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  List of MEG publications, Page 6 of 10  Not logged in ELOG logo
Year Type Title Conference Journal
2011ArticleCalibration and Monitoring of the MEG experiment by a proton beam from a Cockcroft–Walton accelerator Nuclear Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. A

Please find the link to the published version of the article on Cockcroft-Walton calibration. 

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2010ArticleThe MEG tiiming counter calibration and performance Nuclear Instruments and Methods In Physics Research A
Attachment 1: TC_NIM.pdf
TC_NIM.pdf TC_NIM.pdf TC_NIM.pdf TC_NIM.pdf TC_NIM.pdf TC_NIM.pdf
2008ArticleFlavor physics of leptons and dipole moments The European Physical Journal C
2008ArticleCharged Lepton Flavor Violation Experiments Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science
Attachment 1: 0807_charged_lepton_flavor_violation_experiments.pdf
0807_charged_lepton_flavor_violation_experiments.pdf 0807_charged_lepton_flavor_violation_experiments.pdf 0807_charged_lepton_flavor_violation_experiments.pdf 0807_charged_lepton_flavor_violation_experiments.pdf 0807_charged_lepton_flavor_violation_experiments.pdf 0807_charged_lepton_flavor_violation_experiments.pdf 0807_charged_lepton_flavor_violation_experiments.pdf 0807_charged_lepton_flavor_violation_experiments.pdf
2010Conference with proceedingsPerformance of the liquid xenon detector for the MEG experiment12th International Vienna Conference on InstrumentationNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A

Attachment 1: VCI2010-Nishimura.pdf
VCI2010-Nishimura.pdf VCI2010-Nishimura.pdf VCI2010-Nishimura.pdf VCI2010-Nishimura.pdf VCI2010-Nishimura.pdf
2010Conference with proceedingsApplication of the DRS Chip for Fast Waveform Digitizing 1st international conference on Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics (TIPP09)Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A
Attachment 1: nima.pdf
nima.pdf nima.pdf nima.pdf
2009Conference with proceedingsMEG experiment at the Paul Scherrer Insitute4th International Symposium on Symmetries in Subatomic PhysicsNuclear Physics A
2010Conference with proceedingsMEG liquid xenon detectorGLA2010JOP Conference Series
Attachment 1: mihara-GLA2010.pdf
mihara-GLA2010.pdf mihara-GLA2010.pdf mihara-GLA2010.pdf mihara-GLA2010.pdf mihara-GLA2010.pdf mihara-GLA2010.pdf mihara-GLA2010.pdf mihara-GLA2010.pdf
2010Conference with proceedingsFirst results from the MEG ExperimentLes Rencontres de Physique de La Vallee d'Aoste 
Attachment 1: lathuile.pdf
lathuile.pdf lathuile.pdf lathuile.pdf lathuile.pdf lathuile.pdf lathuile.pdf lathuile.pdf
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signorelli.pdf signorelli.pdf signorelli.pdf signorelli.pdf signorelli.pdf signorelli.pdf signorelli.pdf signorelli.pdf
2009Conference with proceedingsSystem overview of liquid xenon calorimeter for the MEG experiment11th Pisa meeting on advanced detectorsNucl. Instr. and Meth. A
2009Conference with proceedingsThe Drift Chamber System of the MEG ExperimentThe 1st international conference on Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics 2009Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A
Attachment 1: GAS_IV_1_Hildebrandt.pdf
GAS_IV_1_Hildebrandt.pdf GAS_IV_1_Hildebrandt.pdf GAS_IV_1_Hildebrandt.pdf
2009Conference with proceedingsGamma ray reconstruction with liquid xenon calorimeter for the MEG experiment11th Pisa meeting on advanced detectorsNucl. Instr. and Meth. A
Attachment 1: Uchiyama_-_2010_-_Gamma_ray_reconstruction_with_liquid_xenon_calorimeter_for_the_MEG_experiment(2).pdf
Uchiyama_-_2010_-_Gamma_ray_reconstruction_with_liquid_xenon_calorimeter_for_the_MEG_experiment(2).pdf Uchiyama_-_2010_-_Gamma_ray_reconstruction_with_liquid_xenon_calorimeter_for_the_MEG_experiment(2).pdf
2009Conference with proceedingsPerformance of liquid xenon gamma ray detector for MEGThe 1st international conference on Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics (TIPP09)Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A
2009Conference with proceedingsThe search for mu->e+gamma decay:status of the MEG experimentsIFAE2009 Il Nuovo Cimento
Attachment 1: ncc9479-offprints.pdf
ncc9479-offprints.pdf ncc9479-offprints.pdf ncc9479-offprints.pdf ncc9479-offprints.pdf
2009Conference with proceedingsmu->e gamma - MEGTenth Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear PhysicsAIP
2009Conference with proceedingsFirst results from the MEG experiment: m->e gammaInternational conference on Neutrino Physics in the LHC EraInt. J. of Mod. Phys. A.
Attachment 1: luxor.pdf
luxor.pdf luxor.pdf luxor.pdf luxor.pdf luxor.pdf luxor.pdf luxor.pdf luxor.pdf
Attachment 2: cattaneo-meg.pdf
cattaneo-meg.pdf cattaneo-meg.pdf cattaneo-meg.pdf cattaneo-meg.pdf cattaneo-meg.pdf cattaneo-meg.pdf cattaneo-meg.pdf
2009Conference with proceedingsThe MEG spectrometer at PSIThe 1st international conference on Technology and Instrumentation in Particle PhysicsNuclear Instrumentations and Methods in Physics Research, Section A
Attachment 1: EDS_I_3_cattaneo.pdf
EDS_I_3_cattaneo.pdf EDS_I_3_cattaneo.pdf EDS_I_3_cattaneo.pdf
2010ArticleA limit for the mu -> e gamma decay from the MEG experiment Nuclear Physics B
A search for the decay mu -> e gamma, performed at PSI and
based on data from the initial three months of operation of the MEG
experiment, yields an upper limit
BR(mu -> e gamma) < 2.8 x 10**-11 (90% C.L.).
Positrons and photons from ~ 10**14 stopped mu-decays
were measured by a superconducting positron spectrometer and a
900 litre liquid xenon photon detector.


2008Conference with proceedingsLepton Flavor Violation perspectives beyond MEGNOW 2008Nuclear Physics B
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