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  1544   Sat Dec 10 02:01:33 2005 Question Carl Shireycarl.shirey@pw.utc.comInfo  2.6.0-bata5
Do you have 2.6.0-bata5 for linux as setup for RPM install. I was able to locate the version for windows but not for linux.
Thanks for your help.
  65944   Fri Aug 8 00:44:26 2008 Question dale cooperagentdcooper@gmail.comQuestionAll2.7.4x2 questions :: different colors in list view based on "type" + change verbage of "type"

hello all,

#1 i love ELOG : excellent app! i would like to ask/present a question here -- I have a couple of TYPE's defined as;

       Options Type = Day Shift, Swing Shift, Night Shift
What I'd love to be able to do, is depending on what TYPE was selected during the creation of a NEW ENTRY in the ELOG "shift log" I'd love to display in the LIST VIEW (full, summary, or threaded views) different color's based on which TYPE was selected...

for example, if someone chose "Day Shift" that would be listed with a GREEN background, if someone chooses "Swing Shift" that gets a BLUE background, and so forth... I am wondering how one would go about implementing this?

second question... instead of listing the column named TYPE, can I just change it somewhere in the config to "SHIFT" so that in the list view, and even when in the NEW ENTRY form, I'd like it to show "Shift" instead of TYPE --- really I am just wondering if I can change the verbage that ELOG is using for the term TYPE? Is that doable?


Thanks for the app, I look forward to any reponses! I been editing the CSS, and once done think I'll add it to yr Config Examples, as I don't see many CSS themes there...


  970   Thu Mar 3 16:46:26 2005 Question Alex   2 Extendable options when created new entries

I try to have two Extendable options : Client and Equipment
so here is the line in my elogd.cfg
Extendable options = Client, Equipment

When I create a new entrie, I have the 2 scroll menus(Client and 
Equipment) and the 2 buttons(Client and Equipment) but i can't create 2 
news entries, i must create one for client, after I submit, I edit one 
more time and add a new equipement. Is there a solution for this?

Thanks a lot and sorry for mistakes or problem of comprehension i'am 
french :)
  69141   Thu Apr 16 11:03:03 2020 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportLinuxELOG V3.1.3-... subject erased ...
I found two potential memory leaks which I fixed in the git version, so you can try again.

Another possibility, which is actually preferred, is to limit the size of the subject filed to a reasonable number. You can do that with following option

Format subject = 0, attribname, attribvalue, 80, 200

This shows the subject line with a width of 80 characters, but does only allow 200 characters to be entered there.

  69142   Thu Apr 16 11:12:32 2020 Reply Stefano Lacaprarastefano.lacaprara@pd.infn.itBug reportLinuxELOG V3.1.3-... subject erased ...
> I found two potential memory leaks which I fixed in the git version, so you can try again.

Just tested, and it works! Many thanks for very quick patch!

> Another possibility, which is actually preferred, is to limit the size of the subject filed to a reasonable number. You can do that with following 
> Format subject = 0, attribname, attribvalue, 80, 200

Yes, that is a good suggestion, I'll implemented it.

Many thanks again!


> This shows the subject line with a width of 80 characters, but does only allow 200 characters to be entered there.
> Best,
> Stefan
  469   Fri Feb 13 12:25:15 2004 Warning Heiko Linux2.5.0-W -Wall options (using gcc)
Maybe consider using the options -W -Wall when compiling elogd.
There are several warning messages.
  69636   Tue Jan 31 17:40:22 2023 Warning Frank HeyrothnoBug reportLinux3.1.5-1*.cxx files missing in elog-3.1.5-1.tar.gz
I downloaded the last elog-3.1.5-1.tar.gz to install elog.

All *.cxx files are missing.
  66409   Wed Jun 24 13:23:49 2009 Entry Michael Husbynmichael.husbyn@gmail.comBug reportWindows2.7.6(my) Firefox breaks Elog with this config file
Hi, Did a fresh install on a Windows 2003 server (and tried it on my personal computer) After startup I can click on Norway/nor, and then the server just stops responding. I see in the log nothing, the last line: Received unknown cooke "style" Then it stops responding and after a few seconds I see the dos window returns to commandline prompt. Probably a very bad config file. On Windows XP it informs we of Dr Watson, memory could not be read message. Using Firefox 3.0.11 But if I use IE 7, no problem at all.. Any suggestion? Best regards Michael Husbyn
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6