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  69   Thu Jul 11 16:03:56 2002 Idea Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chInfo  Re: entry number not updated properly after deleting
> Hello,
>     If you delete a message from the middle of a logbook that contains a 
> bunch of messages, the message numbers do not get updated properly.  For 
> instance, if you have 20 messages in the logbook, and delete number 15, 
> entry numbers 16 through 20 all do not get subtracted by one; their numbers 
> stay the same with #15 just missing in the middle.  
> Mo

That's how it's supposed to be. Once a unique message ID is attached to a 
message, it stays there forever. Think of links to message like

If you have such a link in a message or as a bookmark in your browser, and 
the ID gets changed from 68 to 67, then your link would be off.
  68   Thu Jul 11 15:59:17 2002 Warning momsheikh25@hotmail.comBug report  entry number not updated properly after deleting
    If you delete a message from the middle of a logbook that contains a 
bunch of messages, the message numbers do not get updated properly.  For 
instance, if you have 20 messages in the logbook, and delete number 15, 
entry numbers 16 through 20 all do not get subtracted by one; their numbers 
stay the same with #15 just missing in the middle.  

  67   Thu Jul 11 10:36:09 2002 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug fix  Re: a bug and a question
>    If you have only one entry in the logbook and have it set up in threaded 
> mode like: ?cmd=Search&mode=threaded&reverse=1, when you click on the icon 
> of the entry or the number of the entry to see it, it does not allow you 
> to.  If there is more than one entry, it works fine.  

Ok, has been fixed. Will come in 2.0.5

>    Also I wanted to make a submit page from where you could either go back 
> to the logbook which you just entered a message for or type a new entry for 
> that logbook.  First of all, is there a way to have only one file called 
> submitpage.html in which I can define this for all logbooks or do i need it 
> for ever logbook.  And also, is there a way I can even set a link that will 
> allow to create a new entry.  I tried: 
>     <a href="demo/?cmd=new">Enter</a> another message<p>
> but for some reason it does not work.  Is there a way to implement this?

The documentation was wrong about that which has been corrected. The proper 
file contents should be

<h1>You successfully submitted a message</h1>
<a href="?cmd=Back">Back</a> to the logbook<p>
<a href="?cmd=New">Enter</a> another message

This way one only needs one file for all logbooks.
  67   Thu Jul 11 10:36:09 2002 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug fix  Re: a bug and a question
>    If you have only one entry in the logbook and have it set up in threaded 
> mode like: ?cmd=Search&mode=threaded&reverse=1, when you click on the icon 
> of the entry or the number of the entry to see it, it does not allow you 
> to.  If there is more than one entry, it works fine.  

Ok, has been fixed. Will come in 2.0.5

>    Also I wanted to make a submit page from where you could either go back 
> to the logbook which you just entered a message for or type a new entry for 
> that logbook.  First of all, is there a way to have only one file called 
> submitpage.html in which I can define this for all logbooks or do i need it 
> for ever logbook.  And also, is there a way I can even set a link that will 
> allow to create a new entry.  I tried: 
>     <a href="demo/?cmd=new">Enter</a> another message<p>
> but for some reason it does not work.  Is there a way to implement this?

The documentation was wrong about that which has been corrected. The proper 
file contents should be

<h1>You successfully submitted a message</h1>
<a href="?cmd=Back">Back</a> to the logbook<p>
<a href="?cmd=New">Enter</a> another message

This way one only needs one file for all logbooks.
  67   Thu Jul 11 10:36:09 2002 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug fix  Re: a bug and a question
>    If you have only one entry in the logbook and have it set up in threaded 
> mode like: ?cmd=Search&mode=threaded&reverse=1, when you click on the icon 
> of the entry or the number of the entry to see it, it does not allow you 
> to.  If there is more than one entry, it works fine.  

Ok, has been fixed. Will come in 2.0.5

>    Also I wanted to make a submit page from where you could either go back 
> to the logbook which you just entered a message for or type a new entry for 
> that logbook.  First of all, is there a way to have only one file called 
> submitpage.html in which I can define this for all logbooks or do i need it 
> for ever logbook.  And also, is there a way I can even set a link that will 
> allow to create a new entry.  I tried: 
>     <a href="demo/?cmd=new">Enter</a> another message<p>
> but for some reason it does not work.  Is there a way to implement this?

The documentation was wrong about that which has been corrected. The proper 
file contents should be

<h1>You successfully submitted a message</h1>
<a href="?cmd=Back">Back</a> to the logbook<p>
<a href="?cmd=New">Enter</a> another message

This way one only needs one file for all logbooks.
  67   Thu Jul 11 10:36:09 2002 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug fix  Re: a bug and a question
>    If you have only one entry in the logbook and have it set up in threaded 
> mode like: ?cmd=Search&mode=threaded&reverse=1, when you click on the icon 
> of the entry or the number of the entry to see it, it does not allow you 
> to.  If there is more than one entry, it works fine.  

Ok, has been fixed. Will come in 2.0.5

>    Also I wanted to make a submit page from where you could either go back 
> to the logbook which you just entered a message for or type a new entry for 
> that logbook.  First of all, is there a way to have only one file called 
> submitpage.html in which I can define this for all logbooks or do i need it 
> for ever logbook.  And also, is there a way I can even set a link that will 
> allow to create a new entry.  I tried: 
>     <a href="demo/?cmd=new">Enter</a> another message<p>
> but for some reason it does not work.  Is there a way to implement this?

The documentation was wrong about that which has been corrected. The proper 
file contents should be

<h1>You successfully submitted a message</h1>
<a href="?cmd=Back">Back</a> to the logbook<p>
<a href="?cmd=New">Enter</a> another message

This way one only needs one file for all logbooks.
  67   Thu Jul 11 10:36:09 2002 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug fix  Re: a bug and a question
>    If you have only one entry in the logbook and have it set up in threaded 
> mode like: ?cmd=Search&mode=threaded&reverse=1, when you click on the icon 
> of the entry or the number of the entry to see it, it does not allow you 
> to.  If there is more than one entry, it works fine.  

Ok, has been fixed. Will come in 2.0.5

>    Also I wanted to make a submit page from where you could either go back 
> to the logbook which you just entered a message for or type a new entry for 
> that logbook.  First of all, is there a way to have only one file called 
> submitpage.html in which I can define this for all logbooks or do i need it 
> for ever logbook.  And also, is there a way I can even set a link that will 
> allow to create a new entry.  I tried: 
>     <a href="demo/?cmd=new">Enter</a> another message<p>
> but for some reason it does not work.  Is there a way to implement this?

The documentation was wrong about that which has been corrected. The proper 
file contents should be

<h1>You successfully submitted a message</h1>
<a href="?cmd=Back">Back</a> to the logbook<p>
<a href="?cmd=New">Enter</a> another message

This way one only needs one file for all logbooks.
  67   Thu Jul 11 10:36:09 2002 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug fix  Re: a bug and a question
>    If you have only one entry in the logbook and have it set up in threaded 
> mode like: ?cmd=Search&mode=threaded&reverse=1, when you click on the icon 
> of the entry or the number of the entry to see it, it does not allow you 
> to.  If there is more than one entry, it works fine.  

Ok, has been fixed. Will come in 2.0.5

>    Also I wanted to make a submit page from where you could either go back 
> to the logbook which you just entered a message for or type a new entry for 
> that logbook.  First of all, is there a way to have only one file called 
> submitpage.html in which I can define this for all logbooks or do i need it 
> for ever logbook.  And also, is there a way I can even set a link that will 
> allow to create a new entry.  I tried: 
>     <a href="demo/?cmd=new">Enter</a> another message<p>
> but for some reason it does not work.  Is there a way to implement this?

The documentation was wrong about that which has been corrected. The proper 
file contents should be

<h1>You successfully submitted a message</h1>
<a href="?cmd=Back">Back</a> to the logbook<p>
<a href="?cmd=New">Enter</a> another message

This way one only needs one file for all logbooks.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6