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icon3.gif   syntax highligting for elog.cfg with ULTRAEDIT, posted by Etienne Van Caillie on Wed May 21 10:15:17 2003 
UltraEdit Syntax coloring
add this file in ultraedit
I hope this will help you...

it gives different color according to elog commands
some attributes are use internaly like


if somebody has other suggestion to improve the display ask me
icon8.gif   synchronization, posted by lance on Wed Jun 17 09:05:27 2009 

We are running elog across two sites and synchronizing every four hours on change only. There are about 100 entries per day of which most are just one line entries. However this is taking up to 9 mins and during the replication process the server gives us an "unavailable" error. We are using a T1 across the sites so bandwidth should not be an issue, I am confused as to why this takes so long.

The issue for us is not how long the sync takes, providing this was happening in the background, and doesnt lock out the server while the replication was taking place. We are operating under a 24 hour call center type environment so the server being available all the time is of paramount importance.

We use version 2.7.2 and I know there have been several changes made since this version. Would changing to the latest version have any impact on this?





icon5.gif   svn revision number in the source, posted by Steve Jones on Tue Feb 21 19:25:28 2006 
There is a variable $Id$ in source that looks like it is supposed to reflect the svn revision number of the compiled code. How is this supposed to be set, manually just before compiling?

icon3.gif   support "authentication = webserver, kerberos", posted by Devin Bougie on Wed May 18 16:19:07 2016 
The elog client binary does not work with webserver authentication.  One fix would be to support both webserver and kerberos authentication (authentication = webserver, kerberos), similar to how you currently support 
"authentication = kerberos, file".

A more general discussion of the elog client binary with webserver authentication can be found at .

Many thanks,
icon3.gif   suggestion for "new user registration" page, posted by Mark Bergman on Sat May 6 02:12:10 2006 
I'm testing elog, and one user was having difficulty creating a new account for himself. This problem had three reasons:

1. the user expected a "submit" button or some other way to exit the account registration screen to appear near the password boxes, at the bottom of the page.

2. I'm using the "Bottom text" option, which has a URL to execute a "find" (search) within elog for all open tickets. The user simply entered the info for their new account, and then clicked on the button at the bottom of the page--which would be the expected behavior.

3. In our environment, there are many logbooks (~100), as each computing device has it's own logbook. This isn't a problem on the main page, since the logbooks are grouped into 7 categories. However, the account registration page combines two functions--setting up a new account, and selecting which logbooks to subscribe to for e-mail notification. The logbooks are presented in a list (rather than groups), which causes the "Save" button at the top left to scroll off the screen before the user enters their password.

Suggestions for improving the registration page:

Put a "submit" button after the password entry.

Possibly supress the local "bottom text", or allow the specification of a different file for the registration page.

After the user has registered, then show a page allowing them to subscribe for e-mail notifcation. That page should be organized the same way as the main page, with groups. Users should be allowed to subscribe to entire groups, or to expand each group to select or unsubscribe from individual logbooks.


icon5.gif   submit modified elog entry, posted by deletoille on Wed Mar 14 11:31:35 2007 
hello, I have small a bug,
when I create an entry. Per moment the program requires of me: "Submit modified Elog entry"
if I answer yes, Eog create 2 entry identical.
If I answer not it create only one.
I don't wait that elog asks me a confirmation

Any Ideas,
Thanks in advance
icon5.gif   subject line bug on resumit elog entries as new?, posted by Jacky Li on Fri May 29 22:32:20 2015 


I updated an old elog entry and resubmit it as new by checking the box resubmit as new.   Does the subject line should said it is a "New ELOG entry" instead of "Updated ELOG entry"?  Thank you.

Also when some people submit a new elog, the subject line is "Updated ELOG entry".  This is a bit odd.  I can't reproduce that bug when I did my test. 


icon5.gif   stunnel problems with new version, posted by damon nettles on Mon Nov 15 20:50:01 2004 
i am trying to implement ssl features on our logbooks. however, it seems
that stunnel has drastically changed their program and the usual startup
procedures listed on the elog page don't work.
so, what is the new method for getting elog set up with stunnel?
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6