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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
    icon2.gif   Re: Error Sending Email, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Oct 12 16:34:07 2006 

Ibrahim Genc wrote:
I get error message after submitting a message

Your verbose output seems to be only partial. I have modified the verbose output recently, so please update to a more recent version of elog. With 2.6.2-3 I get for example
Email from to, SMTP host
220 xxxvs01 Thu, 12 Oct 2006 16:25:17 +0200
250 Hello []
250 2.1.0 OK
250 2.1.5
250 2.1.5
354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 16:25:17 +0200
To: "Stefan Ritt" <>
From: Stefan Ritt <>
User-Agent: Elog Version 2.6.2
Subject: Updated ELOG entry
X-Elog-URL: http://localhost:8080/demo/1
X-Elog-submit-type: web|elog
Content-Type: text/html; charset="ISO-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

... here comes the complete email body ....

250 2.6.0 <> Queued mail for delivery
221 2.0.0 Service closing transmission channel
==== Return ================================
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Server: ELOG HTTP 2.6.2-1724
Connection: Keep-Alive
Keep-Alive: timeout=60, max=10
Content-Length: 20

This is of course without SMTP username. Our mail server does not support SMTP username, so I programmed this kind of "blindly".

Ibrahim Genc wrote:
Another question is; Can I change the port number of the smtp server? Some servers use another port than 25.

All server I met so far were running on port 25, so I hardcoded this in elogd.c. You can change it in the source code at line 2119:
bind_addr.sin_port = htons((short) 25);

If more people ask for this, I can make it a parameter.
    icon2.gif   Re: Elog v2.6.2-1722 appears to have broken "Suppress default [0|1|2|3]" option on Windows XP box, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Oct 13 16:59:13 2006 

Gregory M. Caughey wrote:
Hope this helps a little...

Yepp it helped. I could reproduce your problem and fix it. Can you try elog262-4.exe (Revision 1729)?
    icon2.gif   Re: Error Sending Email, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Oct 16 08:57:07 2006 

Ibrahim Genc wrote:
There is a free e-mail service at It provides smtp and pop3 services. You can use this for testing if you want.

I tried but I was unable to obtain a free account. Furthermore, the problem is probably related to your SMTP server's authentication method. There are many methods and ELOG only supports a subset. So I would have to try with your specific SMTP server. So the only recommendation I can give you is to find an SMTP server without authentication. That one will certainly work with elog.
    icon2.gif   Re: Problem with large entry size, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Oct 16 16:53:43 2006 

Dimitrios Tsirigkas wrote:
I have posted an entry of approximately a thousand lines (ten thousand words). Posting it took some time, which is logical to a certain degree. However, whenever a user asks for "Full" view of the logbook, the page takes around two minutes to load and the CPU usage on the elog server goes to beyond 90% for all this time. Is this to be expected for an entry of that size or is there something going wrong here?

The problem lies in the ELCode parsing. When you post an entry in ELCode form, the elogd server has to parse every word to see if it's any of the ELcode tags. This is right now implemented in a kind of poor way, such that it takes very long for long entries. I will work to optimize that. In the meantime, it will help if you post such long entries just in "plain" form.

- Stefan
    icon2.gif   Re: Problem with large entry size, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Oct 16 17:18:58 2006 
I improved the performance by some factor in SVN revision 1733. Can you give it a try and report your speed improvement? Depending on the result, I can probably do even a bit better with some more effort.

- Stefan
    icon2.gif   Re: Email format, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Oct 17 09:14:41 2006 

Arckonit wrote:
I know the use "use email heading" and other, but i would like to configure the body of the mail, where there is the link, the name of the author, etc.

Following options can be used to format the email body:

  • Use Email heading = ...
  • Use Email Subject = ...
  • Email attributes = ...
  • Email encoding = ...
  • Email format = ...

Probably the last one is the one you are looking for...
    icon2.gif   Re: Email format, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Oct 17 09:32:21 2006 

Arckonit wrote:
Thanx for the quick answer
Email format = ?
Where can i find some help to use this feature ?

RTFM! search for Email format
    icon2.gif   Re: Date format in Threaded display, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Oct 17 13:12:52 2006 
That fix for Steve Jones was slightly different, it had to do with substitutions in threaded display. I fixed yours now in revision 1734, so give it a try.


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