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icon4.gif   'Full' mode gives incorrect results when searching, posted by Bartjan Wattel on Wed Jul 14 11:45:46 2004 

I was just searching your online discussion forum for entries with the 
    icon2.gif   Re: 'Full' mode gives incorrect results when searching, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jul 14 12:12:35 2004 
Thanks for pointing out this bug. I fixed it. New version under CVS.
icon5.gif   How to construct different logbooks with the same logbook options, posted by Bartjan Wattel on Mon Jul 12 15:27:25 2004 

I want to create a series of logbooks, say logbook A, and logbooks B up to 
    icon5.gif   Re: How to construct different logbooks with the same logbook options, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jul 12 15:57:39 2004 
> I know I can simply copy the settings for logbook B and repeat the settings 
> for all logbooks C-S. But is there a better way to accomplish this?
       icon5.gif   Re: How to construct different logbooks with the same logbook options, posted by Bartjan Wattel on Wed Jul 14 11:49:26 2004 
> > I know I can simply copy the settings for logbook B and repeat the settings 
> > for all logbooks C-S. But is there a better way to accomplish this?
          icon2.gif   Re: How to construct different logbooks with the same logbook options, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jul 14 11:57:18 2004 
> Suppose I want to have different password files for all the logbooks, but I want to 
> have a single (admin) user that can log in to all logbooks... Do I need to specify 
> the admin data in all the different password files, or can I use one global 
icon5.gif   multiple "text entry" field, posted by darshak on Mon Jul 12 09:07:32 2004 
Is it possible to add one more "text entry" field ?
    icon2.gif   Re: multiple "text entry" field, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jul 12 09:31:03 2004 
> Is it possible to add one more "text entry" field ?

I guess you mean the main body text, which is multi-line. No, this is not
       icon2.gif   Re: multiple "text entry" field, posted by darshak on Wed Jul 14 08:57:37 2004 
Your guess is correct. I would like to have that feature in ELOG.

icon4.gif   An "options"-list starting with a " character is handled incorrectly , posted by Bartjan Wattel on Mon Jul 12 15:21:27 2004 
An options list that starts with a double-quotes character (") is handled 
    icon2.gif   Re: An "options"-list starting with a " character is handled incorrectly , posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jul 12 15:54:11 2004 
> Options Student name  = "Doe, John", "Foo, Bar".

I fixed this bug. Please obtain the newest snapshot (see download page).
icon5.gif   Locking the Text field, posted by Todd Corsa on Fri Jul 2 22:20:37 2004 
Is there a way to disable editing of the textarea, but still allow editing 
of other fields in the entry? (e.g. Fixed Attributes Edit = Text)
Also, is the data entered in that field accessible through a variable like 
    icon2.gif   Re: Locking the Text field, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jul 7 18:13:26 2004 
> Is there a way to disable editing of the textarea, but still allow editing 
> of other fields in the entry? (e.g. Fixed Attributes Edit = Text)
       icon2.gif   Re: Locking the Text field, posted by Todd Corsa on Fri Jul 9 18:14:59 2004 
> > Is there a way to disable editing of the textarea, but still allow editing 
> > of other fields in the entry? (e.g. Fixed Attributes Edit = Text)
          icon2.gif   Re: Locking the Text field, posted by Todd Corsa on Mon Jul 12 15:13:56 2004 
> > > Is there a way to disable editing of the textarea, but still allow editing 
> > > of other fields in the entry? (e.g. Fixed Attributes Edit = Text)
icon5.gif   Formatting parameters for attributes, posted by Ulrich Trüssel on Fri Jun 25 20:09:21 2004 
I have some problems of understanding how the "Format <attribute>" parameter
is working. It may be, that there was a similar question in the forum, but I
didn't find it. I'm sorry if I come back with an old question.
    icon2.gif   Re: Formatting parameters for attributes, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jul 7 16:00:10 2004 
> I have some problems of understanding how the "Format <attribute>" parameter
> is working. It may be, that there was a similar question in the forum, but I
> didn't find it. I'm sorry if I come back with an old question.
       icon3.gif   Re: Formatting parameters for attributes, posted by Ulrich Trüssel on Fri Jul 9 19:17:03 2004 
Thank you Stefan! Just was out of the office for some days.

There ar 2 questions in addition:
          icon2.gif   Re: Formatting parameters for attributes, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jul 12 10:36:22 2004 
> 1. Is there a possiblity to fix the position of the attribut fields if they are in
> the same line? As. ex. if one attribute is empty or contain a very short value it may
> be possible that the position of the following atrributes in the line are moving to
             icon14.gif   Re: Formatting parameters for attributes, posted by Ulrich Trüssel on Mon Jul 12 11:03:10 2004 
Thank you Stefan!

1. Will help in the real hard cases!
icon5.gif   ELOG & Selection Page, posted by G on Tue Jul 6 23:37:02 2004 elogd_cfg_sample.txt
Hello to all,

I'm trying to get ELOG to run several separate logbooks which will
    icon2.gif   Re: ELOG & Selection Page, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Jul 8 22:01:06 2004 
> The problem I have is I want to have a main selection type page so when a
> user enters ELOG they see this page with links on it to main logbook groups.
       icon2.gif   Re: ELOG & Selection Page, posted by G on Thu Jul 8 23:41:43 2004 
Great! That takes care of the problem for sure.

Cheers once again for such a quick response.
icon5.gif   Only show log entries for logged-in user, posted by Bartjan Wattel on Wed Jun 30 11:59:57 2004 

Is it possible to restrict the display of logbook entries to the entries 
    icon5.gif   Re: Only show log entries for logged-in user, posted by Ralph Kuehn on Wed Jun 30 14:59:06 2004 
One way would be to create a seperate logbook for each student including the
teacher. It should then be fairly simple to set up the permissions however you
would like. For a large class it might be a bit cumbersome to set it up this way.
       icon2.gif   Re: Only show log entries for logged-in user, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jul 7 16:43:52 2004 
> For a large class it might be a bit cumbersome to set it up this way.

What you can do is put most of the configuration options into the [global] section,
ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886