as admin (actually I have a single-user configuration, thus no particular users defined).
I hope this report may be helpful, and not just being caused by a misunderstanding on my side ;)
icon5.gif   Strange Behavior in "Find" Function, posted by Eric Quintero on Tue Dec 16 01:15:40 2014 

Hi all,

We've been happily using ELOG for years, but ran into an odd problem when replacing the old Solaris server that ran the ELOG with a newer box running Ubuntu. 

Basically, when I try to search the log, the URL seems to be malformed. I.e. the form produces the query string:


Instead of a functional one like:


We're running v2.8.1, since we like using the global write password mode; our log is viewable here: Any ideas what could've gone wrong? Installation was pretty straightforward, the code compiled happily on the ubuntu machine. 

Incidentally, I notice this logbook is running V3, using CKeditor. Any hints when these might be available for public use?


icon5.gif   Show attachments = 0, posted by Eric Quintero on Wed Aug 12 23:44:16 2015 

I have "Show attachments = 0" set in [global], but attachments are shown in the "Full" view. Is this the intended behavior? Looking at individual entries correctly hides the attachments. 

We use inline images often, so when an attachement is shown at the bottom of a post it is effectively a duplicate, which clutters things up a bit. 

icon5.gif   Where can I get more information on the config file, posted by Scott Fenstermacher on Mon Jul 8 22:50:16 2002 
Where can I get more information about the config and themes file. I
downloaded the latest version (2.0.4) and the config file docs seem out of
date. I would like to get the icons working as well as getting the email to
work. The demo page at the elog home site shows both but I cannot find ant
references to the icons.
    icon2.gif   Re: Date conversion, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Mar 10 17:30:23 2021 

Do you actually need to convert the date into the internal format? Why not keeping simply the full string YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM. If the use is disciplined enough to always use the correct format, there should be no issue. I invented the datetime format to "force" all date/time inputs to have the correct format. If you have a proper YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM format, even sorting (now by string) should work correctly.

Martin Neumann wrote:


I am trying to figure out how ELOG works and I have a problem.

I have one datetime attribute, where I want the user to be able to enter the time in ISO8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM) instead of the buttons.

How do I manage that this input is converted correctly into the internal format?

I tried adding a hidden locked Attribute called IntDate and use "Subst IntDate = $start" but the result is dates in 1970, even though I have set the Time Format to "%F %H:%M"


icon5.gif   inserting pictures into a post, posted by d. nettles on Wed Jul 17 23:46:01 2002 
does elog have a way of inserting pictures into a post other than including
them as an attachment? i can put a picture in using html text, but this
method only works if the picture is stored on the local server. anyone
placing a post from a remote machine cannot include a picture off of their
any help?
icon5.gif   Private logbook - no guest access?, posted by Ben Shepherd on Tue Mar 20 13:45:20 2007 

I want to set up a logbook which you have to be logged in to be able to read entries. I've already got three logbooks which can be viewed by anyone but only logged-in users can modify them. For the fourth one, I want to have a private logbook which can't be read by 'guest' users. Is this possible?


icon5.gif   Unable to add entries with command line elog.exe with SSL, posted by Antonio Bulgheroni on Fri Jun 28 17:00:10 2019 

Dear all, 

we have a running elog installation using SSL (with the self-signed certificate). Generally we use the web interface, but we have been asked if it was possible to automatically insert elog entries via command line. 

elog.exe should be the answer and so I gave it a try.

I was trying the following command line: 

elog.exe. -h server-ip-address -p 8080 -l demo -s -v -u username password -a "Mass=0" This is a test entry

Of course server-ip-address and username / password were proper fields. 

When I was doing this from the server itself, I got the following message:

Successfully connected to host server-ip-address, port 8080
Possibly invalid certificate, continue on your own risk!

and then the entry was inserted, but when I was typing the same from any other PC I got the error message:

Successfully connected to host server-ip-address, port 8080
elogd server does not run SSL protocol

The entry is of course not added and also the server (that is running in very verbose mode) reported a

SSL_accept failed

How can I fix it?  

Thanks for helping,


ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6