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  66257   Thu Mar 19 02:50:16 2009 Cool Erik Iversoneiverson@ornl.govQuestionAll2.7.4"Full" view formatting
I have a logbook I use to capture machine settings. There are many (~30) different attributes defined. I've defined the "Summary" view via "List display" in such a way that not all the attributes are displayed in the summary list, because there's no practical way to fit the 30 different attributes in 30 rows across the screen, and there's no need to have every attribute shown in the summary view. I would like to define something for the "Full" view that lets me put one (or more, but not all) attributes per line; much like the single-entry view does now, just with multiple entries. So a "Full" listing would look like

ID: 1
Attribute1: Value1
Attribute2: Value2
Attribute3: Value3

ID: 2
Attribute1: Value1
Attribute2: Value2
Attribute3: Value3

rather than
ID Attribute1 Attribute2 Attribute3
1 Value1 Value2 Value3
2 Value1 Value2 Value3

Any suggestions?

Thanks as always for a wonderful piece of software!
  66324   Sat Apr 18 02:49:42 2009 Question Mikemike@raghuexim.comBug reportLinux2.7.6-2191"Forgot Password?" link not working?

I have my site running under apache. I don't have a /elog/ directory.

for example most would do to visit elog

but my site loads at

The site is private so it's password protected. Everything works fine except

if I click the "Forgot Password" link it does nothing.

but if I go to one of the log books...

The forgot password link works.

Is there anyway to fix this? I have nothing else running on the server, it's dedicated to only ELOG.

That's why I don't want to have it running under /elog/ in the url.

  1434   Sun Oct 9 20:39:50 2005 Angy Exaos LeeExaos.Lee@gmail.comBug reportLinux | Mac OSX2.6.0beta5"Error: Cannot find hostname"
I usually access hosts in LAN with their IPs. But elogd seems to prefer hostnames to IPs. I cannot ask each one to add the hostname to their system config file while they visit my host. I encounter several problems which seems to be related to the hostname resolution:
  • I can visit remote elog service through IP and port, but cannot submit entry and cannot open the config page remotely. For example, my powerbook's name is "exaos-pb-12" and its IP is I run elogd on my PB and try to access it through URL on host While I submit a new entry or open the config page, my firefox alway blames: "exaos-pb-12.local could not be found. Please check the name and try again."
  • Sometimes, all the images, colors are missing. It looks like that my firefox cannot find the correct URL of these images or CSS files. It might be the same problem of "cannot find hostname".
  68779   Thu Apr 5 06:00:09 2018 Question Michael Hibbardmichael.hibbard@cern.chBug reportWindows3.1.2/3.1.3"Drop attachments here..." only functional in IE

Hello, the "drop attachments here..." feature is very useful, especially when I have multiple files. I can drag them all over in one operation, however I have noticed that this feature only works well in the IE browser.

It does not work reliably in Safari/Chrome/Firefox. I have tired in both 3.1.3 and 3.1.2. I also have the same symptom on the Demo log book of this site.

Please advise. Thank you for the continued development of Elog.

-Michael Hibbard

  65690   Thu Jan 10 15:24:53 2008 Entry Kristján Jónssonkj@raunvis.hi.isBug reportLinux2.7.0-1954"Default encoding" default is not as documented

"Default encoding" appears to have the default value of 2 (HTML) instead of 0 (ELCode) as documented in

ELOG V2.7.0-1954 : elog.c line 8952

  66563   Sat Oct 24 01:10:24 2009 Question Gabriele Sirrisirri@bo.infn.itBug reportAll2.7.7-2254"Collapse to last = 1" problem when reply twice to the same entry

Please look at the entry 66525 of this forum (just 5 thread before this one):

 ->  chain.crt, posted by Gerhard Schneider on Thu Sep 3 21:55:52 2009         (66525)
  |->    Re: chain.crt, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Sep 4 08:33:16 2009       (66526)
  |->    Re: chain.crt, posted by Gerhard Schneider on Wed Oct 7 07:56:52 2009 (66556)

When you collapse the thread, it is collapsed to the 66526 instead of the 66556 (more recent)

  +      Re: chain.crt, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Sep 4 08:33:16 2009  

I guess it is because both 66526 and 66556 replies to the first entry. 
I have the same problem with Elog v2.7.7-2246 and Windows. 

In general, it seems to work well only if you always reply to the last entry of a thread.

  Thank you.

b.t.w. : is there any tip to always force reply to the last entry of a thread?
  68167   Tue Oct 27 15:41:57 2015 Question Danidroldan@cells.esQuestionLinux3.1.1 dynamic "preset text" option without remplace text if it has changed

Dear all,

Is it possible to have a dynamic "preset text" option without remplace text if it has changed?

I would like to switch the template file depending on the attribute value (Type). 

If user already started editing the text body, on change (Type) he could lose this data. 

I'm using this example code :
Attributes = Type, Subject
Options Type = One{1}, Two{2}, Three{3}
Show text = 0

{1} Preset text = text1
{2} Preset text = text2
{3} Preset text = text3
{1,2,3} Show text = 1

I the attribute type change the user lost the data, because the text has been replaced.

Any idea about how to solve it?


  12458   Sat Mar 24 23:15:15 142        
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6