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  594   Wed Jul 14 13:31:33 2004 Question Bartjan Wattelwatt0006@mail.hzeeland.nlQuestionWindows2.5.3.Always suppress email notifications
Hi - again a configuration question.

How can I suppress all email notifications? The "Suppress default = 2" flag 
allows me to always produce a notification, but the flag does not provide 
an option to never produce a notification. The flag "Suppress Email on 
edit" does help a bit, but still notifications for new messages will be 

I'm looking forward to your fast response... So far your support is 

Bartjan Wattel
  66297   Fri Apr 10 17:41:25 2009 Question Hal Proctorhproctor@mpm.comQuestionWindows2.7.5-2175Allow password change ???

How do you allow users to change password for a given logbook when the user keeps getting prompted for admin password to enter the change password feature?

I have Allow password change = 1 set global and at each logbook hoping that would work.

It allows them to change the password when and only when the user gets past the admin login when clicking CONFIG.



  1745   Fri Mar 3 18:02:59 2006 Question Steve Jonessteve.jones@freescale.comRequestAll2.6.1Allow $attributes in "Comment = " option
Is it possible to allow $attribute substitutions in the "Comment =" option for logbooks?
  673   Wed Aug 18 11:12:56 2004 Question nait Linux Admin rights lost after upgrade 2.5.2 to 2.5.4
The upgrade was done by just replacing elogd from 2.5.2 to 2.5.4 from the rpm.

Somehow elogd 2.5.4 treat all users as normal user. When clicking on
"config". All admin users has no "change elogd.cfg" button. Revert back to
2.5.2 OK.

Is there anything I need to change to upgrade other than replaceing elogd?
Clearing the cookies didn't help.

  569   Tue Jul 6 13:08:51 2004 Question Geogorilla@yahoo.comQuestionWindows2.5.3Admin right
I have setup top group in my elog . I will want to restrict the different 
admin user on the global and the global on top groups .
But however i am not able to use the configuration on "admin user" on the 
global portion to strict admin of top group to access the main global 
config .
Did i configure it wrongly or is there a way?

And for email notification , is there a way which i can select who to email 
it to ? like check box etc.

And is there a way which i can setup the summary page to refresh every 
15mins , so that new entry can be shown ?

And can i make the message id unique , when i move the messages from one 
log book to another log book , the messages id change accorddingly based on 
the number or messages . Anyway for me to make it fixed even i moved to 
another log book , i need the running number still .

Sorry for the many questions
Thanks for your help
  67511   Wed May 22 22:24:14 2013 Question Hal Proctorhproctor2@gmail.comQuestionWindowslatestAdmin delete option

How can I show the Delete option for Admins? 

So I have a logbook with the following config:


Admin User = me, otherguy

Deny Change Config File = otherguy

Restrict edit = 1

Restrict edit time = 4

Menu commands = List, New, Edit, Reply,Last Day, Find, Config, Help

  69452   Fri Dec 17 11:54:38 2021 Question Mariia Fedkevychmariia.fedkevych@ge.infn.itQuestionAll3.1.4-395e101Adjustment of summary columns

Is it possible to manage the column widths on a logbook's summary page one by one?
Also, is it possible to hide the Text column without actually hiding the text body in entries (as Show Text = 0 in elog.cfg does)?

Kind regards,
  69369   Mon Jun 14 16:15:10 2021 Warning Sebastian Schenksebastian.schenk@physik.uni-halle.deBug reportLinux | Windows | Mac OSX | All | Other3.1.4Additional forbidden attributes

Hello Stefan,

I stubbled on a issue with our elog.
We introduced an attribute "mode" to one of the elogs and it breaks the "Find" function as this attribute is already used for the viewing settings "full", "summary" and "threaded".
(HTTP parameter pollution)

I suspect other special attributes used by the internals of elog should also not be allowed.
A quick search in the "Find" reveals these attributes in the URL, so I guess, these should also be avoided.
This list could be incomplete

npp, ma, da, ya, mb, db, yb, attach, reverse, mode

A simple workaround would be updating the documentation to add these to the list of forbidden attributes.
Maybe a warning can be added, if the elog behaves unexpected, try other attribute names, as they can conflict with internal attributes.

A fix could be to add a prefix for internal attributes, which can't be used for user attributes.

Best wishes,


PS: I also noticed using the "Find" command, the generated URL contains 2 reverse attributes like "reverse=0&reverse=1"

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6