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  100   Sun Aug 11 18:45:08 2002 Reply tony summerfeltsnowzone25@yahoo.comComment  Re: self-registration
> Sorry, I haven't fully documented it yet, will do on Monday next week. For 
> now, see the configuration file for this forum which is attached.

that's ok. i just wanted to make sure that i hadn't missed something. i'm eventually switching over my entire dial up bbs, to my web page, with elog being the message system. self-registration was the last piece of the puzzle for me :)
  99   Sat Aug 10 13:00:26 2002 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestion  Re: self-registration
> i seem to be unable to find a clear explanation of how to enable self-
registration in the docs.
> just to be sure i grepped the doc directory, but the two references to it 
were in the changelog and the faq.
> it could be just me but i'm not reading between the lines or connecting the 
various places in the docs to get it going :/

Sorry, I haven't fully documented it yet, will do on Monday next week. For 
now, see the configuration file for this forum which is attached.
  99   Sat Aug 10 13:00:26 2002 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestion  Re: self-registration
> i seem to be unable to find a clear explanation of how to enable self-
registration in the docs.
> just to be sure i grepped the doc directory, but the two references to it 
were in the changelog and the faq.
> it could be just me but i'm not reading between the lines or connecting the 
various places in the docs to get it going :/

Sorry, I haven't fully documented it yet, will do on Monday next week. For 
now, see the configuration file for this forum which is attached.
  98   Fri Aug 9 21:10:20 2002 Question tony summerfeltsnowzone25@yahoo.comQuestion  self-registration
i seem to be unable to find a clear explanation of how to enable self-registration in the docs.

just to be sure i grepped the doc directory, but the two references to it were in the changelog and the faq.

it could be just me but i'm not reading between the lines or connecting the various places in the docs to get it going :/
  97   Fri Aug 9 14:59:17 2002 Question Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chInfo  Re: Edit an existing message overwrites attributes with preset values
> Ok, but is there a possibility to preserve the fields of the old message, 
> still be able to edit it. This would be a nice feature in the case of an 
> with lots of attributes (set to something different then the preset 
> After submiting the message you realize : one option was wrong and now you 
> want to edit it without changing the other options again.
> Is this possible?

Actually this is a good idea. After thinking a while, I wonder if anybody at 
all would like not to preserve the preset values. So if nobody complains, I 
will set the behaviour such that elog always preserves the entries if one 
edits an existing message.
  96   Fri Aug 9 13:04:58 2002 Reply Stefan Siegelssiegel@lucent.comInfo  Re: Edit an existing message overwrites attributes with preset values
> > Is there a possibility to prevent elog to overwrite attribute values when 
> > editing an old message? The old values are overwriten with the preset 
> > options for that attribute. 
> > But sometimes you will preserve attribute text and /or options from the 
> > message.
> The option "Fixed attributes = ..." will do the job.

Ok, but is there a possibility to preserve the fields of the old message, but 
still be able to edit it. This would be a nice feature in the case of an entry 
with lots of attributes (set to something different then the preset values). 
After submiting the message you realize : one option was wrong and now you 
want to edit it without changing the other options again.
Is this possible?

Thank you and best regards,

  95   Fri Aug 9 12:50:58 2002 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chInfo  Re: Edit an existing message overwrites attributes with preset values
> Is there a possibility to prevent elog to overwrite attribute values when 
> editing an old message? The old values are overwriten with the preset 
> options for that attribute. 
> But sometimes you will preserve attribute text and /or options from the old 
> message.

The option "Fixed attributes = ..." will do the job.
  94   Fri Aug 9 12:40:23 2002 Question Stefan Siegelssiegel@lucent.comQuestion  Edit an existing message overwrites attributes with preset values

Is there a possibility to prevent elog to overwrite attribute values when 
editing an old message? The old values are overwriten with the preset 
options for that attribute. 
But sometimes you will preserve attribute text and /or options from the old 

Thank you for your help. Regards,

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6