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  68563   Tue Jan 31 08:42:54 2017 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chRequestWindows3.1.2Re: How can change the justification of a column?

You might tell your browser to show you the source code of an ELOG page in list mode. There you'll find the class name you're looking for.

Cheers, Andreas

fabio vitale wrote:

I need to set text-align:left but only for an attribute in the List mode, For example, say that FirstName column must be left justified in list view. What is the name of the cell content in the default elog.css?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

You can do that chaning the CSS of the underlying theme. But you need some experience with CSS.

fabio vitale wrote:

It is possible to change the justification for a column/attribute in the list mode (left-aligned, centered, right-aligned)?

Right now Elog treats each colum of a list as centered,


thank you




  68564   Tue Jan 31 09:20:07 2017 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequestWindows3.1.2Re: How can change the justification of a column?

The CSS class for the list display table "listframe". If you want the second column to be left-aligned, you put following into elog.css:

.listframe td:nth-child(2) {

that should do the trick. Replace the "2" with the column you would like to change.



fabio vitale wrote:

I need to set text-align:left but only for an attribute in the List mode, For example, say that FirstName column must be left justified in list view. What is the name of the cell content in the default elog.css?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

You can do that chaning the CSS of the underlying theme. But you need some experience with CSS.

fabio vitale wrote:

It is possible to change the justification for a column/attribute in the list mode (left-aligned, centered, right-aligned)?

Right now Elog treats each colum of a list as centered,


thank you




  68568   Tue Jan 31 18:10:29 2017 Reply fabio vitalemc3356@mclink.itRequestWindows3.1.2Re: How can change the justification of a column?

Thank you Stefan: it worked!

Now I am wondering if there is some syntax to force this behaviour at the attribute level in elog.cfg, without the need to modify the css, I mean simply based on the attribute name (not its content). The syntax Style <attribute> <value> = <style> can modify the style but it applies to the whole line in the list, so all the cells in that line are affected. Also it apply *only if* the content of the cell equals <value>.

In other words, an overridden version for Style: Style <attribute> = <style> that will be applied *regardless* of the cell content _AND_ only to the cell specified in <attribute>

What do you think?



Stefan Ritt wrote:

The CSS class for the list display table "listframe". If you want the second column to be left-aligned, you put following into elog.css:

.listframe td:nth-child(2) {

that should do the trick. Replace the "2" with the column you would like to change.



fabio vitale wrote:

I need to set text-align:left but only for an attribute in the List mode, For example, say that FirstName column must be left justified in list view. What is the name of the cell content in the default elog.css?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

You can do that chaning the CSS of the underlying theme. But you need some experience with CSS.

fabio vitale wrote:

It is possible to change the justification for a column/attribute in the list mode (left-aligned, centered, right-aligned)?

Right now Elog treats each colum of a list as centered,


thank you





  68570   Tue Jan 31 21:38:44 2017 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequestWindows3.1.2Re: How can change the justification of a column?

This is currently not possible.


fabio vitale wrote:

Thank you Stefan: it worked!

Now I am wondering if there is some syntax to force this behaviour at the attribute level in elog.cfg, without the need to modify the css, I mean simply based on the attribute name (not its content). The syntax Style <attribute> <value> = <style> can modify the style but it applies to the whole line in the list, so all the cells in that line are affected. Also it apply *only if* the content of the cell equals <value>.

In other words, an overridden version for Style: Style <attribute> = <style> that will be applied *regardless* of the cell content _AND_ only to the cell specified in <attribute>

What do you think?



Stefan Ritt wrote:

The CSS class for the list display table "listframe". If you want the second column to be left-aligned, you put following into elog.css:

.listframe td:nth-child(2) {

that should do the trick. Replace the "2" with the column you would like to change.



fabio vitale wrote:

I need to set text-align:left but only for an attribute in the List mode, For example, say that FirstName column must be left justified in list view. What is the name of the cell content in the default elog.css?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

You can do that chaning the CSS of the underlying theme. But you need some experience with CSS.

fabio vitale wrote:

It is possible to change the justification for a column/attribute in the list mode (left-aligned, centered, right-aligned)?

Right now Elog treats each colum of a list as centered,


thank you






  Draft   Mon Feb 6 15:59:04 2017 Warning sohail bhattisohail_bhatti@yahoo.comRequestWindows3.1.2Re: calculate diff of 2 date(s)

Alex Kühnel wrote:


Stefan Ritt wrote:

There is the "subst on edit = ..." option you should use in addition.


Alex Kühnel wrote:

is ist possible that subst only works for the initial create of a logbook entry? when I change/edit one of the parameter "Einsatzbegin" or "Einsatzende" the "Einsatzzeit" is not changed.



Alex Kühnel wrote:

I found the solution in the forum :-)

subst Einsatzzeit = $shell(/usr/local/elog/ \"$Einsatzbeginn\" \"$Einsatzende\")

and is

#set -x
s1=$(date -d "$1" +%s)
s2=$(date -d "$2" +%s)
d=$(echo "($s2-$s1)/60"|bc -lq)
printf "%.0f Minuten" $d



Alex Kühnel wrote:


I have an elogsystem for documenting emergency services. I have a starttime and an endtime. Is it possible to calculate the diff between the 2 timestamps and convert it to minutes?


Attributes = Bereitschafts Kalender Woche, Bereitschafts Woche, Einsatzbeginn, Einsatzende, Einsatzzeit, Telefon Nummer, Station, Status, Problem 
Options Status= Offen{1}, Erledigt{2}, Geschlossen{3}


Type Einsatzbeginn = datetime
Type Einsatzende = datetime


Subst Einsatzzeit  = $shell(Einsatzende - Einsatzbeginn)  









  68580   Thu Mar 16 15:15:34 2017 Question Alan Grantagrant@winnipeg.caQuestionWindows3.1.2Duplicate entries

Periodically (rarely) on manually adding a record into Elog it generates a duplicate record with its own incremented ID and I don't know why. I just delete the duplicate in the meantime but would like to know if anyone else has seen this and whether their is a answer/fix for it. Thanks.

  68591   Thu Apr 6 11:01:30 2017 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chInfoWindows3.1.2Re: pre defined Find as Home page

It's very simple, no need for the find command. E.g.: Start page = ?Author=luedeke&Category=Question&mode=summary

in this forum would do

Paraic Fahey wrote:

This command makes the Homepage a FIND page: Start page = ?cmd=Find

My question is: can we pre-populate some of the search fields and execute the search so that the homepage becomes the SEARCH RESULTS


  68608   Fri Apr 21 02:21:59 2017 Reply Xuan reportWindows3.1.2Re: Elog crashes with null Username

We also meet this issue occasionally, so how can we get rid of this?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Ups. This bug must have lingered there since the beginning of time. Funny that nobody noticed in the last ten years or so. I have fixed it in the current git revision.

Alan Grant wrote:

I haven't found any reporterd issues in the forum similar yet, but it appears there is a bug in Elog when logging into logbooks. If I leave Username and Password null and click Submit the daemon crashes. We've been having this problem off and on and after some verbose logging level 3 I was drawn to these recurring lines in the log:

16-Dec-2016 18:20:22 [] {SER Reports} LOGIN user "" (attempt)
16-Dec-2016 23:15:52 [] Server listening on port 8080 ..
16-Dec-2016 23:18:05 [] {Daily Request Log} LOGIN user "dmorrison" (attempt)



ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886