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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icondown Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  65739   Tue Feb 12 23:57:52 2008 Reply Jochen Krempelkrempel@ill.frCommentAll2.7.2-2Re: Absolut links for images in FCK Editor

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Jochen Krempel wrote:

We use ELOG inside a local network, but we want to allow access also from outside the firewall.

The suggested solution from Elog Admin Guide worked fine until version ELOG V2.6.5-1844 (essentially without FCK Editor):

ssh -L

Howerver, since the update to ELOG V2.7.1-2002 the FCK Editor uses absolute links to insert images.

An image uploaded from the local network will have an address like:

while the same image uploaded through the firewall tunnel will have a link like:


Obviously images uploaded from outside are not visible from inside and vice versa.

Is it possible to convince FCK Editor to use relative links?

ELOG is great!!


I fixed this in SVN revision #2038.

Thank you for the quick support!

  65741   Fri Feb 15 06:59:52 2008 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequestLinux2.7.2Re: move mxml code into elog's src directory

Jeff Stoner wrote:

The mxml source code should be moved into the elog-*/src directory. This requires changing the Makefile to:

MXMLDIR = src/mxml

Reason for change: if you want to build several versions of elog and you unpack the distributions in the same top-level directory, the most recently unpackaged version will overwrite the mxml directory contents, possibly introducing bugs.

From your point of view that request is reasonable, but the reason of having mxml in a separate top level directory is that I use it in many different projects. If I would keep a copy of mxml in each project, I would have to update all of them manually if there is a bug. On the other hand the code of mxml changes very seldom. If you look at the history, it got ~5 changes last year, while elog itself had hundreds. And since I do not change the API, a bugfix in mxml should be to the benefit of all elog versions. It is like with other projects which depend on a number of packages. Like if you install Apache for example, you need a certain version of OpenSLL, a certain version of libcrypt, and so on.  So think of mxml like another package you have to combine with elog.

  65742   Fri Feb 15 15:46:38 2008 Reply Richard Ecclestonerichard.ecclestone@cern.chInfoWindowsELOG V2.7.Re: Message ID and trouble ticketing system

lance wrote:

Stefan Ritt wrote:

lance wrote:

I am trying to create a trouble ticket system however when you do a reply you get a new message ID.  I was hoping to use the message ID as a ticket number and just wanted to use the reply as an append to the orginal message id, however each reply creates a new message id. This would be a nightmare to track and if I closed the ticket I would have to close every log entry related to this.

Does anyone know how to either make the reply and appended reply (appended to the orignal message id) or how to create a field that automatically gives it a new trouble ticket number.

Has anyone configured a trouble ticket system that I could look at to get some ideas?

First of all, ELOG has been designed having shift logbooks in mind, so it probably will never be a perfect trouble ticket system. Nevertheless, there are some options which can help in that respect:

  • Use attributes Ticket and Status
  • Preset Ticket with a running ticket number via

    Preset ticket = TCK-#####

    This will increment the 5-digit ticket number whenever you create a new ticket, but will not update it when you do a reply

  • Use Status to determine the status of the whole trouble ticket chain (initial entry plus replies)

    Options Status = open, closed
    Preset Status = open

  • Once a ticked chain is closed, do the following:

    • Go to the threaded list display
    • Click on Select
    • Select the trouble ticket chain
    • Click on Edit
    • Now change Status from "Open" to "Closed"
    This will then modify the Status of the whole chain from "Open" to "Closed"


Thanks for this, I had already implemented the Preset Ticket Nr = TT-##### but I didnt use the threaded and Select to close the ticket, very nice tip thanks. I think this program can be have several uses, and working very well. The trouble ticketing will work for us.

Once again thanks for the very speedy support.





I tried the 'Preset ticket = TCK-#####' method to create unique numbers for our application. This worked very nicely until we replied to a earlier message, if we then create a new message the system creates a sequential number after the last message number we replied to. For example if we have 10 messages. If someone replies to message number #2 then when a new record is created it is then assigned number #3 not #11, thus making a duplicate entry for #3.

 Any ideas?

Cheers Richard

  65745   Mon Feb 18 07:03:29 2008 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportWindows Re: error "Cannot retrieve host name: No error" using command line in Windows

Dan Gawarecki wrote:

I automatically install software on 3 machines in our lab, and at the end of the process, use eLOG to record relevant information for each machine (all running Windows XP) via the command line program elog.exe.  2 of the machines log their info correctly, but on third machine, I get the following error:

    Cannot retrieve host name: No error

The error is not very clear (i.e., the error is "no error"?), and furthermore, operationally, the error makes no sense to me, for the three machines are supposedly configured the same.


The error is produced by the C routine "gethostbyname". This routine tries to obtain the IP address of your host max13 and fails. The error "no error" is the error passed to elog from the underlying operating system, so please blame Windows for that. I guess you have a problem that on the machine you get the error you have some DNS problem, so this machine does not know max13. Try to "ping" max13 or do a "nslookup max13" to verify this. Maybe you have to add your domain after max13, or put this machine explicitly into \Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.

Dan Gawarecki wrote:

I am not sure which version of eLOG is being used, but the size of the elog.exe is 139,264. 

I suggest a new option be added to display the version information, or display the version info whenever eLOG is execute, or display the version info when "-?" option is used.

I added some version information being displayed with the "-?" option. This feature will be contained in the next release.

  65746   Mon Feb 18 08:00:44 2008 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportLinux2.7.2 2041Re: elog crashing on startup

Jeff Stoner wrote:

I create 14 of them, one for every 2 letters of the English alphabet and 0-9. The logbook name and Subdir change appropriately. When I start elog, it stays up for about 30 seconds, then crashes. No messages are recorded in syslog nor in the logfile. The only thing that looks suspicious are a couple lines in syslog:

Feb 15 17:11:05 iadopsutil04p elogd[23761]: elogd 2.7.2 built Feb 14 2008, 20:55:38 
Feb 15 17:11:05 iadopsutil04p elogd[23761]: revision 2041
Feb 15 17:11:05 iadopsutil04p elogd[23761]: FCKedit detected
Feb 15 17:11:05 iadopsutil04p elogd[23763]: Cannot restore original GID/UID.
Feb 15 17:11:05 iadopsutil04p elogd[23763]: Cannot remove pidfile "/var/run/" ; Permission denied
Feb 15 17:11:05 iadopsutil04p elogd[23761]: Server listening on port 80 ...

This is obviously the child process responsible for the highlighted lines and it's coming from the cleanup function. Why it's getting called is beyond me.


The error message above come from the PID file /var/run/ which cannot be removed. This file is only for information purpose, to tell any script which PID the elogd daemon has. If one elogd crashed in the past, the file might still be there although the program is not running, causing some error to show up, but which can normally be ignored.

The fact that elogd stays for about 30 seconds can only be contributed to the fact that you have very large logbooks, which are scanned during startup. You can check this by starting elogd interactively with the "-v" option. Then you will see the scanning process. The next thing is if you really get a crash, you can produce a core dump, so it can be analyzed to figure out where elogd has crashed. To my knowledge the only way you can do that is by having some logbooks with invalid data. Can you try your set-up with empty logbooks?

- Stefan

  65747   Mon Feb 18 17:25:42 2008 Reply Dan Gawareckidan_gawarecki@datacard.comBug reportWindows Re: error "Cannot retrieve host name: No error" using command line in Windows


Thanks for the analysis and information.  Why am I not surprised that the "No error" came from Windows!? 

I tried some of your suggestions with the following results:

1.  Ping ==>= works as expected on the failing machine; that is, can successfully ping "max13"  I also can ping successfully in the reverse direction; that is, from "max13" to my "client" machine.

2.  NSLookUp ==>does not work on any of the 3 machines.

3.  Added the computer name "max13" to HOSTS file; ==> observed no change in behavior (i.e., still fails)

I did notice that on the 2 machines that function as desired that there is no anti-virus software installed, while on the non-funcational machine there is A-V SW installed.  I am able to bring up eLOG via the browser on the non-functional machine, so am unsure if the A-V SW is a factor; that is, why does ELOG via browser work as expected, but not via command line. 

QUESTION:  does command line ELOG connect differently than ELOG through the browser?

I ask this question for perhaps the A-V SW *is* blocking some port or whatever, and I will need to ask our IT department how to remove such a restriction.


  65748   Mon Feb 18 17:51:49 2008 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportWindows Re: error "Cannot retrieve host name: No error" using command line in Windows

Dan Gawarecki wrote:

QUESTION:  does command line ELOG connect differently than ELOG through the browser?

I ask this question for perhaps the A-V SW *is* blocking some port or whatever, and I will need to ask our IT department how to remove such a restriction.

ELOG connects in the same way as the browser, but it is a different program. I have seen some firewalls which explicitly exclude browsers in firewall rules. So it might well be that yours blocks ELOG but not your browser. So give it a try and disable it.

  65749   Mon Feb 18 22:20:02 2008 Reply Dan Gawareckidan_gawarecki@datacard.comBug reportWindows Re: error "Cannot retrieve host name: No error" using command line in Windows

Since both my machine and the Elog server PC are inside my company's "security zone", I am not running a firewall on my machine.


For what it's worth:  in trying to research the "No error" message, I did come across this information on MS's website; that is, their statement is:

The gethostbyname function retrieves host information corresponding to a host name from a host database.


Note  The gethostbyname function has been deprecated by the introduction of the getaddrinfo function. Developers creating Windows Sockets 2 applications are urged to use the getaddrinfo function instead of gethostbyname.


ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6