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ID Date Icon Authordown Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  68946   Mon Apr 29 02:41:15 2019 Question Alan Grantagrant@winnipeg.caQuestionWindows3.1.2Last default = <n>

According to the doc on the setting "Last default = <n>" it is intended to restrict Quick Filter searches to the last (n) days of entries, however when I add "Last default = 28" to config it still returns entries far older then 28 days when using the filter search. Am I misunderstanding, or implementing it wrong? We must restrict searches through QF to reduce load.

A couple other side questions which are related:

The doc on this setting says: "Last default = <n>
Some logbooks are very big ans searching through all entries with quick filter can be time consuming. This option sets a default value for the Date quick filter, so that by default only the <n> days are displayed." ...... I'm assuming that by saying "only the <n> days are displayed" that it has actually only searched <n> days ................ vs seaching ALL the logbooks but only displaying <n> days. Please confirm.

Also, why wouldn't the "28" days spec display in the Select Period box beside the Quick Filters? Otherwise it appears to me to be a separate and conflicting item. Best regards!

  68948   Mon Apr 29 17:48:13 2019 Reply Alan Grantagrant@winnipeg.caQuestionWindows3.1.2Re: Last default = <n>

I just changed to Last default = 31 and even restarted elogd.exe but it still finds a given string older than 31 days. Also the default Select Period box value next to the QF's remains at All Entries. My understanding is it shoud behave like Find, where Show Last Default = 31 should default the display to Month, and also only search within the last month of entries.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Indeed the description of the "Last default = <n>" option is not clear. I just updated that. If you have a quick filter "Date", then you have different options there like "Last day", "Last 3 days", "Last week", "Last month", "Last 3 months", "Last 6 months", "Last year". Each of these options has an underlying number of days, which are 1, 3, 7, 31, 92, 182, 364. In the "Last default = <n>" option you can only choose one of these seven options. Then this option is selected by default and the filter is applied accordingly. This lets you still change the date filter to a longer time period for example, but then with the penalty of longer search times.

So what you need is "Last default = 31" instead of 28 and it should work.


Alan Grant wrote:

According to the doc on the setting "Last default = <n>" it is intended to restrict Quick Filter searches to the last (n) days of entries, however when I add "Last default = 28" to config it still returns entries far older then 28 days when using the filter search. Am I misunderstanding, or implementing it wrong? We must restrict searches through QF to reduce load.

A couple other side questions which are related:

The doc on this setting says: "Last default = <n>
Some logbooks are very big ans searching through all entries with quick filter can be time consuming. This option sets a default value for the Date quick filter, so that by default only the <n> days are displayed." ...... I'm assuming that by saying "only the <n> days are displayed" that it has actually only searched <n> days ................ vs seaching ALL the logbooks but only displaying <n> days. Please confirm.

Also, why wouldn't the "28" days spec display in the Select Period box beside the Quick Filters? Otherwise it appears to me to be a separate and conflicting item. Best regards!



  68958   Wed May 1 15:28:41 2019 Reply Alan Grantagrant@winnipeg.caQuestionWindows3.1.2Re: Last default = <n>

I was just referring to "Show last default" (under Find) as a parallel example of how I assume "Last default" should function on the List page.

I also tried values 3 and 7 but "All entries" still displays in the "List period" box. A restart of elogd makes no difference.

Elog v3.1.2, Windows Server 2016 Std, 64 bit.

If you don't mind, I have attached my elogd.cfg. I realize you are quite busy so there is no rush. Thanks.

PS: I just noticed that the attached elogd.cfg indicates version 2.9.2 but it's actually 3.1.2 I have installed (just forgot to update the Welcome line).

Stefan Ritt wrote:

You say "Show Last Default = 31". This options applies only to the "Find" page, the option "Last Default = 31" works for the quick filter. Probably you have to change "Show Last Default" to "Last Default".


Alan Grant wrote:

I just changed to Last default = 31 and even restarted elogd.exe but it still finds a given string older than 31 days. Also the default Select Period box value next to the QF's remains at All Entries. My understanding is it shoud behave like Find, where Show Last Default = 31 should default the display to Month, and also only search within the last month of entries.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Indeed the description of the "Last default = <n>" option is not clear. I just updated that. If you have a quick filter "Date", then you have different options there like "Last day", "Last 3 days", "Last week", "Last month", "Last 3 months", "Last 6 months", "Last year". Each of these options has an underlying number of days, which are 1, 3, 7, 31, 92, 182, 364. In the "Last default = <n>" option you can only choose one of these seven options. Then this option is selected by default and the filter is applied accordingly. This lets you still change the date filter to a longer time period for example, but then with the penalty of longer search times.

So what you need is "Last default = 31" instead of 28 and it should work.


Alan Grant wrote:

According to the doc on the setting "Last default = <n>" it is intended to restrict Quick Filter searches to the last (n) days of entries, however when I add "Last default = 28" to config it still returns entries far older then 28 days when using the filter search. Am I misunderstanding, or implementing it wrong? We must restrict searches through QF to reduce load.

A couple other side questions which are related:

The doc on this setting says: "Last default = <n>
Some logbooks are very big ans searching through all entries with quick filter can be time consuming. This option sets a default value for the Date quick filter, so that by default only the <n> days are displayed." ...... I'm assuming that by saying "only the <n> days are displayed" that it has actually only searched <n> days ................ vs seaching ALL the logbooks but only displaying <n> days. Please confirm.

Also, why wouldn't the "28" days spec display in the Select Period box beside the Quick Filters? Otherwise it appears to me to be a separate and conflicting item. Best regards!





Attachment 1: elogd.cfg
;URL =
;port = 8080
SSL = 1
Logfile = ActivityLog.txt
Logging level = 3
;Protect Selection page = 1
Password file = passwd
Login expiration = 0
Admin user = agrant, rbacit, creynold
Self register = 0
SMTP host = citygw
Search all logbooks = 2
Use Lock = 1
Allow HTML = 1
Refresh = 120
;CSS = test1.css

Main Tab = Main Menu
Page title = <p>Elog Main Menu</p>
;Welcome title = 
<img border=0 src="wpalogo.png"><p align="center"><font size=1 color="gold"><cite><a href="" target="_blank"><u><FONT COLOR="gold">Elog v2.9.2</u></font></a> by Stefan Ritt. WPA <a href="\\cowsvpwb04\elog\elogresources\update statistics.html" target="_blank"><u><font size=1 color="gold">version</font></u></a> configured and customized by Alan Grant.</font></cite></p><hr size=2>
<p><font size=5 color=white>Welcome to the Elog site</font><p><font size=3 color=white>Please select a log book from the following list:</font>
<p> Welcome title =
<img border=0 src="wpalogo.png"><p align="center"><font size=1 color="gold"><cite><a href="" target="_blank"><u><FONT COLOR="gold">Elog v2.9.2</u></font></a> by Stefan Ritt. WPA <a href="C:\tmp\Importer.htm" target="_blank"><u><font size=1 color="gold">version</font></u></a> configured and customized by Alan Grant.</font></cite></p><hr size=2>
<p><font size=5 color=white>Welcome to the Elog site</font><p><font size=3 color=white>Please select a log book from the following list:</font>
<p> Top text =
<img src="wpalogo.png" border="0"><hr size=3> Group Parking Enforcement Log Books = Tartan Tow Log Bottom text = <p align="center"><font face="arial" size=2 color="blue"><cite><a href=" Question/Suggestion"><u>Got a suggestion or question about Elog?</u></a></b></font></cite></p> Display mode = summary [Tartan Tow Log] ;***************************** ; Tab characteristics section: ;***************************** Page Title = ELOG - $subject ;Hosts allow = ;Hosts deny = 172.28. Hidden = 0 Login user = ted, althea, tartan, 311, wpa, pwd, wps, wpa-dispatch, jimmy, x-saynsl, TowLogImporter, wpa-office, kmanaigre, jbrnjas, nprocyk, rbacit, tpearce1, nvujadin, delk, fleet, clerk, jwilson, rarabsky, dkharva, rloewen, jhawkins, jlamber3, dblazewicz, rbhandar, wpa-lien ;Theme = default Allow HTML = 1 Enable attachments = 0 Show attachments = 0 Restrict edit = 1 Restrict edit time = 12 Reverse sort = 1 Mode commands = 0 ;Search all logbooks = 2 Quick filter = Date, ID, Request Date, Plate, Agency, Citation, Category, District, Location-Pickup, Location-Dropoff, Status, Subtext Last default = 7 ;Show last default = 31 List Menu commands = New, Find, Logout, Config Menu commands = List, Edit, Duplicate, Delete, Back, Logout Deny New = 311, wpa, pwd, wps, wpa-office ;Deny Find = tartan Deny Edit = 311, wpa, pwd, wps, wpa-office, wpa-dispatch, tpearce1, nvujadin, x-saynsl, wpa-lien Deny Duplicate = 311, wpa, pwd, wps, wpa-office, tpearce1, wpa-dispatch, nvujadin, clerk, x-saynsl, kmanaigre, jwilson, dkharva, rloewen, jhawkins, jlamber3, wpa-lien Deny Delete = tartan, 311, wpa, pwd, wps, TowLogImporter, wpa-office, wpa-dispatch, kmanaigre, jbrnjas, nprocyk, tpearce1, x-saynsl, nvujadin, delk, fleet, clerk, jwilson, dkharva, rloewen, jhawkins, jlamber3, wpa-lien Deny Login = 311, wpa, pwd, wpa-dispatch, wpa-office, kmanaigre, jbrnjas, tpearce1, nvujadin, dkharva, rloewen, jhawkins, jlamber3, wpa-lien Deny Config = tartan, 311, wpa, pwd, wps, wpa-dispatch, TowLogImporter, wpa-office, kmanaigre, jbrnjas, nprocyk, tpearce1, x-saynsl, nvujadin, delk, fleet, clerk, jwilson, dkharva, rloewen, jhawkins, jlamber3, wpa-lien Suppress execute default = 1 List after submit = 1 Suppress Email to users = 0 Suppress default = 0 Suppress Email on edit = 0 Display Email recipients = 1 ;Email Category In Warrant Status =,,,, Email Category "In Warrant Status" = "", "", "", "", "" Use Email Subject = $Plate Use Email From = ELOG@Tow.Report Entries per page = 12 Summary lines = 0 ;auto-refresh... ;Bottom text = <script language="JavaScript">if (null==window.location.href.match('/[0-9]+$|.*(cmd|select)=.*') ) { window.setTimeout("location.reload();", 2*60*1000); now=new Date(); document.write('<br/><font size="2">This page auto-refreshed every 2 minutes: <b>'+now.getFullYear()+'/'+(now.getMonth()+1)+'/'+now.getDate()+', '+( ((h=now.getHours())<10) ? '0'+h :h)+':'+( ((m=now.getMinutes())<10) ? '0'+m :m)+':'+( ((s=now.getSeconds())<10) ? '0'+s :s)+'</b></font><p align="center"><font face="arial" size=2 color="blue"><cite><a href=" Question/Suggestion"><u>Got a suggestion or question about Elog?</u></a></b></font></cite></p>') }</script> ;Bottom text = This page auto-refreshed every 2 minutes Logout to main = 1 ;*********************************** ; Attribute characteristics section: ;*********************************** Attributes = Request Date, Request Time, System Received Date, System Received Time, Province/State, Plate, Make, Model, Color, VIN, Agency, Officer, Citation, Offence, Offence Desc, Category, District, Location-Pickup, Cross Streets-Pickup, GPS-Pickup, Pickup Date, Pickup Time, Location-Dropoff, Cross Streets-Dropoff, GPS-Dropoff, Drop Date, Drop Time, Tow Unit, Status, Cancellation Reason, ExternalUpdateTimeStamp ;Format Request Time = 1 ;Format System Received Time = 1 ;Format Model = 1 ;Format Color = 1 ;Format Officer = 1 ;Format Offence Desc = 1 ;Format GPS-Pickup = 1 ;Format Pickup Time = 1 ;Format GPS-Dropoff = 1 ;Format Drop Time = 1 ;Format Cancellation Reason = 1 List Display = ID, Edit, Request Date, Request Time, Plate, Citation, Category, Location-Pickup, Cross Streets-Pickup, Pickup Time, Location-Dropoff,Cross Streets-Dropoff, Drop Time, Status Locked Attributes = System Received Date, System Received Time, GPS-Pickup, GPS-Dropoff, ExternalUpdateTimeStamp Show attributes = Request Date, Request Time, System Received Date, System Received Time, Province/State, Plate, Make, Model, Color, VIN, Agency, Officer, Citation, Offence, Offence Desc, Category, District, Location-Pickup, Cross Streets-Pickup, GPS-Pickup, Pickup Date, Pickup Time, Location-Dropoff, Cross Streets-Dropoff, GPS-Dropoff, Drop Date, Drop Time, Tow Unit, Status, Cancellation Reason, ExternalUpdateTimeStamp Show attributes edit = Request Date, Request Time, System Received Date, System Received Time, Province/State, Plate, Make, Model, Color, VIN, Agency, Officer, Citation, Offence, Offence Desc, Category, District, Location-Pickup, Cross Streets-Pickup, GPS-Pickup, Pickup Date, Pickup Time, Location-Dropoff, Cross Streets-Dropoff, GPS-Dropoff, Drop Date, Drop Time, Tow Unit, Status, Cancellation Reason, ExternalUpdateTimeStamp Required Attributes = Request Date, Request Time, Plate, Officer, Category, Location-Pickup, Cross Streets-Pickup, Status ;Required Attributes = Plate, Agency, District, Location-Pickup, Status, Cancellation Reason Fixed Attributes Edit = Request Date, Request Time, System Received Date, System Received Time, Province/State, Plate, Make, Model, Color, VIN, Agency, Officer, Citation, Offence, Offence Desc, Category, District, Location-Pickup, Cross Streets-Pickup, GPS-Pickup, ExternalUpdateTimeStamp Preset District = UNKNOWN Preset Status = Waiting Preset Cancellation Reason = N/A Options Agency = WPA, Transit, WPS, Street Constable, Other Options Category = No Stopping Anytime, Rush Hour AM, Rush Hour PM, Street Work, Courtesy Tow, Snow Route, RPB, Bus Stop, Obstructing, Private Property, Other, In Warrant Status, Rush Hour, No Stop, Too close/in an intersection, Obstructing, No Park St. Works/Special Event, Declared Snow Route, Others Options District = UNKNOWN, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, B10, B11, B12, B13, B14, B15, BK1, BK2, BK3, BK4, BK5, AD1, AD2, AD3, AD4, AD5, AD6, AD7, AD8 Options Status = Waiting{1}, Picked Up{1}, Closed{1}, Cash Released{1}, GOA{1}, Paid Bailiff{1}, Cancel{2}, Delayed{1}, Unassigned{1} ;Options Location-Dropoff = 41 HIGGINS, CANCELLED, GOA, RELEASED, SEE CROSS STREET DROPOFF {1} Options Cancellation Reason = N/A {2} Options Cancellation Reason = Requesting officer, Other Cell Style Status Waiting = background-color:#DC143C Cell Style Status Picked Up = background-color:#FFA500 Cell Style Status Cancel = background-color:#20B2AA Cell Style Status Delayed = background-color:#87CEEB Cell Style Category In Warrant Status = background-color:#DC143C List Change Location-Pickup = <a href="$Location-Pickup, winnipeg" target="_blank">$Location-Pickup</a> Change Location-Pickup = <a href="$Location-Pickup, winnipeg" target="_blank">$Location-Pickup</a> List Change Location-Dropoff = <a href="$Location-Dropoff, winnipeg" target="_blank">$Location-Dropoff</a> Change Location-Dropoff = <a href="$Location-Dropoff, winnipeg" target="_blank">$Location-Dropoff</a> Link Display = ID, Plate, Location-Pickup, Location-Dropoff Comment Request Date = (Mmm DD/YY) Comment Request Time = (HH:MM - 24 Hr format) Comment System Received Date = (System derived) Comment System Received Time = (System derived) Comment Province/State = (Two letter code) Comment Plate = (If UNKNOWN use VIN) Comment Make = (Vehicle) Comment Model = (Vehicle) Comment Color = (Vehicle) Comment VIN = (Vehicle) Comment Agency = (If Other, may add comments below) Comment Officer = (Badge number) Comment Citation = (Issued by Officer) Comment Offence = (Numeric code) Comment Offence Desc = (Description of offence code) Comment Category = (If Other, may add comments below) Comment District = (City district, or UNKNOWN) Comment Location-Pickup = (Single street with address) Comment Cross Streets-Pickup = (Provide cross streets where no address #) Comment GPS-Pickup = (GPS coords of Pickup location) Comment Pickup Date = (Mmm DD/YY) Comment Pickup Time = (HH:MM - 24 Hr format) Comment Location-Dropoff = (Single street with address, or compound) Comment Cross Streets-Dropoff = (Provide cross streets where no address #) Comment GPS-Dropoff = (GPS coords of Drop location) Comment Drop Date = (Mmm DD/YY) Comment Drop Time = (HH:MM - 24 Hr format) Comment Tow Unit = (Tow truck number) Comment Cancellation Reason = (Reason for cancelled tow request) Comment ExternalUpdateTimeStamp = (External System Use Only) Tooltip Request Date = Input by imported transaction Tooltip Request Time = Input by imported transaction Tooltip System Received Date = Input by Importer system Tooltip System Received Time = Input by Importer system Tooltip Province/State = Input by imported transaction Tooltip Plate = Input by imported transaction Tooltip Make = Input by imported transaction Tooltip Model = Input by imported transaction Tooltip Color = Input by imported transaction Tooltip VIN = Input by imported transaction Tooltip Agency = Derived by source of imported transaction Tooltip Officer = Input by imported transaction Tooltip Citation = Input by imported transaction Tooltip Offence = Input by imported transaction Tooltip Offence Desc = Input by imported transaction Tooltip Category = Derived by offence type of imported transaction Tooltip District = Input by imported transaction Tooltip Location-Pickup = Input by imported transaction Tooltip Cross Streets-Pickup = Input by imported transaction Tooltip GPS-Pickup = Input by imported transaction Tooltip Pickup Date = Input by towing dispatcher Tooltip Pickup Time = Input by towing dispatcher Tooltip Location-Dropoff = Input by towing dispatcher Tooltip Cross Streets-Dropoff = Input by towing dispatcher Tooltip GPS-Dropoff = Input by tracking system) Tooltip Drop Date = Input by towing dispatcher Tooltip Drop Time = Input by towing dispatcher Tooltip Tow Unit = Input by towing dispatcher Tooltip Cancellation Reason = Input by towing dispatcher for cancelled tows only Tooltip ExternalUpdateTimeStamp = Timestamp of update coming from Beacon) [Dr Hook Tow Log] ;***************************** ; Tab characteristics section: ;***************************** Page Title = ELOG - $subject ;Hosts allow = ;Hosts deny = 172.28. Hidden = 0 Login user = ted, althea, todd, hook, 311, wpa, pwd, TowLogImporter, wpa-office, wpa-dispatch, tpearce1, x-saynsl, nvujadin, clerk, jroscoe, stanley, lowson, jwilson, dkharva, rloewen, jhawkins, jlamber3, rarabsky, dblazewicz ;Theme = default Allow HTML = 1 Enable attachments = 0 Show attachments = 0 Restrict edit = 1 Restrict edit time = 99999 Reverse sort = 1 Mode commands = 0 Search all logbooks = 2 Quick filter = Date, ID, Request Date, Plate, VIN, Agency, Citation, Category, District, Location-Pickup, Location-Dropoff, Status, Subtext List Menu commands = New, Find, Logout, Config Menu commands = List, Edit, Duplicate, Delete, Back, Logout Deny New = 311, wpa, pwd, wps, wpa-office, tpearce1, nvujadin, rarabsky Deny Find = hook Deny Edit= 311, wpa, pwd, wps, wpa-office, tpearce1, nvujadin, x-saynsl, jroscoe, rloewen, jhawkins, jlamber3, rarabsky Deny Duplicate = 311, wpa, pwd, wps, wpa-office, tpearce1, nvujadin, clerk, x-saynsl, jroscoe, , stanley, lowson, stanley, lowson, jwilson, dkharva, rloewen, jhawkins, jlamber3, rarabsky Deny Delete = hook, 311, wpa, pwd, wps, TowLogImporter, wpa-office, tpearce1, x-saynsl, nvujadin, clerk, jroscoe, stanley, lowson, jwilson, dkharva, rloewen, jhawkins, jlamber3, rarabsky Deny Login = 311, wpa, pwd, wps, wpa-office, tpearce1, nvujadin, rarabsky Deny Config = hook, 311, wpa, pwd, wps, TowLogImporter, wpa-office, tpearce1, x-saynsl, nvujadin, clerk, jroscoe, stanley, lowson, jwilson, dkharva, rloewen, jhawkins, jlamber3, rarabsky Suppress execute default = 1 List after submit = 1 Suppress Email to users = 0 Suppress default = 2 Suppress Email on edit = 2 ;Email "Plate" =, Use Email Subject = $Plate Use Email From = ELOG@Tow.Report Entries per page = 12 Summary lines = 0 ;auto-refresh... Bottom text = <script language="JavaScript">if (null==window.location.href.match('/[0-9]+$|.*(cmd|select)=.*') ) { window.setTimeout("location.reload();", 2*60*1000); now=new Date(); document.write('<br/><font size="2">This page auto-refreshed every 2 minutes: <b>'+now.getFullYear()+'/'+(now.getMonth()+1)+'/'+now.getDate()+', '+( ((h=now.getHours())<10) ? '0'+h :h)+':'+( ((m=now.getMinutes())<10) ? '0'+m :m)+':'+( ((s=now.getSeconds())<10) ? '0'+s :s)+'</b></font><p align="center"><font face="arial" size=2 color="blue"><cite><a href=" Question/Suggestion"><u>Got a suggestion or question about Elog?</u></a></b></font></cite></p>') }</script> Logout to main = 1 ;*********************************** ; Attribute characteristics section: ;*********************************** Attributes = Request Date, Request Time, System Received Date, System Received Time, Province/State, Plate, Make, Model, Color, VIN, Agency, Officer, Citation, Offence, Offence Desc, Category, District, Location-Pickup, Cross Streets-Pickup, GPS-Pickup, Pickup Date, Pickup Time, Location-Dropoff, Cross Streets-Dropoff, GPS-Dropoff, Drop Date, Drop Time, Tow Unit, Status, Cancellation Reason ;Format Request Time = 1 ;Format System Received Time = 1 ;Format Model = 1 ;Format Color = 1 ;Format Officer = 1 ;Format Offence Desc = 1 ;Format GPS-Pickup = 1 ;Format Pickup Time = 1 ;Format GPS-Dropoff = 1 ;Format Drop Time = 1 ;Format Cancellation Reason = 1 List Display = ID, Edit, Request Date, Request Time, Plate, VIN, Citation, Category, Location-Pickup, Pickup Time, Location-Dropoff, Cross Streets-Dropoff, Drop Time, Status Locked Attributes = System Received Date, System Received Time, GPS-Pickup, GPS-Dropoff Show attributes = Request Date, Request Time, System Received Date, System Received Time, Province/State, Plate, Make, Model, Color, VIN, Agency, Officer, Citation, Offence, Offence Desc, Category, District, Location-Pickup, Cross Streets-Pickup, GPS-Pickup, Pickup Date, Pickup Time, Location-Dropoff, Cross Streets-Dropoff, GPS-Dropoff, Drop Date, Drop Time, Tow Unit, Status, Cancellation Reason Show attributes edit = Request Date, Request Time, System Received Date, System Received Time, Province/State, Plate, Make, Model, Color, VIN, Agency, Officer, Citation, Offence, Offence Desc, Category, District, Location-Pickup, Cross Streets-Pickup, GPS-Pickup, Pickup Date, Pickup Time, Location-Dropoff, Cross Streets-Dropoff, GPS-Dropoff, Drop Date, Drop Time, Tow Unit, Status, Cancellation Reason Required Attributes = Plate, Agency, District, Location-Pickup, Status, Cancellation Reason Fixed Attributes Edit = Request Date, Request Time, System Received Date, System Received Time, Province/State, Plate, Make, Model, Color, VIN, Agency, Officer, Citation, Offence, Offence Desc, Category, District, Location-Pickup, Cross Streets-Pickup, GPS-Pickup Preset District = UNKNOWN Preset Status = Waiting Preset Cancellation Reason = N/A Options Agency = WPA, Transit, WPS, Street Constable, Other Options Category = No Stopping Anytime, Rush Hour AM, Rush Hour PM, Street Work, Courtesy Tow, Snow Route, RPB, Bus Stop, Obstructing, Private Property, Other, Bus Stop - In Warrant, No Stopping Anytime - In Warrant, Street Work - In Warrant, Private Property - In Warrant, Rush Hour PM - In Warrant, Rush Hour AM - In Warrant, Obstructing - In Warrant, Snow Route - In Warrant, RPB - In Warrant, Snow Route - In Warrant, OthersOptions District = UNKNOWN, NP, SP, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D6N, D6S, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, B10, B11, B12, B13 Options Status = Waiting{1}, Dropped {1}, Picked Up{1}, Closed{1}, GOA{1}, Cancel{2}, Delayed{1} Options Location-Dropoff = 41 HIGGINS, CANCELLED, GOA, RELEASED, SEE CROSS STREET DROP OFF {1} Options Cancellation Reason = N/A {2} Options Cancellation Reason = Requesting officer, Other Cell Style Status Waiting = background-color:#DC143C Cell Style Status Picked Up = background-color:#FFA500 Cell Style Status Cancel = background-color:#20B2AA Cell Style Status Delayed = background-color:#87CEEB List Change Location-Pickup = <a href="$Location-Pickup, winnipeg" target="_blank">$Location-Pickup</a> Change Location-Pickup = <a href="$Location-Pickup, winnipeg" target="_blank">$Location-Pickup</a> List Change Location-Dropoff = <a href="$Location-Dropoff, winnipeg" target="_blank">$Location-Dropoff</a> Change Location-Dropoff = <a href="$Location-Dropoff, winnipeg" target="_blank">$Location-Dropoff</a> Link Display = ID, Plate, Location-Pickup, Location-Dropoff Comment Request Date = (Mmm DD/YY) Comment Request Time = (HH:MM - 24 Hr format) Comment System Received Date = (System derived) Comment System Received Time = (System derived) Comment Province/State = (Two letter code) Comment Plate = (If UNKNOWN use VIN) Comment Make = (Vehicle) Comment Model = (Vehicle) Comment Color = (Vehicle) Comment VIN = (Vehicle) Comment Agency = (If Other, may add comments below) Comment Officer = (Badge number) Comment Citation = (Issued by Officer) Comment Offence = (Numeric code) Comment Offence Desc = (Description of offence code) Comment Category = (If Other, may add comments below) Comment District = (City district, or UNKNOWN) Comment Location-Pickup = (Single street with address) Comment Cross Streets-Pickup = (Provide cross streets where no address #) Comment GPS-Pickup = (GPS coords of Pickup location) Comment Pickup Date = (Mmm DD/YY) Comment Pickup Time = (HH:MM - 24 Hr format) Comment Location-Dropoff = (Single street with address, or compound) Comment Cross Streets-Dropoff = (Provide cross streets where no address #) Comment GPS-Dropoff = (GPS coords of Drop location) Comment Drop Date = (Mmm DD/YY)
... 37 more lines ...
  68961   Fri May 3 16:02:33 2019 Reply Alan Grantagrant@winnipeg.caQuestionWindows3.1.2Re: Last default = <n>

Ok thanks for taking the time to try it out. I definitely still show "All entries" in any case, so I will continue to try to resolve on my end and if I find the cause or solution I will share back on the forum.

First though, I noticed you ran 3.1.4 whereas I'm still on 3.1.2. I'm also on Windows Server 2016 and IE 11. Do you think any of that might make the difference?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

I just tried your elogd.cfg, and it works fine for me. So no idea what is wrong in your case.



  68963   Fri May 3 16:29:00 2019 Reply Alan Grantagrant@winnipeg.caQuestionWindows3.1.2Re: Last default = <n>

Thanks again.

I noticed in the Change Log for 3.1.4 that there's a reference to something done with "Last default" in Sept 2018 so I think I will try to set up a Linux instance and try out 3.1.4. Regards.

Version 3.1.4, released September 26th, 2018

- Replaced sprintf by snprintf
- Changed to
- Fixed bug for redirect under two daisy-chained proxies
- Removed while(in_asend) which caused some browsers to block
- Implemented elogd.service for systemd daemon
- Implemented "max email attachment size"
- Limit max request size to 100 MB
- Allow ampersand in user names
- Added code to detect Unicode characters as HTML
- add "Email CSS URL" : use public copy of CSS for emails
- bugfix: replace hard-coded reference of "New" to loc("New")
- add "Subscription columns" : format list of logbooks for subscriptions in columns
- Added "interface" option
- Fixed crash on negative Content-Length in header
- Fixed "?npp=0" crash
- Added confirmation dialog before deleting an attachment
- Implemented "last default" to restrict quick filter display by default on the last n days
- Made header parsing case insensitive
- Switched to TLSv1_

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Yes I always run the current version from bitbucket. I haven't touched that code for "last default" since a long time, so I don't expect the verison to make a difference. Unfortuantely I have not Windows Server or IE for testing.

Alan Grant wrote:

Ok thanks for taking the time to try it out. I definitely still show "All entries" in any case, so I will continue to try to resolve on my end and if I find the cause or solution I will share back on the forum.

First though, I noticed you ran 3.1.4 whereas I'm still on 3.1.2. I'm also on Windows Server 2016 and IE 11. Do you think any of that might make the difference?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

I just tried your elogd.cfg, and it works fine for me. So no idea what is wrong in your case.





  68967   Fri May 10 04:34:36 2019 Question Alan Grantagrant@winnipeg.caQuestionWindows3.1.2Execute attribute

Apart from an inline shell command that can be run with the Execute attribute, is it possible to run an external script file? I would like to run a Powershell script with the Elog attribute data parameters passed to it upon Submit New entry.

  68969   Fri May 10 15:01:52 2019 Reply Alan Grantagrant@winnipeg.caQuestionWindows3.1.2Re: Execute attribute

I think it was just a matter of my specific interepretation of the documentation, ie: using native OS shell commands vs any script language file containing shell commands or any app for that matter. Nevertheless I think you've answered my questiuon so it's all good. Thanks Stefan.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

I don't understand your question. There is no "inline" vs. "external" script. Using the "execute new = <command>", you run a script on the server side. Can be powershell under Windows or bash/csh under Linux. I remember however that there has been issues under recent windows in passing parameters to the shell. Linux certainly works fine, we usse it all the time.

Alan Grant wrote:

Apart from an inline shell command that can be run with the Execute attribute, is it possible to run an external script file? I would like to run a Powershell script with the Elog attribute data parameters passed to it upon Submit New entry.



  68970   Tue May 14 06:07:07 2019 Question Alan Grantagrant@winnipeg.caQuestionWindows3.1.2Shell execute

I have the line in my elog config to run a Powershell script when submitting a New entry. I just send an email as a test:

Execute New = "Powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass D:\SendEmail.ps1"

Fyi, the Powershell statement itself (Send-MailMessage -From '' -To '' -Subject 'New meter entry' -Body 'TEST' -Priority High -DeliveryNotificationOption OnSuccess, OnFailure -SmtpServer 'citygw') works fine and the email is received when running it from the Powershell ISE app directly from the same elog vm server but not from within Elog with the above statement.

I'd like to first confirm that the syntax of the line Execute New = is correct, ie, double quoting the entire command. Can anyone please confirm.

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6