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  780   Mon Nov 15 09:38:39 2004        
> I didn't see the RSS button in Firefox, however the URL:
> works fine in with Bloglines (

You need Firefox 1.0 Preview or later.

> I've installed the lastest elog (v2.5.5)--how do I turn it on for a particular
> logbook?

It's on by default for all logbooks.
  772   Mon Nov 15 09:38:39 2004        
> I didn't see the RSS button in Firefox, however the URL:
> works fine in with Bloglines (

You need Firefox 1.0 Preview or later.

> I've installed the lastest elog (v2.5.5)--how do I turn it on for a particular
> logbook?

It's on by default for all logbooks.
  775   Mon Nov 15 09:54:45 2004        
IE 6 chokes on the XML, below is what I get for
(sorry this is in french).
So I assume all rss reader parsing the file with the MS XML parser shall also 
have a problem, this is the case with Avant Browser integrated RSS reader.



La page XML ne peut pas être affichée 
Impossible d'afficher l'entrée XML en utilisant la feuille de style XSL. 
Corrigez l'erreur, puis cliquez sur le bouton Actualiser ou réessayez 


Un caractère incorrect a été trouvé dans un contenu de texte. Erreur de 
traitement de la ressource

<title>Re: $message id  gives wrong value - Gernman traslalation of Back, posted 
by Ulrich Tr
  776   Mon Nov 15 12:51:44 2004        
  785   Mon Nov 15 13:24:44 2004        
> > I didn't see the RSS button in Firefox, however the URL:
> > 
> >
> > works fine in with Bloglines (
> You need Firefox 1.0 Preview or later.
> > I've installed the lastest elog (v2.5.5)--how do I turn it on for a particular
> > logbook?
> It's on by default for all logbooks.

Hmmm, I've made some entries to several logbooks (running 2.5.5), but I still don't
see the elog.rdf file:

find /usr/local/elog -name elog.rdf

<no files found>
  788   Mon Nov 15 20:50:01 2004 Question damon   stunnel problems with new version
i am trying to implement ssl features on our logbooks. however, it seems
that stunnel has drastically changed their program and the usual startup
procedures listed on the elog page don't work.
so, what is the new method for getting elog set up with stunnel?
  792   Mon Nov 15 21:59:56 2004 Reply damon   Re: stunnel problems with new version
> > i am trying to implement ssl features on our logbooks. however, it seems
> > that stunnel has drastically changed their program and the usual startup
> > procedures listed on the elog page don't work.
> > so, what is the new method for getting elog set up with stunnel?
> stunnel is kind of a deprecated feature. Better use the SSL proxy of Apache,
> as written in the elog admin guide. If someone else figures out how to use the
> more revent stunnel, I'm willing to update the documentation.

okay. that's good to know. i'll try using the apache method instead. but, there is
something wrong with the "secure" link to an example on the elog administrator's
  798   Tue Nov 16 17:49:54 2004 Question damon   elog password access without users
is there a way to set up a logbook so that a password is required to get
into it, but no username?
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6