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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
    icon4.gif   Re: elog & firefox pipelining, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jun 6 15:17:50 2005 

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
Having the Firefox pipelining feature enabled makes elog unable to correctly show avery attachment in the full view when a quite large number of them is present..
disabling pipelining makes all works fine again

As is said:

Pipelining is an experimental feature, designed to improve page-load performance, that is unfortunately not well supported by some web servers and proxies.

So what do you expect Tongue

I have not checked in detail, but it seems that the browser fires off several requests in parallel, one for each image. This can only be handled by a multi-threaded server, which elog is not (yet). What is more an issue for elog in relation to multi-threading is that one long request blocks all other users. So if I do a synchronize for example from home, the server can be nonresponsive for a minute or two. I have some plans for making it multi-threaded, but as you can imagine this is not so simple to do in a portable way.
    icon12.gif   Re: elog & firefox pipelining, posted by Emiliano Gabrielli on Tue Jun 7 13:12:25 2005 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
Having the Firefox pipelining feature enabled makes elog unable to correctly show avery attachment in the full view when a quite large number of them is present..
disabling pipelining makes all works fine again

As is said:

Pipelining is an experimental feature, designed to improve page-load performance, that is unfortunately not well supported by some web servers and proxies.

So what do you expect Tongue

I have not checked in detail, but it seems that the browser fires off several requests in parallel, one for each image. This can only be handled by a multi-threaded server, which elog is not (yet). What is more an issue for elog in relation to multi-threading is that one long request blocks all other users. So if I do a synchronize for example from home, the server can be nonresponsive for a minute or two. I have some plans for making it multi-threaded, but as you can imagine this is not so simple to do in a portable way.

You are right .. I'll wait the m-t support then Smile ghghgh
    icon2.gif   Re: elconv deletes everything, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jun 10 11:39:23 2015 
> - elogd should not tell us to run elconv when both old-style and corresponding new-style elog entries exist

I removed that check completely. The old format was used up to 2002, so I expect that all users have upgraded in meantime.

    icon2.gif   Re: el cheapo LDAP binding, posted by Christof Hanke on Mon Jan 30 09:31:51 2012 elogd-addwebserverauth.patch

Hi Christian,

 I have also the need to do auth on the webserver, but  I tried to integrate it into elogd as far as I could.

However, I do not try to set a special cookie to set the username, but always use 
 "X-Forwarded-User".  Like this, every request is authenticated by the webserver in front.

If that's not too heavy for you, try out the applied patch.







If you are willing to integrate this into the official tree, 

I can provide some docs for it (like setting author 

directly etc.)

Christof Hanke e-mail
RZG (Rechenzentrum Garching) phone +49-89-3299-1041
Computing Center of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (MPG) and the
Institut für Plasmaphysik (IPP)


Christian Herzog wrote:

Hi all,


we would like to hook elog to our LDAP server. Instead of writing a full-featured LDAP auth module for elog, I have the following idea: use Apache's LDAP module to require LDAP auth for a single logbook: 


 <Location /elog/admin>

        Use PhysLDAP

        Use RequirePhysLDAPGroup isg

        RewriteEngine On

        RewriteCond %{LA-U:REMOTE_USER} (.+)

        RewriteRule . - [E=RU:%1]

        RequestHeader add X-Forwarded-User %{RU}e

the two Use statements are Apache macros that define our LDAP settings. The last 4 lines are necessary for Apache to pass on the logged in user to the proxied elog (ends up in ENV X-Forwarded- User).
In elogd.c, I added 
   /* extract REMOTE_USER */

   if ((p = strstr(request, "X-Forwarded-User:")) != NULL) {

      p += 17;

      while (*p && *p == ' ')


      strlcpy(remote_user, p, sizeof(remote_user));

      if (strchr(remote_user, '\r'))

         *strchr(remote_user, '\r') = 0;

         char sid[32];

         /* get a new session ID */

         sid_new(NULL, remote_user, (char *) inet_ntoa(rem_addr), sid);

         /* set SID cookie */

         set_sid_cookie(NULL, sid);

         // TODO: set lbs!


to process_http_request in order to extract the LDAP login. I have managed to populate the author field with remote_user, but what I'd really like is to write a cookie containing this login name so that session handling kicks in. You can see that I attempt to write a cookie, but elogd segfaults at set_sid_cookie() (gdb backtrace: 
set_cookie (lbs=0x0, name=0x483b22 "sid", value=0x7ffffffd7590 "4831386B7B333A99", 
global=0, expiration=0x7ffffffd7300 "")
Would anyone be willing to help me with this? I'm not at all familiar with the program flow in elogd and my C is a bit rusty...
Dr. Christian Herzog <>  support: +41 44 633 26 68
IT Services Group, HPT H 8                    voice: +41 44 633 39 50
Department of Physics, ETH Zurich
8093 Zurich, Switzerland           



    icon2.gif   Re: el cheapo LDAP binding, posted by Christian Herzog on Fri Feb 3 09:30:20 2012 

Hi Christof,


wow thanks, that's (almost) exactly what I was looking for! I only had to add


 --- src/elogd.c.orig 2012-02-03 09:11:42.000000000 +0100
+++ src/elogd.c 2012-02-03 09:11:32.000000000 +0100
@@ -8375,6 +8375,10 @@
    strcpy(list[i], "remote_host");
    strlcpy(value[i++], rem_host, NAME_LENGTH);

+   /* add LDAP author */
+   strcpy(list[i], "http_user");
+   strlcpy(value[i++], http_user, NAME_LENGTH);

    /* add local host */
    strcpy(list[i], "host");
    strlcpy(value[i++], host_name, NAME_LENGTH);
in order to get

Preset Author = $http_user

to work.  I fully support getting your patches into upstream.


thanks a bunch,


    icon2.gif   Re: editor dosn't work, posted by David Pilgram on Thu Jun 2 14:57:39 2011 

Sara Vanini wrote:


when I try to edit an entry of my ELOG, the display shows the editor window blank, without all the previous content of the entry, and it is not possibile to write in it. It worked since yesterday, when ELOG tried to save a new entry but the disk was full. ELOG was srewed up. I deleted the buggy entry and now I can display all the previuos entries, but I cannot edit anymore... Please help!



 I've a little experience of digging myself out of (in my case, self-induced) problems using ELOG.   I'm also aware that I may be the least experienced/qualified user..

First:  Archive your work directories.  Then at least whatever you do from here, you've got the status quo to fall back on.  Also, record anything you can remember (ID number, thread, etc) of the deleted entry/entries.

I've found that ELOG can hang in an infinite loop if it tries to find an entry that is no longer there - and that depends upon how you approach the point where the missing entry would be.  ELOG's own delete works fine in normal circumstances.  I'm talking about abnormal circumstances, for example when idiots (me) are playing around with the yymmdda.log files, or *possibly* if the disk is full, and you then try deleting the entry that caused the full disk problem.  Whether that is what you are seeing, I cannot say at present. 

However, to progress this:  When you are stuck, unable to edit anything, in a[nother] terminal, try the process report

ps -A

two or three times, with a short interval between commands.  (Or other switches if you know how to select to view the elogd process on your system).   If elogd is using seconds of CPU time between each ps command, it's probably in an infinite loop.  If you need to be sure, wait a minute and check again.  If so, you'll have to stop the daemon, possibly requiring a computer reboot.  In my experience, ELOG does not get stuck in an infinite loop when just indexing the pages when the daemon starts, but experts may well know better.

This may at least diagnose whether you cannot edit because ELOG is stuck in an infinite loop, or has some other cause.

If it is the infinite loop, the trick is to find which entry causes the loop without getting stuck in that loop next time around. 

David Pilgram.

    icon2.gif   Re: editor dosn't work, posted by Sara Vanini on Thu Jun 2 16:50:17 2011 

David Pilgram wrote:

Sara Vanini wrote:


when I try to edit an entry of my ELOG, the display shows the editor window blank, without all the previous content of the entry, and it is not possibile to write in it. It worked since yesterday, when ELOG tried to save a new entry but the disk was full. ELOG was srewed up. I deleted the buggy entry and now I can display all the previuos entries, but I cannot edit anymore... Please help!



 I've a little experience of digging myself out of (in my case, self-induced) problems using ELOG.   I'm also aware that I may be the least experienced/qualified user..

First:  Archive your work directories.  Then at least whatever you do from here, you've got the status quo to fall back on.  Also, record anything you can remember (ID number, thread, etc) of the deleted entry/entries.

I've found that ELOG can hang in an infinite loop if it tries to find an entry that is no longer there - and that depends upon how you approach the point where the missing entry would be.  ELOG's own delete works fine in normal circumstances.  I'm talking about abnormal circumstances, for example when idiots (me) are playing around with the yymmdda.log files, or *possibly* if the disk is full, and you then try deleting the entry that caused the full disk problem.  Whether that is what you are seeing, I cannot say at present. 

However, to progress this:  When you are stuck, unable to edit anything, in a[nother] terminal, try the process report

ps -A

two or three times, with a short interval between commands.  (Or other switches if you know how to select to view the elogd process on your system).   If elogd is using seconds of CPU time between each ps command, it's probably in an infinite loop.  If you need to be sure, wait a minute and check again.  If so, you'll have to stop the daemon, possibly requiring a computer reboot.  In my experience, ELOG does not get stuck in an infinite loop when just indexing the pages when the daemon starts, but experts may well know better.

This may at least diagnose whether you cannot edit because ELOG is stuck in an infinite loop, or has some other cause.

If it is the infinite loop, the trick is to find which entry causes the loop without getting stuck in that loop next time around. 

David Pilgram.

 Hi David,

you have been very helpful indeed. The problem was the one you spot, I've deleted the  buggy entry removing the ***.log file, and this caused disaster..... now it is working again, thanks a lot, I have all my PhD thesis in ELOG....



    icon2.gif   Re: editor dosn't work, posted by David Pilgram on Thu Jun 2 20:20:19 2011 

Sara Vanini wrote:

David Pilgram wrote:

Sara Vanini wrote:


when I try to edit an entry of my ELOG, the display shows the editor window blank, without all the previous content of the entry, and it is not possibile to write in it. It worked since yesterday, when ELOG tried to save a new entry but the disk was full. ELOG was srewed up. I deleted the buggy entry and now I can display all the previuos entries, but I cannot edit anymore... Please help!



 I've a little experience of digging myself out of (in my case, self-induced) problems using ELOG.   I'm also aware that I may be the least experienced/qualified user..

First:  Archive your work directories.  Then at least whatever you do from here, you've got the status quo to fall back on.  Also, record anything you can remember (ID number, thread, etc) of the deleted entry/entries.

I've found that ELOG can hang in an infinite loop if it tries to find an entry that is no longer there - and that depends upon how you approach the point where the missing entry would be.  ELOG's own delete works fine in normal circumstances.  I'm talking about abnormal circumstances, for example when idiots (me) are playing around with the yymmdda.log files, or *possibly* if the disk is full, and you then try deleting the entry that caused the full disk problem.  Whether that is what you are seeing, I cannot say at present. 

However, to progress this:  When you are stuck, unable to edit anything, in a[nother] terminal, try the process report

ps -A

two or three times, with a short interval between commands.  (Or other switches if you know how to select to view the elogd process on your system).   If elogd is using seconds of CPU time between each ps command, it's probably in an infinite loop.  If you need to be sure, wait a minute and check again.  If so, you'll have to stop the daemon, possibly requiring a computer reboot.  In my experience, ELOG does not get stuck in an infinite loop when just indexing the pages when the daemon starts, but experts may well know better.

This may at least diagnose whether you cannot edit because ELOG is stuck in an infinite loop, or has some other cause.

If it is the infinite loop, the trick is to find which entry causes the loop without getting stuck in that loop next time around. 

David Pilgram.

 Hi David,

you have been very helpful indeed. The problem was the one you spot, I've deleted the  buggy entry removing the ***.log file, and this caused disaster..... now it is working again, thanks a lot, I have all my PhD thesis in ELOG....



Don't get too excited yet!


When you reply to an entry in ELOG, then some additional data is added to that original entry. 


So, if you reply today (say 02/06/11) to an entry made yesterday, then you will find that the file 110602a.log has a large change (the new entry in full, plus elog extra codes), *and* an additional line added into 110601a.log.  Deleting 110602a.log will not remove the line in 110601a.log, and that could still cause problems, that is, wandering into an infinite loop.


To save a lot of effort, I'll suggest that you (a) keep the back-ups up to date, and keep two (the latest and the one before that); (b) proceed carefully at least to start with.  If you fall into the infinite loop again, then flag it up and I (or someone else) will be able to give further pointers.


David Pilgram.



So unless you are sure that

ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886