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icon5.gif   javascript?, posted by Tim Schelfhout on Mon Sep 4 11:56:47 2017 

Is there anyone out there who can help me get started using javascript in elog ?  Is there an example somewhere ... i suppose you put the code in the
scripts folder?

Basically I am trying to calculate age of an added person in the database and display it after the birthdate field.  I  want to do other stuff, but once I know how 
the interaction is done I can proceed.

Thankx heaps

Great job btw with this ELOG ... been using it for years now.  I see you can add forms with html also, this might interest me for the future.


    icon2.gif   Re: edit elog config via elog web interface, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Mon Sep 4 13:08:35 2017 elog_cfg_menu.png

On the right side of "Change password" you should find "Change config file".

But you'll only see this, if the user has admin priviledges defined in the config file: "Admin user = <user>"

config menu

Then you can edit the configuration of that logbook. At the top you'll have a button "Change [global]" to edit the global part of the configuration - if you have the relevant priviledges to do so.

Tim Schelfhout wrote:


Is it possible to edit the entire elog config file via the elog frontend?  I see the config button 
on some screens but it only allows me to change user and password??



    icon2.gif   Re: javascript?, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Mon Sep 4 13:19:33 2017 
This logbook, the forum, provides some javascript code. The code is simply referenced in the footer (Bottom text = <file> | <string>).

<link rel="stylesheet" href="//"><script src="//"></script><script>hljs.initHighlightingOnLoad();</script>

There's another example under elog:contributions/39

Cheers, Andreas

Tim Schelfhout wrote:

Is there anyone out there who can help me get started using javascript in elog ?  Is there an example somewhere ... i suppose you put the code in the
scripts folder?

Basically I am trying to calculate age of an added person in the database and display it after the birthdate field.  I  want to do other stuff, but once I know how 
the interaction is done I can proceed.

Thankx heaps

Great job btw with this ELOG ... been using it for years now.  I see you can add forms with html also, this might interest me for the future.



icon5.gif   Format Form, posted by Tim Schelfhout on Mon Oct 2 12:55:18 2017 ELOG_Kandidaten.png

Hello there,

I am trying to format my entry form a little bit more practical and readable. I am struggling with the following:

  • Numbers should be standard fields of 3 characters and can only be 3 characters wide (doing this by Format Leeftijd=1, css, 3, 3)
  • Text Entry fields should be max. width of 15 characters ? 

Also struggling with mutliple fields on one line:

  • Can Spacing between fields be controlled?  Even vertical spacing?
  • When omitting the css in the Format syntax, the fieldname and field gets colored dark blue
    .. found via css inspection a part solution using "Format Leeftijd=1, attribname, 3, 3",  which solves the field title
    but then the value still gets colored dark blue

Also I see that when one formats the entry field in edit mode it shows differently in list mode. (for example set width is not enforced in list mode)

Anyone ?


    icon2.gif   Re: Format Form, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Oct 2 14:58:32 2017 

The way and entry form can be customized is kind of limited in elog. You can use "format <attribute> = ..." to request a certain width, number of allowed characters and special CSS class (which of course you have to define). If you want a complete custom entry form, have a look here: elog:66909 . This requires however writing your own HTML, CSS and JavaScript.


Tim Schelfhout wrote:

Hello there,

I am trying to format my entry form a little bit more practical and readable. I am struggling with the following:

  • Numbers should be standard fields of 3 characters and can only be 3 characters wide (doing this by Format Leeftijd=1, css, 3, 3)
  • Text Entry fields should be max. width of 15 characters ? 

Also struggling with mutliple fields on one line:

  • Can Spacing between fields be controlled?  Even vertical spacing?
  • When omitting the css in the Format syntax, the fieldname and field gets colored dark blue
    .. found via css inspection a part solution using this (Format Leeftijd=1, attribname, 3, 3), but then the value still gets colored dark blue

Also I see that when one formats the entry field in edit mode it shows differently in list mode. (for example set width is not enforced in list mode)

Anyone ?



    icon2.gif   Re: Format Form, posted by Tim Schelfhout on Mon Oct 2 15:20:04 2017 

Thankx 4 the quick reply Stefan.  The link you provided does  not work .... could you point me again in the 
right direction?  Where can I find more info on this ability?


Stefan Ritt wrote:

The way and entry form can be customized is kind of limited in elog. You can use "format <attribute> = ..." to request a certain width, number of allowed characters and special CSS class (which of course you have to define). If you want a complete custom entry form, have a look here: elog:66909 . This requires however writing your own HTML, CSS and JavaScript.


Tim Schelfhout wrote:

Hello there,

I am trying to format my entry form a little bit more practical and readable. I am struggling with the following:

  • Numbers should be standard fields of 3 characters and can only be 3 characters wide (doing this by Format Leeftijd=1, css, 3, 3)
  • Text Entry fields should be max. width of 15 characters ? 

Also struggling with mutliple fields on one line:

  • Can Spacing between fields be controlled?  Even vertical spacing?
  • When omitting the css in the Format syntax, the fieldname and field gets colored dark blue
    .. found via css inspection a part solution using this (Format Leeftijd=1, attribname, 3, 3), but then the value still gets colored dark blue

Also I see that when one formats the entry field in edit mode it shows differently in list mode. (for example set width is not enforced in list mode)

Anyone ?




    icon2.gif   Re: Format Form, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Oct 2 15:53:39 2017 

The link does now work in the email, but if you go to the web interface of the forum it does work.

Anyhow, you can go directly to


Tim Schelfhout wrote:

Thankx 4 the quick reply Stefan.  The link you provided does  not work .... could you point me again in the 
right direction?  Where can I find more info on this ability?


Stefan Ritt wrote:

The way and entry form can be customized is kind of limited in elog. You can use "format <attribute> = ..." to request a certain width, number of allowed characters and special CSS class (which of course you have to define). If you want a complete custom entry form, have a look here: elog:66909 . This requires however writing your own HTML, CSS and JavaScript.


Tim Schelfhout wrote:

Hello there,

I am trying to format my entry form a little bit more practical and readable. I am struggling with the following:

  • Numbers should be standard fields of 3 characters and can only be 3 characters wide (doing this by Format Leeftijd=1, css, 3, 3)
  • Text Entry fields should be max. width of 15 characters ? 

Also struggling with mutliple fields on one line:

  • Can Spacing between fields be controlled?  Even vertical spacing?
  • When omitting the css in the Format syntax, the fieldname and field gets colored dark blue
    .. found via css inspection a part solution using this (Format Leeftijd=1, attribname, 3, 3), but then the value still gets colored dark blue

Also I see that when one formats the entry field in edit mode it shows differently in list mode. (for example set width is not enforced in list mode)

Anyone ?





icon5.gif   Date must be between 1970 and 2037??, posted by Tim Schelfhout on Wed Oct 11 15:55:02 2017 

 Hey there,

Trying to record birthdates in ELOG ... field type being date results in error:

Date must be between 1970 and 2037

Can this be avoided?  I like the fact that one can use the date picker to enter birthdate

ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886