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    Reply   , posted by on Wed Oct 13 20:48:52 2004 
> Date:  Mon, 11 Oct 2004 12:26:28 -3736512

The timezone offset (-3736512) is obtained from the "timezone" variable, which
is initialized with the tzset() function inside elogd. See "man tzset" for
details. It looks like if the timezone on your FreeBSD box is not correctly

Try to compile and execute following C program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

   printf("timezone: %d\n", timezone);

This should print something like "timezone: -3600". If not, you might consider
defining the "TZ" environment variable. Maybe some FreeBSD expert knows some
details about this.
    Reply   , posted by on Wed Oct 13 20:48:52 2004 
> Date:  Mon, 11 Oct 2004 12:26:28 -3736512

The timezone offset (-3736512) is obtained from the "timezone" variable, which
is initialized with the tzset() function inside elogd. See "man tzset" for
details. It looks like if the timezone on your FreeBSD box is not correctly

Try to compile and execute following C program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

   printf("timezone: %d\n", timezone);

This should print something like "timezone: -3600". If not, you might consider
defining the "TZ" environment variable. Maybe some FreeBSD expert knows some
details about this.
    Reply   , posted by on Wed Oct 13 20:48:52 2004 
> Date:  Mon, 11 Oct 2004 12:26:28 -3736512

The timezone offset (-3736512) is obtained from the "timezone" variable, which
is initialized with the tzset() function inside elogd. See "man tzset" for
details. It looks like if the timezone on your FreeBSD box is not correctly

Try to compile and execute following C program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

   printf("timezone: %d\n", timezone);

This should print something like "timezone: -3600". If not, you might consider
defining the "TZ" environment variable. Maybe some FreeBSD expert knows some
details about this.
    Reply   , posted by on Wed Oct 13 20:48:52 2004 
> Date:  Mon, 11 Oct 2004 12:26:28 -3736512

The timezone offset (-3736512) is obtained from the "timezone" variable, which
is initialized with the tzset() function inside elogd. See "man tzset" for
details. It looks like if the timezone on your FreeBSD box is not correctly

Try to compile and execute following C program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

   printf("timezone: %d\n", timezone);

This should print something like "timezone: -3600". If not, you might consider
defining the "TZ" environment variable. Maybe some FreeBSD expert knows some
details about this.
    Reply   , posted by on Fri Oct 15 08:15:38 2004 
> I have a problem here which the ELOG service get terminated unexpectedly
> on the Windows Server.
> Is there any way to debug this problem ?

One can start the elogd server manually. So stop the service, and start 

c:\program files\elogd\elogd.exe -v

The "-v" flag shows all network traffic between the server and the browser. So
maybe the last conversation before the crash can tell us something. Make a
screendump of it and send it to me.
    Reply   , posted by on Sun Oct 17 22:47:39 2004 
Ok, i compiled the code below and ran it,
it prints out:

timezone: 134513644

but in BASH shell if i type DATE, then this is the output:
Mon Oct 18 09:44:00 NZDT 2004
so it does know about NZ time...

Anyone got ideas?

Thanks all.

> > Date:  Mon, 11 Oct 2004 12:26:28 -3736512
> The timezone offset (-3736512) is obtained from the "timezone" variable, which
> is initialized with the tzset() function inside elogd. See "man tzset" for
> details. It looks like if the timezone on your FreeBSD box is not correctly
> defined. 
> Try to compile and execute following C program:
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <time.h>
> main()
> {
>    tzset();
>    printf("timezone: %d\n", timezone);
> }
> This should print something like "timezone: -3600". If not, you might consider
> defining the "TZ" environment variable. Maybe some FreeBSD expert knows some
> details about this.
    Reply   , posted by on Sun Oct 17 22:47:39 2004 
    Reply   , posted by on Mon Oct 18 13:47:20 2004 
> > I have a problem here which the ELOG service get terminated unexpectedly
> > on the Windows Server.
> > Is there any way to debug this problem ?
> One can start the elogd server manually. So stop the service, and start 
> c:\program files\elogd\elogd.exe -v
> The "-v" flag shows all network traffic between the server and the browser. So
> maybe the last conversation before the crash can tell us something. Make a
> screendump of it and send it to me.

Here is the screen dump after we perform a deletion .
Another my the other thread , i show another dump when a move is perform


GET /IFSOCC+Current/1?cmd=Delete&nextmsg=0&confirm=Yes HTTP/1.0
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/
powerpoint, application/, application/msword, application/x-shockwav
e-flash, */*
Accept-Language: en-us
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)
Connection: Keep-Alive
Cookie: urem=0; unm=ifsocc; upwd=dHBmc3Bk; SMSESSION=uvdhD3MUFAkDID0huNAnYhdoJxb

xrealloc: not enough memory
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6