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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subjectdown Text Attachments
  66257   Thu Mar 19 02:50:16 2009 Cool Erik Iversoneiverson@ornl.govQuestionAll2.7.4"Full" view formattingI have a logbook I use to capture machine
settings.  There are many (~30) different
attributes defined.  I've defined the "Summary"
  66324   Sat Apr 18 02:49:42 2009 Question Mikemike@raghuexim.comBug reportLinux2.7.6-2191"Forgot Password?" link not working?I have my site running under apache. I
don't have a /elog/ directory.
for example most would do
  1434   Sun Oct 9 20:39:50 2005 Angy Exaos LeeExaos.Lee@gmail.comBug reportLinux | Mac OSX2.6.0beta5"Error: Cannot find hostname"I usually access hosts in LAN with their IPs.
But elogd seems to prefer hostnames to IPs.
I cannot ask each one to add the hostname
  68779   Thu Apr 5 06:00:09 2018 Question Michael Hibbardmichael.hibbard@cern.chBug reportWindows3.1.2/3.1.3"Drop attachments here..." only functional in IEHello, the "drop attachments here..."
feature is very useful, especially when I
have multiple files. I can drag them all
  65690   Thu Jan 10 15:24:53 2008 Entry Kristján Jónssonkj@raunvis.hi.isBug reportLinux2.7.0-1954"Default encoding" default is not as documented Hi,

"Default encoding" appears to have the default
  66563   Sat Oct 24 01:10:24 2009 Question Gabriele Sirrisirri@bo.infn.itBug reportAll2.7.7-2254"Collapse to last = 1" problem when reply twice to the same entryHello.

Please look at the entry 66525 of this forum
  68167   Tue Oct 27 15:41:57 2015 Question Danidroldan@cells.esQuestionLinux3.1.1 dynamic "preset text" option without remplace text if it has changedDear all,

Is it possible to have a dynamic
"preset text" option without remplace
  12458   Sat Mar 24 23:15:15 142            
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6