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  69286   Fri Jan 8 05:48:45 2021 Question Alan Grantagrant@winnipeg.caQuestionWindows3.1.2Parsing log files

Sometimes we change the attributes in a config file for a given tab as time goes on, which naturally can get out of sync with the older data in that tab.

I can imagine some other Elog users have encounterd this too at some point so I'm wondering if there's a utilty or some way anyone knows of that I can use to parse a log file DIRECTLY to view the older data, without using the Elog GUI?

  69289   Fri Jan 8 15:28:06 2021 Reply Alan Grantagrant@winnipeg.caQuestionLinux | Windows3.1.2Re: Parsing log files


John wrote:

Hi Al; if I understand your situation correctly you want to access Elog db (logbooks) via another way. There are many ways depending on your knowledge, type of work needed, and ease of use. I have found that accessing whatever I need via Elog gui is satisfactory in many situations-- by simply exporting. THEN take the raw csv/xml  file and manipulte it more easily from there. There are MANY free web sites that will take your data then, and put it in still another format that you choose (usually manipulating the rows/columns to your liking or doing mail-merge type work on your data). BTW WPS (Windows Office clone) is awesome at further 'mail-merg'  techniques. THEN at that point you may have close to what you are trying to accomplish. I've also used PHP alot in this type of situation and have replicated Elog's data format for it's db (logbooks)..; so PHP is great in this maner, although of course it takes time to 'get-it-right' if you are not well versed in it. If you go into detail more of what type of format you want as the finalized product, maybe  more suggestions will be made.

Happy belated New Years everyone,


Alan Grant wrote:

Sometimes we change the attributes in a config file for a given tab as time goes on, which naturally can get out of sync with the older data in that tab.

I can imagine some other Elog users have encounterd this too at some point so I'm wondering if there's a utilty or some way anyone knows of that I can use to parse a log file DIRECTLY to view the older data, without using the Elog GUI?


Hi John. The problem with using the Find-->Export method is that some of the Attributes for the older data are no longer shown on that screen because the Config file has since changed. That's why I'm contemplating somehow parsing the log files directly instead.

  69386   Wed Jul 21 16:16:29 2021 Question Alan Grantagrant@winnipeg.caQuestionWindows3.1.4Logging Main page entries, each with multiple ongoing events

Is there any way to log child events on the detail pages for a fixed number of entries on the main page? For example, I have 15 vehicles to enter on the main page, ID'd by Vehicle Number. Within each of those entries I will be logging ongoing repair service entries with certain attributes.

So how might I design this concept without having repeating vehicle entries on the main page for every service event, and preferably without splitting the information between two linked logbook tabs?


  69389   Mon Aug 30 03:08:15 2021 Question Alan Grantagrant@winnipeg.caQuestionWindows3.1.4Large log file size

Can the size of the application log file affect performance?

  69446   Tue Dec 14 19:16:57 2021 Question Alan Grantagrant@winnipeg.caQuestionWindows3.1.4Log4j exploit

Is there any potential impact/concern with the Log4j exploit in Elog applications?


  69536   Tue Jun 28 18:53:50 2022 Question Alan Grantagrant@winnipeg.caQuestionWindows3.1.2Slow performance

We're up to 30 logbooks, 3.2GB data total and Elog damen has now become slow. Performance stats show 100%CPU on startup then reduces. Searches and general UI activity is slow. It runs on a VM with 4GB memory allocated. Up to 15 concurrent users.

Trimming and archiving some data files may help but I gather overall this is underpowered hardware in this instance so what is recommended system requirements for a config like this?

  65805   Wed Apr 2 01:27:20 2008 Reply Alain HugentoblerAlain.Hugentobler@unige.chQuestionLinux2.7.3-2058Re: FCKeditor not active

Kevin O'Sullivan wrote:

I'm using ELOG version 2.7.3-2058 and have been trying to get FCKeditor to work. This, to my understanding from the documentation, is supposed to be a part of elog by default after version 2.7.0 and from looking at the configuration syntax manual, it looks as though FCKeditor should be on with the default settings. I done nothing to turn it off and none of the obvious fixes seem to do anything. I've posted the text of my configuration file below, what did I do wrong?

Got the same problem, solved by manually unzipping "scripts/" from the sources to the installation directory (/usr/local/elog/scripts)

A better solution is to modify the Makefile :

@unzip -q -f scripts/ -d $(ELOGDIR)/scripts/

which doesn't work on my Ubuntu 8.04; however changing to:

@unzip -q scripts/ -d $(ELOGDIR)/scripts/


  68310   Thu Apr 28 22:38:00 2016 Question Adam Fairbrotherafairbrother@sd73.bc.caBug reportLinuxV3.1.1-0767eb0Trouble with Find and Conditional attributes

I seem to be having some trouble with Find when using conditional attributes.

when I change the primary attribute in the find field, the corrispnding secondary attribute dosn't refresh properly with the list of values.

I am able to use the conditional options as expected when creating a new logbook.


I am using version ELOG V3.1.1-0767eb0 running on debian wheezey (compiled from sid sources)

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6