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Entry   Unable to set a custom logbook dir on Debian 8 from the repository package, posted by S. Caiazza on Tue May 31 19:53:59 2016 

Dear all

I installed elog from the current stable repository on Debian 8 (jessie)

The installation went on smoothly, I modified the configuration files of the Apache server as described in the manual to use the elog in parallel with an existing webserver and then I tested. The demo logbook loads fine and I see that elog created a folder for the logbook in /var/lib/elog/logbooks, which is the directory specified by default in the /etc/init.d/elog file.

Then I modified the /etc/elog.conf file, added the following lines in the global section (custompath is a local path) 

Resource dir = /<custompath>/elog/res
Logbook dir = /<custompath>/elog/logbooks

And I created a new logbook.

After restarting the elog service the second database is correctly created but both of them are still stored in  /var/lib/elog/logbooks so it seems the global configurations in the config file are overwritten.

How can I specify the custom folder so that the new logbooks a

Entry   pdf thumbnails in latest Imagemagick, posted by John Haggerty on Mon Jun 6 05:45:57 2016 

I think with the latest Imagemagick from brew (6.9.4-7) that pdf thumnails no longer get made; the attachment is there but the message "Cannot create thumbnail, please check ImageMagick installation" apears instead of the thumbnails.  I couldn't make out from elogd -v 3 why they failed, but I couldn't make out the exact convert command that was failing.  This is on MacOS 10.11.5 and I think the updated version ofImagemagick was the last thing that changed before it failed.

Entry   Quick Filter not searching, posted by Alan Grant on Wed Aug 10 15:40:49 2016 

With all of our instances of Elog where we have Quick Filters enabled, any filter that we input characters into does not search the server when we press enter (there is no "Search" button). Interestingly, it will only search when we click anywhere on a blank area of the Elog interface. Is that the intended procedure for searching?

Entry   Hilight code, posted by Daniel Sajdyk on Tue Sep 6 13:29:03 2016 

Hello :)

Is there any way to highlight code (for example php, SQL) in logs entries?

Best Regards

Daniel Sajdyk

Entry   Using an RSS reader on a pasword protected elog, posted by Jackie Schwehr on Wed Sep 28 10:27:24 2016 

I'm trying to set up a python rss parser to read the output from my collaboration's elog, however the elog is password protected and I cannot figure out how to have a python scrip get past the login screen.  Is there something obvious I'm missing that will allow a parser to submit a username and password? If that's too python-specific of a question for this audience, then what is the exact security method elog uses, so I can get information on that?  I've read through the documentation and either I don't know what I'm reading (likely) or I'm not looking in the right spot.

Entry   , posted by Tim Schelfhout on Mon Dec 5 13:06:21 2016 


I am using ELOG V2.9.2-2475.  I added some groups and restarted ELOG and all of a sudden it 

Entry   , posted by on Fri Mar 25 00:16:13 107 
Entry   , posted by on Fri Mar 25 00:16:13 107 
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6