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    icon2.gif   Re: Turn off smileys?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Oct 10 09:00:08 2006 

Ben Shepherd wrote:
Can we please have an option to turn off the thing that changes smileys automatically into

Two ways:

  • Submit your entry in plain mode (insted of ELCode)
  • Put a \ in front of anything which is turned into a smiley, so ;) gets converted into Wink, but \;) does not get converted
    icon2.gif   Re: Turn off smileys?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Oct 10 11:27:30 2006 

Ben Shepherd wrote:

Stefan Ritt wrote:

  • Submit your entry in plain mode (insted of ELCode)
  • Put a \ in front of anything which is turned into a smiley, so ;) gets converted into Wink, but \;) does not get converted

I realise that's possible, but things are getting converted into smileys that aren't intended to be smileys. Specifically, when I enter a question in brackets, the end bracket is converted into a smiley. (Like this?) should be (Like this\?). That is very annoying, and to be honest, I don't need the smileys. An option to switch them off would be the best thing.

I agree that the ?) smiley is annoying, so I changed it to ?-) which should prevent it from showing up in questions in brackets. I updated this server (you can see the effect above), the modification is committed to subversion.
    icon2.gif   Re: Turn off smileys?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Oct 10 11:45:22 2006 

Ben Shepherd wrote:

Stefan Ritt wrote:

I agree that the ?) smiley is annoying, so I changed it to ?-) which should prevent it from showing up in questions in brackets. I updated this server (you can see the effect above), the modification is committed to subversion.

Thanks a lot! I'm going to pester you though - it would be really good if there was an option to turn them off completely. Surely it can't be a huge amount of work... ?

It's not the amount of work, it the intention to minimize the number of options. If you want a switch for the smileys, the next one wants a switch for automatic hot-linking (like http://...), the next one wants that only certain ELCode options are interpreted, not others, and then we will have a mess. By changing the ?-) definition I hope I have solved most cases without another flag. So either one has the comple ELCode set, or non. In the past I had many suggestions of new flags, which I could solve somehow otherwise. If I would not have done that, the manual would be twice as long by now...
    icon2.gif   Re: Append option for elog.exe, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Oct 10 11:47:41 2006 

Ben Shepherd wrote:
I think you misunderstand me. I was asking whether it would be possible for the elog command-line client program to have an "append to existing entry" option.

The elog command-line program has a -e switch to edit existing entries, but you need to know the ID of the entry.
icon2.gif   Re: 'Inline' button for attachments, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Oct 10 16:09:12 2006 img.jpg

Ben Shepherd wrote:

It would be good if when you uploaded an image as an attachment, there was a button next to it that pasted the code
into the log entry. This way, it would be more easy to have inline images in a log entry.

Just hit that button:

and it does exactly what you want.
    icon2.gif   Re: SVN1723 (was SVN1714) will not run in 'daemon" mode on Solaris8, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Oct 11 08:18:14 2006 

Steve Jones wrote:
There are also strange system calls that differ, and I thought it might be due to the setuid(60001) -nobody- but the the non-daemn mode also sets to nobody and works fine.

The elogd program opens the port (which might be below 1024 and thus needs privileges), then either become daemon or not, then changes to the user and group specified in elogd.cfg. So this behaviour should be the same on both cases.

Steve Jones wrote:
I just compiled SVN1723 and tried the generic elogd.cfg -- of course *that works!*. Something in my complex config that causes elog to barf when it is attempting to fork the daemon process.

That's a good starting point. Take your config file, strip one option after the other, and see which is the offending one. This helps us tracking down the problem.

Steve Jones wrote:
I have no idea what "/var/run/syslog_door" is.

I have not either. But one thing which is different in the daemon mode that all output is redirected to the syslog facility via the function call redirect_to_syslog();. This routine was not written by myself so I don't know 100% what it's doing, just under Linux it works fine. Try to outcomment this function and try again.
    icon2.gif   Re: Elog v2.6.2-1722 appears to have broken "Suppress default [0|1|2|3]" option on Windows XP box, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Oct 11 11:47:29 2006 

Gregory M. Caughey wrote:
2.) However, email notifications will be sent under all circumstances regardless of which parameter selected.

Thanks for reporting that problem. I just implemented Suppress email on edit and this could have had some side effect. I tried however to reproduce your problem and was not able to. Trying the "minimal" configuration file, the email notifications were suppressed if the check box was checked, or if Suppress default = 3. Can you check if it works with a minimal config file, and if yes, what option in your "full" config file causes this effect?
    icon2.gif   Re: Turn off smileys?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Oct 11 16:08:04 2006 

Yoshio Imai wrote:
Other suggestion: What about going the other way round and making this
the smiley and this
the usual question in brackets? If there was a special sequence to announce the unusual case (i.e. the smiley), I think less people would complain about having unwanted conversions ...

I thought also about that, but people who are use to bulletin boards or instant messaging have the common knowledge that a ;) gives a smiley, not a \;). While it would work with the smiley button, which could insert anything, the "other" half of the people who are used to the standard smileys would complain. So I hope that ?-) is acceptable by both sides.
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