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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icon Author Author Email Categorydown OS ELOG Version Subject
  793   Tue Nov 16 17:49:54 2004 Question damon   elog password access without users
is there a way to set up a logbook so that a password is required to get
into it, but no username?
  797   Tue Nov 16 18:07:31 2004 Question Stefan   Re: elog password access without users
> i
  794   Tue Nov 16 18:07:31 2004 Question Stefan   Re: elog password access without users
> is there a way to set up a logbook so that a password is required to get
> into it, but no username?

Have a look under "Access control" in the manual. What you need is "Read
  795   Tue Nov 16 22:06:29 2004 Question damon   Re: elog password access without users
> > is there a way to set up a logbook so that a password is required to get
> > into it, but no username?
> Have a look under "Access control" in the manual. What you need is "Read
> Password".

thanks. that seems to get me the functionality i needed. is there any way to
get rid of the username line when using the "Read Password" feature? as it is
now, you can either leave it blank or enter anything you want, so long as you
use the correct password it still works. however, to keep users from getting
confused, i think it would be better to only have a box asking you for the
password and not both the password and username.
  796   Tue Nov 16 22:45:24 2004 Reply Stefan   Re: elog password access without users
> thanks. that seems to get me the functionality i needed. is there any way to
> get rid of the username line when using the "Read Password" feature?

No, this is an HTTP standard. The dialog box is generated by your browser, and I
do not know any way to prevent it.
  819   Fri Nov 26 17:13:27 2004 Smile damon   Securing Elog with SSL and Apache
there is a guide on the contributions logbook at


for securing Elog using SSL and Apache.
  825   Fri Dec 3 08:43:49 2004        
God really STRANGE and problematic effect on 2.5.5-1 (can't remember it this
was with 2.5.5 or 2.5.4-X but i'm nearly sure it worked well):

Entering a date (Formate Bithday = date) may crash down the server:
Value is 22.2.2004: Everything is well
Value is 22.2.1962: Server crashes emmediatly (menas restarzing several
times, always the same problem)

I do not have time to check true all the years for finding out where the
problem may beginn, sorry. Also I was not able to check on other systems
right now. My system: Win XP Pro SP 1, IE 6 as well as Mozilla Calssic 1.7.3. 

Didn't check it under Linux right know in case of a lot work.

Clould you this fix please Stefan???  THANK'X!!!
  854   Sun Dec 19 16:55:03 2004 Question Heiko Linux?forum entries not displayed in correct order
I just submitted a reply to elog:847 (the reply is elog:853).
Normally the thead containing the reply should now be listed as
the top thread.  Instead only the original message of the thread
(elog:820) is listed but the remaining messages in the thread are not 
listed.  It seems the problem is that for elog:820 the 'reply to this'
header is missing.  And elog:820 and elog:824 are the same messages
except that for elog:824 the subject is missing.  Actually ALL attributes
for elog:824 are missing.

I guess you could fix things up if you:
- add 'reply to this: 823' to elog:820
- remove entry elog:824
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