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icon5.gif   Extra 'append on edit' action when adding attachment, posted by Mike Stolove on Thu Oct 14 16:33:51 2004 
I have the following in a local logbook config: 
  append on edit = "\n\n[$date: $short_name]\n" 
When I upload an attachment to an entry, it appears like the page is 
getting refreshed in the browser and the 'append on edit' action is called 
again. This results in two appended strings in the text entry, one for the 
initial edit and one for the upload. 
Is this by design or an inadvertent result of uploading an attachment? 
My preferred handling of this - and perhaps a more intuitive behavior - 
would be to have the append/prepend actions happen once and only once for 
each edit or reply. 
BTW Stephan, many thanks for the great program. 
    icon2.gif   Re: Extra 'append on edit' action when adding attachment, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Oct 14 21:45:32 2004 
I fixed that in revision 1.496 (see CVS).
Entry   , posted by on Tue Oct 12 10:54:04 2004 
It would be nice if elogd would recognise the whole of this as a link;en-us;138354 rather than 
just the first bit.
    Reply   , posted by on Wed Oct 13 20:28:02 2004 
Has been fixed in revision 1.492.
       icon7.gif   Re: URL Parsing Problem, posted by RB on Thu Oct 14 11:37:18 2004 
> Has been fixed in revision 1.492.

Thanks, Stefan.
icon4.gif   deleting the sole single entry in log causes crash with xrealloc, posted by Mike Stolove on Sat Oct 9 14:25:23 2004 
When creating new logbooks, I will create a single entry to test the  
configuration. After revising the configuration I want to delete that  
single entry and create a new one based on the revised config.  
elogd will crash every time upon deleting that single entry with an  
xrealloc error. Here are the syslog entries leading up to the crash:  
Oct  9 08:09:41 obstin8 elogd[20614]:  
GET /Support/1?cmd=Delete&nextmsg=0&confirm=Yes HTTP/1.1^M Connection:  
Keep-Alive^M User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.3; Linux)  
(KHTML, like Gecko)^M Referer: http://localhost:8080/Support/1?cmd=Delete^M  
Accept: text/html, image/jpeg, image/png, text/*, image/*, */*^M  
Accept-Encoding: x-gzip, x-deflate, gzip, deflate^M Accept-Charset:  
iso-8859-1, utf-8;q=0.5, *;q=0.5^M Accept-Language: en^M Host:  
localhost:8080^M Cookie: urem=0; upwd=dDRubjNyBDI=; unm=mstolove  
Oct  9 08:09:41 obstin8 elogd[20614]: xrealloc: not enough memory  
This is on a Slackware 10 box using kernel 2.6.7. Elogd is accessed  
directly, not through an Apache proxy.  
    icon2.gif   Re: deleting the sole single entry in log causes crash with xrealloc, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Oct 11 21:41:58 2004 
This problem has been fixed in revision 1.491 and will be published in version
icon5.gif   Windows XP Login Problem..., posted by Gulzaman on Tue Oct 5 16:37:44 2004 
We are trying to use ELog on Windows XP with Protection on individual log 
book and we unable to login after creating users even if we give correct 
user name and password login screen reappears. We are able to log in to the 
Elog when we use windows 98 Client we are running Elog on Windows XP and 
without password protection on logbook it is working fine with windows 98.

For win xp clients we are using winxp sp 1, ie 6.1 using a proxy server
    icon2.gif   Re: Windows XP Login Problem..., posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Oct 7 01:27:27 2004 
> W
       icon2.gif   Re: Windows XP Login Problem..., posted by Gulzaman on Thu Oct 7 11:01:00 2004 
> >
          icon2.gif   Re: Windows XP Login Problem..., posted by Gulzaman on Sat Oct 9 11:04:37 2004 
> > > We are trying to use ELog on Windows XP with Protection on individual log 
> > > book and we unable to login after creating users even if we give correct 
> > > user name and password login screen reappears. We are able to log in to the 
> > > Elog when we use windows 98 Client we are running Elog on Windows XP and 
> > > without password protection on logbook it is working fine with windows 98.
> > > 
> > > For win xp clients we are using winxp sp 1, ie 6.1 using a proxy server
> > 
> > First, upgrade to 2.5.4-5 (if you haven't done so). If the problem persists,
> > please start elogd on the server with the "-v" flag, capture the screen output
> > and send it to me by email so that I can have a look. Please send also your
> > elogd.cfg file.
> > 
> > - Stefan
> Mr. Stefan
> Following is elogd.cfg file text:
> [global]
> port = 8080
> Main Tab = Home
> Protect Selection page = 1
> [Daily Log]
> Password file = pwdfile
> Self register = 0
> Login expiration = 0
> Admin user = user
> Logout to main = 1
> Theme = bubbles
> Comment = Daily Call tracking and Issue Solving
> Attributes = Author, Type, Category, Subject
> IOptions Author = icon6.gif, icon7.gif
> Options Type = Routine, Software Installation, Problem Fixed, Configuration, Other
> Options Category = General, Hardware, Software, Network, Other
> Extendable Options = Category
> Required Attributes = Author, Type
> Page Title = ELOG - $subject
> Reverse sort = 1
> Quick filter = Date, Type

Mr. Stefan

We tried installing elog on another pc with almost the same configuration and are 
able to run it without any problems now.
icon3.gif   Enhanced "eLog Version" Variable, posted by Steve Jones on Fri Sep 24 19:17:52 2004 
Stefan, would it be ok to add the "minor" revision level to the VERSION
constant?  I've been doing this after I download source just so I can keep
things straight, you keep cranking out versions ;->

#define VERSION "2.5.4-4"
#define VERSION "2.5.4-4-1.483" or something like that?

Just a thought.

    icon2.gif   Re: Enhanced "eLog Version" Variable, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Sep 24 22:37:01 2004 
Sorry for that. The idea is that the -4 is the minor number between releases
(mainly for bug fixes and impatient users (;-) ). I accidently overwrote the
-4 version several times when testing a new RPM building scheme, but I promise
to take more care in the future (:-)))

Having the CVS revision in the executable is however a good idea and I will
put it in.

> Stefan, would it be ok to add the "minor" revision level to the VERSION
> constant?  I've been doing this after I download source just so I can keep
> things straight, you keep cranking out versions ;->
> EX: 
> #define VERSION "2.5.4-4"
> #define VERSION "2.5.4-4-1.483" or something like that?
> Just a thought.
> Thanks
       icon14.gif   Re: Enhanced "eLog Version" Variable, posted by Steve Jones on Wed Oct 6 06:14:36 2004 
No big deal - I looked at the code and you did a much more thorough job than I
would have done. Appreciate all of the hard work -- this product is masterful!

> Sorry for that. The idea is that the -4 is the minor number between releases
> (mainly for bug fixes and impatient users (;-) ). I accidently overwrote the
> -4 version several times when testing a new RPM building scheme, but I promise
> to take more care in the future (:-)))
> Having the CVS revision in the executable is however a good idea and I will
> put it in.
> > Stefan, would it be ok to add the "minor" revision level to the VERSION
> > constant?  I've been doing this after I download source just so I can keep
> > things straight, you keep cranking out versions ;->
> > 
> > EX: 
> > #define VERSION "2.5.4-4"
> > #define VERSION "2.5.4-4-1.483" or something like that?
> > 
> > Just a thought.
> > 
> > Thanks
icon5.gif   Attachment file "" empty or not found, posted by roets on Tue Sep 28 22:44:50 2004 
I am getting the following error message with version 2.5.4-4 when I try to
add a new entry to a log book.

Attachment file "" empty or not found

If I add the following line to me elogd.cfg I do not get the error, but will
not be able to use attachments.

Enable attachments = 0

I recently upgraded from version 2.2.5 which did not have the problem.  I
did not see anything in the changelog referencing this type of change to how
attachments are handled.

I there something I need to set in the config so that an attachment is not
expected every time a new entry is made?
    icon2.gif   Re: Attachment file "" empty or not found, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Sep 29 01:28:22 2004 
That problem has been fixed in 2.5.4-5
icon4.gif   too many <table> tags, posted by Heiko Scheit on Mon Aug 2 14:56:56 2004 elog_table.jpg
There are too many <table> tags when displaying a singel entry.  E.g.
in the row 'Configuration Name'
is not aligned with the others (see attachment).

Looking at the HTML one sees that there are <table> tags for each row
which should not be there:

<tr><td><table width="100%" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td nowrap
class="attribname">Author:</td><td class="attribvalue">
Stefan Ritt&nbsp</td>
    icon4.gif   Re: too many <table> tags, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Aug 3 11:16:46 2004 elog.gif
> There are too many <table> tags when displaying a singel entry.  E.g.
> in the row 'Configuration Name'
> is not aligned with the others (see attachment).

The <table> tags are there on purpose. As you can combine several attributes
into one line (see this forum for example), it's necessary to make an
independent <table> for each line. This causes the shifting as you noted
correctly. To avoid this, simple increase the width of the attribute name field
in the CSS file. Edit <elo>/themes/default/default.css, find the section with
".attibname" and change the width from 150px to 200px, such as

.attribname {
  border:1px solid #0000FF;
  border-top:1px solid white;
  border-left:1px solid white;

I tried this with, and it wroked
fine (see attachment). [I had to increase the text size a bit in my browser to
reproduce the initial problem]
       icon4.gif   Re: too many <table> tags, posted by Heiko Scheit on Tue Aug 3 13:06:54 2004 elog_table2.jpg
> > There are too many <table> tags when displaying a singel entry.  E.g.
> > in the row 'Configuration Name'
> > is not aligned with the others (see attachment).
> The <table> tags are there on purpose. As you can combine several attributes
> into one line (see this forum for example), it's necessary to make an
> independent <table> for each line. 

Couldn't one include the extra <table> tag only when there is really more than
one attribute per line.  All other lines could then be aligned properly.

To increase the width is not really a solution, since this depends on the
text size used.  See attachment with really big text.
          icon2.gif   Re: too many <table> tags, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Aug 3 13:31:08 2004 
> Couldn't one include the extra <table> tag only when there is really more than
> one attribute per line.  All other lines could then be aligned properly.

Sure one can do a lot of things if one has enough time and not tens of other
requests on the wishlist which really concern some functionality and not just
             icon14.gif   Re: too many <table> tags, posted by Steve Jones on Thu Aug 12 23:32:46 2004 
> > Couldn't one include the extra <table> tag only when there is really more than
> > one attribute per line.  All other lines could then be aligned properly.
> Sure one can do a lot of things if one has enough time and not tens of other
> requests on the wishlist which really concern some functionality and not just
> cosmetics.

And just to add insult to injury, the same <table> structure doesn't even look the
same between, say, IE6.0 and FireFox 0.9!!

Stefan, keep up the good work!
                icon2.gif   Re: too many <table> tags, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Sep 15 07:42:23 2004 
> > > Couldn't one include the extra <table> tag only when there is really more than
> > > one attribute per line.  All other lines could then be aligned properly.

I added that code in revision 1.471.
icon4.gif   text display of ascii files not a good idea, posted by Heiko Scheit on Mon Aug 23 13:43:58 2004 
I think the text display of ASCII files, which is new in version
2.5.4, is not a good idea.  E.g. I had a large ps file attached
to one entry and it took a long time display this entry (over DSL).
Then I saw that the ps-file is displayed as text, which is not really 

Probably it is fine to display only files ending in '.txt' per default.
In addition a file that has more than say 1000 lines should probably 
also not be displayed (as default, optional OK).  

Cheers, Heiko
    icon4.gif   Re: text display of ascii files not a good idea, posted by T. Ribbrock on Tue Sep 7 13:05:49 2004 
> Probably it is fine to display only files ending in '.txt' per default.
> In addition a file that has more than say 1000 lines should probably 
> also not be displayed (as default, optional OK).  

No, '.txt' would definitely not be enough for me. I'm using elog to log all
administration of our network. In many cases, I simply attach a configuration
file. All those files are plain ASCII and none of them end in '.txt' - and I
would most definitely like them to be displayed inline like they are now. In
fact, this change was the main reason for me to upgrade to 2.5.4

Maybe a configuration option or a "display attachment" button would be the
best solution, then?


       icon4.gif   Re: text display of ascii files not a good idea, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Sep 8 13:46:56 2004 
> [...]
> > Probably it is fine to display only files ending in '.txt' per default.
> > In addition a file that has more than say 1000 lines should probably 
> > also not be displayed (as default, optional OK).  
> No, '.txt' would definitely not be enough for me. I'm using elog to log all
> administration of our network. In many cases, I simply attach a configuration
> file. All those files are plain ASCII and none of them end in '.txt' - and I
> would most definitely like them to be displayed inline like they are now. In
> fact, this change was the main reason for me to upgrade to 2.5.4
> Maybe a configuration option or a "display attachment" button would be the
> best solution, then?
> Cheerio,
> Thomas

So to make everybody happy, it would probably be enough not to display inline any
*.ps file, is that right? Is there any other ASCII format, which should not be
displayed? PDF is binary, so it won't be displayed. What about long C files? Most
people want to see them. In the recent version there is the "Hide attachment"
link which can be clicked to not display an attachment inline. Mabe there should
be a "Hide default = 0|1" config option...
          icon4.gif   Re: text display of ascii files not a good idea, posted by Heiko Scheit on Wed Sep 8 23:35:01 2004 
> > [...]
> > > Probably it is fine to display only files ending in '.txt' per default.
> > > In addition a file that has more than say 1000 lines should probably 
> > > also not be displayed (as default, optional OK).  
> > 
> > No, '.txt' would definitely not be enough for me. I'm using elog to log all
> > administration of our network. In many cases, I simply attach a configuration
> > file. All those files are plain ASCII and none of them end in '.txt' - and I
> > would most definitely like them to be displayed inline like they are now. In
> > fact, this change was the main reason for me to upgrade to 2.5.4
> > 
> > Maybe a configuration option or a "display attachment" button would be the
> > best solution, then?
> > 
> > Cheerio,
> > 
> > Thomas
> So to make everybody happy, it would probably be enough not to display inline any
> *.ps file, is that right? 

I think there should be size limit.  Imagine a multi MB text file (whatever it is;
elogd.c is already more than 1/2 MB and is likely to increase due to your
excellent support).  A client on an ISDN line would have to wait
several minutes and during this time elogd is busy and no other client can connect
(correct?).  Of course, if somebody really wants to see this file then there is
nothing to be done, but likely someone is flipping throught the messages using
to arrows on top to find the right entry....
So a configurable size limit seems appropriate, from which on 
only 'Display attachment' is displayed.  And/Or, for files
exceeding this limit, the first N (new config option) lines could be displayed.

But this should only influence ASCII files.  E.g. the behaviour for jpeg files
should not change, which is controlled by 'Hide default'.  Maybe a 'Display/Hide
defaut extension' option, where the extensions are listed that are to be displayed
is another idea, in addition to a 'Max Display ASCII inline size' option,
which can be set to zero to disable it altogether.

In any case, whatever you think is best.

Cheers, Heiko

> Is there any other ASCII format, which should not be
> displayed? PDF is binary, so it won't be displayed. What about long C files? Most
> people want to see them. In the recent version there is the "Hide attachment"
> link which can be clicked to not display an attachment inline. Mabe there should
> be a "Hide default = 0|1" config option...
             icon2.gif   Re: text display of ascii files not a good idea, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Sep 15 04:08:46 2004 
> So a configurable size limit seems appropriate, from which on 
> only 'Display attachment' is displayed.  And/Or, for files
> exceeding this limit, the first N (new config option) lines could be displayed.

Ok, I changed elogd such that only the first 1000 lines of inline attachments are
displayed, with a note of how many lines are truncated. By clicking on the attachment
name, one can still download the complete attachment. I guess the number of lines do
not have to be configurable, but if someone is not happy with the 1000 lines that could
be added.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6