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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subjectdown
  410   Fri Jul 25 02:03:37 2003 Idea eric Windows2.3.9Re: elog.exe cmd line - seems to just hang
Note: When I hit ctrl-break, it exits to cmd prompt, and the entry appears 
in the logbook.... ?

> elog -h -p 80 -l Database -a Type=test1 -a OS=W2K -a Loc=room1
> -a Status=operational
> doing anything wrong here?
  411   Fri Jul 25 02:07:08 2003 Idea eric Windows2.3.9Re: elog.exe cmd line - seems to just hang
opps nevermind, i didn't realize I had to put something in for the ending 
body text.  Anyway to skip that part?

> elog -h -p 80 -l Database -a Type=test1 -a OS=W2K -a Loc=room1
> -a Status=operational
> doing anything wrong here?
  412   Fri Jul 25 08:51:22 2003 Reply Stefan Windows2.3.9Re: elog.exe cmd line - seems to just hang
> opps nevermind, i didn't realize I had to put something in for the ending 
> body text.  Anyway to skip that part?
> > elog -h -p 80 -l Database -a Type=test1 -a OS=W2K -a Loc=room1
> > -a Status=operational
> > 
> > doing anything wrong here?

Due to frequent requests, the elog utility reads the message body text from the 
console (stdin), if it's missing on the command line (like in your case). Under 
Linux, you can then pipe some text into elog

cat message.txt | elog -h ...

or under Windows

type message.txt | elog -h ...

If you enter the text directly, you have to finish it with Ctrl-Z / Return
(Windows) or Ctrl-D (Linux). If you do not want any text, you can write

elog -h .... -a Status=operational " "

to submit an empty text (well, almost empty, contains single blank).
  453   Wed Nov 19 09:06:11 2003 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportWindows12/7/2003Re: elog.exe
> impossible to create the moptions with 
> -a Type#0="%D1%"
> -a Itel#0="%zItel%"
> the variable are set to 
> set D1=Tel
> set zItel=Tel.gif
> other standard option work fine

Sure it works. But in your elogd.cfg, you have ROptions, not MOptions! I 
changed this to 

IOptions Itel = Tel.gif, TelDirect.gif, Fax.gif, Gsm.gif, Tel2.gif, 
MOptions Type = Tel,TelDirect,Fax,Gsm,Tel2,Home,Combine,TelHelp

Then I added a batch file elog_submit.bat with following contents:

elog -h 'my site elo' -p 83 -l 'my logbook' -a Phone=%1 -a Contact="%2 %3" -a 
Type#0="%TYPE% -a Cat="%4" -a Itel#0="%ITEL%" %5 %6 %7

Then I made a 

set TYPE=Tel
set ITEL=Tel.gif

and a 

elog_submit 123 a b CAT Test Message

ans all worked fine. Please change your ROptions to MOptions and try again.
  68924   Thu Apr 4 12:12:58 2019 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux3.1.3Re: elog.css and lock.png fail to load with top groups

Looks more like a bug to me. Will investigate.


Ben Loer wrote:

As the title says, we have our elog running behind an Apache proxy that is also providing authentication. We also have top groups enabled.  The first time a user views a top group page with a fresh browser cache, the index is delivered, but requests for elog.css and lock.png are returned with http 302 with location set to the elog root.  (I.e., if the server is proxied under,  the first request for returns a 302 with location set to ). 

Any subsequent visits return the files fine. The attached screenshot shows the network requests in chrome. 

Is this a proxy configuration issue, something we've set wrong in elog, ??



  83   Wed Jul 24 17:24:31 2002 Idea Christian KorschanChristian.Korschan@CTBTO.ORGComment  Re: elog-2.0.5 core dumps under Solaris
> Just compiled elog-2.0.5 under Solaris 8 and 9  without any warnings/errors
> but the elogd binary just core dumps:
> # /opt/ELOG/bin/elogd -c /opt/ELOG/elogd.cfg 
> Indexing logbook "demo"...
> Bus Error (core dumped)
> .. tracing elogd shows:
> [ lines snipped ]
> 2964:   brk(0x005B8A68)                                 = 0
> 2964:   ioctl(1, TCGETA, 0xFFBEE6BC)                    = 0
> Indexing logbook "demo"...
> 2964:   write(1, " I n d e x i n g   l o g".., 27)      = 27
> 2964:       Incurred fault #5, FLTACCESS  %pc = 0x000164C0
> 2964:         siginfo: SIGBUS BUS_ADRALN addr=0x2F757372
> 2964:       Received signal #10, SIGBUS [default]
> 2964:         siginfo: SIGBUS BUS_ADRALN addr=0x2F757372
> 2964:           *** process killed ***
> #
> ... any glue ?

Hmmm - stupid me used a broken patch  used to get rid of alphasort under 2.0.4
this entry and it's predecessor should be DELETED - sorry for the confusion :-(
  67430   Wed Feb 6 13:25:33 2013 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux2.9.2-2475Re: elog's image manipulation of .png file generated from a pdf/jpg
> Hi all, 
> Is it just my system or do others have this odd issue.
> I have a pdf file which is 'upside-down', I attached it to an elog entry, and the .png image thumbnail was
> generated.  Now this too was upside-down, so I tried to use the left (or right) rotation buttons along the top
> of the image in elog to do a 180 degree rotation.
> The first 90 degree rotation was fine, but the second attempt just made a smaller image.  
> It happens with various pdf files generated by various software (in case).
> I also tried it with a jpg file, in that case the second attempt enlarged the image.
> I could not find any way to actually invert the .png image using elog; but I was surprised that a second
> rotation ddid something different (change magnification) rather than nothing at all if it could only cope with a
> 90 degree rotation.
> It's not a vital fix for me, but I have found the thumbnail (png) manipulation functions have a few rough edges,
> so when necessary I use xv or gimp on the .png file to get what I want.
> Or is this just my system?

I just tried on the demo logbook:

and it worked fine in rotating the image twice. Can you try yourself and find out if it's related to your installation if ImageMagic, or the actual image file?

  67432   Sat Feb 9 15:11:19 2013 Reply David elog's image manipulation of .png file generated from a pdf/jpg
> > Hi all, 
> > 
> > Is it just my system or do others have this odd issue.
> > 
> > I have a pdf file which is 'upside-down', I attached it to an elog entry, and the .png image thumbnail was
> > generated.  Now this too was upside-down, so I tried to use the left (or right) rotation buttons along the top
> > of the image in elog to do a 180 degree rotation.
> > The first 90 degree rotation was fine, but the second attempt just made a smaller image.  
> > It happens with various pdf files generated by various software (in case).
> > I also tried it with a jpg file, in that case the second attempt enlarged the image.
> > 
> > I could not find any way to actually invert the .png image using elog; but I was surprised that a second
> > rotation ddid something different (change magnification) rather than nothing at all if it could only cope with a
> > 90 degree rotation.
> > 
> > It's not a vital fix for me, but I have found the thumbnail (png) manipulation functions have a few rough edges,
> > so when necessary I use xv or gimp on the .png file to get what I want.
> > 
> > Or is this just my system?
> I just tried on the demo logbook:
> and it worked fine in rotating the image twice. Can you try yourself and find out if it's related to your installation if ImageMagic, or the actual image file?
> /Stefan

Hi Stefan,

Well I didn't crash the server this time, and I could invert the image in the demo logbook by doing two rotations.
But, this is elog v2.9.0-2435, and I am using v2.9.2-2475.  And I remember there was a recent issue about the image manipulation at some point, so I went to the
download section to read the subversion listing to find where this occurred.  But you've changed subversion!  I couldn't find my way around it, so I not only could
I find the changefile that showed what happened for each subversion issue, but even how I could download the current (or indeed any past) subversion issue.

As far as I can recall, you made a change, I reported an issue, and you undid the change, or partially undid it.  Do you know when this was?  Could it be relivent?
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6