Re: Tool Tips, posted by Grant Jeffcote on Tue Feb 6 21:46:59 2007
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
Grant Jeffcote wrote: | I can't seem to get the Tooltips to show up using the 'ROptions' (radio buttons) though? Could you check if it is available for this please? |
Did I tell that it also works with 'ROptions' ??? It does not! I implemented this just now in revision 1788. The fix will be contained in the next release. |
Sorry, just checking. 
Many thanks Stefan  |
Re: Finding conditions in Search page., posted by Robert-Jan Schrijvers on Fri Mar 2 09:40:28 2007
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
Robert-Jan Schrijvers wrote: | This is my question: when i use the "search/find" page and select the first drop down menu "Locatie", the next field "Sessies" will not be displayed (and all following fields either). On the other hand, when i create a new entry, it works perfect, select "Locatie", field "Sessies" displays his content and so on. I hope that someone can help me with this. |
This was never meant to work like that. On the find page, conditional attributes are not evaluated for following reason: Assume you want to search for Orgus = ZGN. Currently you simply type ZGN in the Orgus field and you're done. With drop down lists, you first would have to select Locatie = extern, then Sessies = Risc/Bus/Sms Pro, and only then you could select Orgus = ZGN. That would require three steps. Technically it's however possible to implement what you want, but I would wait until more people request this. |
Hi Stefan,
tnx for the quick reply/feedback, i'm just a newbee in eLog, but working with it is a nice challenge and gives much pleasure for me and my colleagues. Tnx again and have a nice weekend! |
Re: Upgrade to 2.6.4 broke quick search, posted by T. Ribbrock on Tue Mar 6 17:03:43 2007
T. Ribbrock wrote: |
I just went from 2.6.1 to 2.6.4 and since the upgrade, the quick search drop-down menus no longer work. I can select an attribute, but when I do so, I only get an empty page with the following message:
Attachment #0 of entry #0 not found
Please use your browser's back button to go back [...]
Apparently, this must have been some session-oddity - I just logged out and got an error message about a bad URL. I then went to the base URL of the logbook (i.e. http://server:8080), chose the correct logbook and logged in again. Things work fine since. No idea what went wrong the first time round...
Thomas |
Re: Multiple ideas for multiple logbooks, posted by Yoshio Imai on Wed Apr 4 11:37:56 2007
Stefan Ritt wrote: | Actually there is a way |
... and it works! Thank you!
Stefan Ritt wrote: | I fixed that now in the updated elcode.js. |
That works now, too!
Stefan Ritt wrote: | Your other problem of ignoring the control keys at all I could not reproduce. Try to reproduce it in a well-defined way and let me know. |
I will try to do that (new beamtime, new occasions ... ).
Stefan Ritt wrote: | Maybe you used a userlist attribute for the author? |
No, I didn't. I will try to investigate this further and let you know if I find anything.
So for the moment ... thanks for the help! |
Re: "Guest menu commands" not changing the menu line, posted by Steve Jones on Wed Apr 25 19:44:34 2007
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
Steve Jones wrote: | BTW, WebSVN no longer provides a means of downloading a tar of your code trunk. I had to go to in order to get your 2.6.4-1 revision.
That should be fixed now.
Steve Jones wrote: | Ok, here is what I found. Apparently in the past there was a "Find Menu Commands = " option? Because I had this in my config and elog was not barfing on it being there. So, I changed the word "Find" with "List" and things seems to now work. Stefan, was there an old command called "Find Menu Commands"?
Yes. Indeed this was changes some time ago. Have a look at elog:880. Unfortunately I did not announce this change clearly. |
Quote: |
Ok, I am fixed now (took me awhile to respond - sorry).
Thanks Stefan!
Re: checkbox, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed May 30 22:32:03 2007
deletoille wrote: | I wrote a small program for another group and I have always the same problem of activation box who disappears when I upload a file. On the other hand, I noticed that the problem is only for the conditional attribute and not for the other. Here included the small program. an idea? |
Ok, with your config I could reproduce the problem. I fixed it in revision 1865, the fix will be contained in the next release. |
Re: Show attributes , posted by deletoille on Tue Jul 17 14:05:50 2007
Stefan Ritt wrote: | Grrrr. I already told you in elog:2287 to use Show Attributes Edit instead of Show Attributes. So put following into your config file:
show attributes edit = auteur,Icone, Type Equipement
Note the edit. |
ok sorry sorry
its works with show attributes edit  |
Re: New ELOG version with HTML Editor, posted by An Thai on Tue Nov 13 17:59:35 2007
Congratulation Stefan and Co.!
I think Elog is the first Weblog which supports this feature.
The new integrated HTML WYSIWYG editor is great. Now, my colleagues who are in finance department and don't have good IT-skill will be very happy about this feature.
Thank you for your support and effort.  |