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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
    icon2.gif   Re: Upgrading from ELOG V2.5.6-1 to ELOG V2.5.9 steps, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Dec 2 12:27:47 2005 

Rob de Bruin wrote:
We whant to upgrade to the latest version, can i just install the latest version over my older version??
I wil backup etc. offcourse.

Yes. The 2.6.0-beta1,2,3,4 have some problems, but the latest beta5 is pretty stable.

Rob de Bruin wrote:
Are there things i'll have to be alert to?

Usually only new options get added, and I keep the old ones, so there should not be any problem, although I do not record carefully what changes between any arbitray versions, so just read the changelogs

Rob de Bruin wrote:
Can someone give me a link to a document?

The changelog is located at

I have not put in the new stuff from 2.6.0, because it's still in beta.

- Stefan
    icon2.gif   Re: Upgrade from 2.3.8 to 2.6.0 logbook problem, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Dec 5 17:11:33 2005 

Jesse Wodin wrote:
Hi, I'd like to upgrade from an old version of elog 2.3.8 to 2.6.0. I installed the new version, and it runs fine, but it doesn't seem to see my old logbooks (the path in the conf file is correct). Do I have to upgrade my logbooks somehow?

No. The last change in the logbook format was for version 2.0.0. So something else must be wrong. Just creat one entry with your new elog, and see where it's created on the hard disk. Put your old logbooks there. If you start elogd manually with the "-v" flag, you will see it indexing all logbooks. Check that you see all your entries there.
    icon2.gif   Re: Logbook aliases, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Dec 13 20:34:39 2005 

Yoshio Imai wrote:
Is it possible to implement aliases for logbooks? We would like to use a new logbook for every beamtime, but many services need to read/write to the respective current beamtime logbook. It would therefore be nice to have logbook "aliases", so that e.g. a "virtual" logbook beam could be defined to be an alias/redirection to the current beamtime logbook, and all services could refer to that one instead of having to be reconfigured for each beamtime.
This could also help to make sure everyone on shift writes the entries to the correct logbook ... Wink

You can do that already with the current version: At the end of a beamtime, create a new logbook, take the current logbook as a template, to make sure it has the same settings. Then move all entries from the current logbook to the new beamtime logbook, either with

  • the "move to" command from the menu (which you first have to enable. While this works fine for individual entries, I never tried this with a whole logbook (click on "all", then "select all", then move to). So better try this first on a backup
  • moving the logbook entries on the file level. Go to the elog root, then enter "mv logbooks/<current>/* logbooks/<beamtime>/ where <current> is your current (online) logbook and <beamtime> is the new one you just created. You have to restart elogd so that it realizes the moved files

After that, your current logbook is empty again and ready for the new beamtime Big grin .
    icon2.gif   Re: Logbook aliases, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Dec 14 11:48:37 2005 

Yoshio Imai wrote:
but maybe you can add this to the wishlist if others request the same...

Ok, I will do that.

Yoshio Imai wrote:
P.S. What do you think about the idea of a "Go to page"-button for the single entry view?

I plan to make it even better (when I get some time, we have beam time right now as well Crying ). If you click "List" on the single entry page, it takes you by default to the listing page. I guess that would be a feature of general interest. I just need some time to implement it...
icon3.gif   New ELOG version 2.6.0, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Dec 15 13:08:35 2005 a040.gifa010.gif
Dear ELOG users,

I'm happy to announce the release of ELOG version 2.6.0. After a long period of beta testing, all functions are now sufficiently stable for a public release. The major new feature is the introduction of the ELCode tags. They are similar to the well known BBCode tags, and let you format an elog entry. It is now also possible to embed inline images in an elog entry , which are even sent in email notifications.

So have fun,

    icon2.gif   Re: Bad date format., posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Dec 15 17:33:39 2005 

Alex H wrote:

Type Dernière image = Date

[Image Routeurs]
Type Derniere Image = Date

Maybe your additional accent. The attribute list contains Derniere Image, but in your first logbook you say Type Dernière image with accent grave, so this are not the same words.
icon3.gif   Shell substitution, especially interesting for running online experiments, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Dec 20 09:18:19 2005 
Shell substitution has been introduced in an experimental state of the current SVN version of ELOG. It woks such that the subsititution list can contain $shell(<argument>) commands. The <argument> is passed to the shell of the operating system and the result is captured and subsituted. This is handy for online experiments, where one wants to pass information automatically to elog. Assume that there is a file /tmp/runnumber containing the current run number of the experiment. All one needs to put the current run number in an attribute "Run number" is the following line in the configuration file:

Preset Run number = $shell(cat /tmp/runnumber)

This subsitution works also for the main text body. Following option will put a calendar of the current month into the text body:

Preset text = $shell(cal)

note that shell subsitution works both on Windows and Unix, the "cat" and "cal" commands are however only present under Unix, but "cat" can be replaced with its Windows counterpart "type".
icon3.gif   Howto insert screen dumps into an elog entry, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Dec 20 11:17:17 2005 elc_image.pngCapture.jpg
With the new ELCode tags, one can insert screen dumps pretty easy into elog entries. I personally use HoverSnap 0.8 under Windows, there are similar tools under Linux. HoverSnap puts a "Capture.jpg" file in a selectable directoy when you press PrintScreen, then you can instert this file with the button. Here is such a screendump example:

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