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  2112   Mon Jan 15 09:56:09 2007 Question Ian MacDonaldelog@irm.thamespower.comQuestionAllELOG V2.6.Addition of a Print CSS
Is there any way to change the the embeded style sheet reference to allow a seperate style sheet for printing ?

Default config:-
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="default.css">

Would like to configure to :-

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="default.css media="screen">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="print.css" media="print">

  2162   Tue Mar 13 17:27:49 2007 Entry Justin Ellisonjustin@techadvise.comRequest CurrentAddition of a "Restrict edit attribute" option?
It would be a nice addition to have a config file option named "Restrict edit attribute".

Basically, I would like to have an attribute that was either:

a) An Option Attribute named Status with options of "Open" or "Closed"
b) An Option Attribute named Closed that was boolean.

Then, we could leave the item as editable until either choice "a" above was set to closed or choice "b" was true, at which point only admins could edit the item.

Sound plausible?

  66251   Mon Mar 16 22:33:23 2009 Idea Dongwook Jangdwjang@fnal.govRequestLinux2.7.5-2130Adding texts for each attachment

Dear Stefan,

First of all, I appreciate that you made such a nice program. I've used elog for more than 5 years and it was wonderful experince to me and my research work was very productive with this.

I have a suggestion to you to improve this while I was using elog. If users can add texts or comments for each attachment, it will be great.

I am not sure if someone was already suggested this or it is already in your wish list.

Thank you.

Dongwook Jang

  69388   Sat Aug 28 21:32:09 2021 Warning Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chBug reportLinuxELOG V3.1.4Adding entries without being logged in stopped working with attachments
Hi Stefan (et al),
we have several logbooks that allow to add new entries without logging in first.
That still works, as long as these entries don't have any attachments.
As soon as there is an attachment you are asked to login in the web interface.

I hope that this is not an intentional feature, but a bug?
Several of our software tools now fail to submit elog entries.

The problem occured when we upgraded to ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b.
Version elog-3.1.4-611489b did not show this behaviour.

Kind Regards
  66964   Thu Dec 2 10:15:26 2010 Question Mariusz StakowskiMariusz.Stakowski@asseco.plQuestionLinux2.8.0Adding attachment to an existing entry


I have a problem when I try to edit an existing entry. I want to add an attachment. I can upload an attachment to the existing entry, but submitting it does not seem to work. The  added attachment is not visible. But it exists in logbook directory. The only way I found to add it, is to use "Resubmit as new entry" which is not quite what I want. Is it a design feature or perhaps I'm doing something wrong ?


Best regards


Mariusz Stakowski

  67266   Wed May 9 00:55:08 2012 Question Danielle Gillandersdanielle.gillanders@fortisbc.comQuestionWindowsLatestAdding an image to the top text

Hi there,

I am new to ELOG, trying to add an image (logo) in my top text.

Theme = default
Comment = TRIPLE POINT Log
Top text = Logo.png

results in ‰PNG  .

When I just enter a string of text it seems to work fine... I would really appreciate any help!



  68721   Wed Jan 17 18:11:49 2018 Question Jason Moorejason.moore@viewglass.comQuestionWindows2.7.1-200Adding New User Failed During Email Send

The following error occured during the addition of new user, first time this occured:

"Cannot send email notification to "" Sender address rejected: Domain not found

Please use your browser's back button to go back


We are using version 2.7.1-2002. Could this be a version issue? When we loaded the new version, the browser GUI was scrambled and illegible using Microsoft Edge/Explorer and Firefox.

  2320   Thu Oct 4 12:03:30 2007 Smile Fergus Lynchflynch@alternativenetworks.comRequest ELOG V2.6.Add date and time stamp to file upload

Been using ELOG for a couple of years now and I am very impressed with its functionality.

I would like to request a new feature - add date and time stamp to file upload. We use ELOG (amongst other things!) as a change log and this would really allow allow more accurate records to be kept. For instance we upload router config files (to record changes)and having the exact upload date would be a big enhancement, especially when there are a lot of attachments.

Many Thanks in Advance
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6