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ID Date Icondown Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  68798   Tue May 8 16:17:28 2018 Agree Joseph McKennajoseph.mckenna@cern.chBug reportLinux2.9.2Re: Elog ID entry bug at >99999 entries

Thank you all for your kind responses. Please consider this thread resolved: no bug in elog

Chris Rasmussen wrote:

ah yes, that was a helpful clue. Our elogd.cfg file led me to a .js file which redefines the ID to the elog:SequencerEvents/XXXXX format and it indeed had a silly hard coded length of that string.

Since I am pretty sure this is our code, I think it is safe to say that this is not a bug in the elog

Andreas Luedeke wrote:

Well, in my example the ID link worked just fine.

There could be a string length limitation, but it could be as well the way you are creating the ID that is the source of the problem: I would need the part of your elogd.cfg that defines how you format your ID in order to try to reproduce your problem.

Cheers, Andreas

Chris Rasmussen wrote:

Hi Andreas, I'm working on the same experiment as Joseph who submitted the bug report.

You are right, IDs greater than 10^5 are created no problem. The issue is with the internal elog link, in this case of the form elog:SequencerEvents/XXXXX  The link generated uses only the first 5 digits of the message ID, and therefore links to the wrong message. In the two attachments you can see our sequencer event number 100098, first displaying the message where all of the ID is displayed and secondly in "full" view of the elog front page. Here, the "ID" column contains a link with the string: elog:SequencerEvents/10009. Our problem is that we often use this string to paste into other elogs and generate a link to the sequencer event message. However, since the string uses too few digits, we end up with a link to the wrong message

Andreas Luedeke wrote:

I am not sure I understand your bug report.

I can easily create IDs greater than 100'000 (see attached picture), but that is not your problem, or is it?

Cheers, Andreas

Joseph McKenna wrote:

We have a possible bug with elog that the ID for an elog entry at over 99,999 entires reads as 10,000... 

68792/1 Illistrates the problem, we use this ID often to cross reference from out datalog...

Is this a know bug we can find a fix for? We are using:  elogd 2.9.2 built Jul 14 2015, 18:58:06 revision






  68853   Fri Oct 26 16:46:52 2018 Agree Grant Jeffcotegrant@jeffcote.orgBug reportLinuxV3.1.3-7933898Re: How many "Extendable options" can I add?



Extendable options = Require Model, Require Lens, Require Other,



Devrim Esenturk wrote:


I am trying to add "Extendable options" for some attribute as below example. However button to add new item for list appears only for the first "Extendable options", if disable the first with (;), button appears for the second. It means elog add new item button only the first line "Extendable options" not for other?

Is this a limitation or bug or am I doing something wrong?

Options Require = N/A, Camera{1}, Lens{2}, Other{3}
{1} MOptions Require Model= XNB-6001, PNM-7000VD, PNM-9000VQ, PNM-9320VQ
{2} MOptions Require Lens = SLA-T2480, SLA-T2480V, SLA-T4680, SLA-T4680V, SLA-T1080F, SLA-2M2400P, SLA-2M2800P, SLA-2M3600P, SLA-2M6000P, SLA-2M1200P, SLA-5M3700P, SLA-5M4600P, SLA-5M7000P, SLA-2M2400Q, SLA-2M2800Q, SLA-2M3600Q, SLA-2M6000Q, SLA-5M3700Q, SLA-5M4600Q, SLA-5M7000Q, SLA-2M2400D, SLA-2M2800D, SLA-2M3600D, SLA-2M6000D
{3} MOptions Require Other = Base Unit

Extendable options = Require Model

Extendable options = Require Lens

Extendable options = Require Other

Thank you



  68926   Thu Apr 4 20:30:29 2019 Agree Johnsecondcomingtechnologies@fastmail.comQuestionLinux3.13Re: How to edit Elog landing pages.

Wow Stefan thanks for your kind reply.  This gives me a reason to finally pickup JavaScript, which I am finding both easy and fun, esepcially with all the modules/coding out there already, which makes things easier to do while learning it! I will let you know as I progress on my 'top secret' hack of your masterpiece ;)

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Per default, all pages are created dynamically by elogd directly from its C code. So nothing to change easily except hacking the code. There is one exception which is the start page you found already. To change any other page, you have to modify the C code. There is one more (dirty) trick: You can sneak in JavaScript code on every page via the "bottom text" option. This code can then modify the DOM tree and changes pages, but you need to program this in JavaScript.


John wrote:

Well I answered part of my own question already.. I can have a start page different from what is default, and I can edit the orginal one by simply copying it and modifiying it to my hearts desire. I still have isues  after making menu selections from that page tho,  when the program (server) takes me to a site called  for example: ../forum/index.html?cmd=Config. I cannot find out how to prevent or modify this behaviour. I am supposing tho, that because I am using my own original index.html (start page), that the program is not modifying it (on the fly), like it does with the oringal web pages?  I am also still currious if the program does indeed create/modify pages on the fly, and if it does, where does it store them on my hard drive (or is it only put in memory temporaly?). Thanx again :)


John wrote:

Hi and thanx for such a wonderful program! I was wondering how I might edit, change or add to the landing pages. In other words the first pages that show up (or any for that matter) when you login to a book. I can view the code ok in my browser using that function, but when I search for the actual page and it's locale, I cannot find it. Is it created on the fly by the server? If so, how can I change them.. as I want to add for instance javascripts to manipulate the pages and data more, without actually loosing the main essence of the program (log books). Thanx




  68979   Mon May 20 18:10:02 2019 Agree Daniel Pfuhldaniel.pfuhl@medizin.uni-leipzig.deQuestionWindowsV3.1.4Re: custom subject for mail info

thank you!

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Use Email subject = $Subject

or a bit more detailed

Use Email subject = ELOG Ticket: "$Subject" posted by $Author

Daniel Pfuhl wrote:


we are extensively using ELOG for documenting changes in our infrastructure. It is very helpful for us.

To avoid multiple documentation efforts it would be even more helpful if the subject of an ELOG entry also could be the subject of the mail which is sent out. With that we could send mails to our ticket system and include the special ticket number to make the right assignment in our ticket system.

Does anyone know if this could be accomplished with the latest version of ELOG?

Best regards,




  69042   Wed Oct 16 10:19:42 2019 Agree Johnsecondcomingtechnologies@fastmail.comCommentLinuxV3.1.2-bd75964Re: How to get Elog server to produce web server log files in Linux.

Thanx soo much Stefan.. I feel so stupid for not looking at the admin guide more :( But you how us nerds are-- read the manul last!

John :)

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Have you tried

Logfile = ...
Logging level = 3

John wrote:

Hi, I have been trying for a long time to get my web server logs to record when someone accesses my Elog server. I've tried Apache2, Lighttpd, and others, all with no luck. Either the web servers complain that the port I have Elog on is in use, or I just don't get any readings. I need to see who is accessing my  Elog from the web, and I hope there is a way.

Thanks again for such a wonderful program,




  12458   Sun Mar 24 03:19:10 120        
  675   Thu Aug 19 16:20:16 2004        
Here are some things for your wish list:                                        
1) elogd should report quota or disk-full problem:  In case a logbook           
   entry cannot be saved (quota or disk full) then a message like               
   'Could not save last entry.  Please contact administrator.' should           
   be displayed.  Currently nothing happens.  Only the submitted                
   entries 'vanish'.                                                            
2) default page view per user, i.e. the 'Back' link goes to                     
   ?mode=Full,summary,... depending on the user that is logged in.              
   Some users complained that 'Back' is not really back.  Maybe                 
   consider renaming 'Back' to 'Default View' or something.                     
3) (related to 1) the 'Back' link should go back to the last used mode          
   (full, summary, threaded,...) and not to the default mode                    
4) mark messages as unread/read on a per user basis: The                        
   implementation of this might be quite involved but it would be               
   rather useful.  One way would be to add a default attribute 'Seen            
   by' to each entry, which lists the login names of the users.  Or 
   files LOGIN_NAME.has_seen can be created which contain the entry 
   IDs of the viewed entries for each user.   
5) alignment of attribute table (using <td colspan=2> for multi line            
   stuff): see elog:669 :)                                                      
You can count my vote for:                                                      
- Use "and" and "or" operands in queries                                        
  701   Wed Sep 15 00:16:19 2004        
I g
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6