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ID Date Icon Authorup Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  751   Mon Oct 18 13:47:20 2004 Reply Geo Geogorilla_geo@yahoo.comBug reportWindows2.5.4.5Re: Elog Service Terminated
> > I have a problem here which the ELOG service get terminated unexpectedly
> > on the Windows Server.
> > Is there any way to debug this problem ?
> One can start the elogd server manually. So stop the service, and start 
> c:\program files\elogd\elogd.exe -v
> The "-v" flag shows all network traffic between the server and the browser. So
> maybe the last conversation before the crash can tell us something. Make a
> screendump of it and send it to me.

Here is the screen dump after we perform a deletion .
Another my the other thread , i show another dump when a move is perform


GET /IFSOCC+Current/1?cmd=Delete&nextmsg=0&confirm=Yes HTTP/1.0
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/
powerpoint, application/, application/msword, application/x-shockwav
e-flash, */*
Accept-Language: en-us
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)
Connection: Keep-Alive
Cookie: urem=0; unm=ifsocc; upwd=dHBmc3Bk; SMSESSION=uvdhD3MUFAkDID0huNAnYhdoJxb

xrealloc: not enough memory
  66710   Tue Feb 16 04:17:24 2010 Question Geoff EllisEllis_Geoff@solarturbines.comQuestionAll2280Single Button Entry

For our application we have a lot of very common events we would like to log.  It would be preferable that for certain events/entries we could setup a single button / quick entry method.  Is there away to accomplish this?

  1169   Fri Jun 3 17:34:44 2005 Entry Geoffrey Carmangeoffc@yorku.caBug reportWindows2.6.0-betaRe: Incorrect Display

David Spindler wrote:

BTW, I love elog and have it running at work. It is being used extensively.

We just did the 2.60 beta upgrade, and now our pre-existing logbooks, with a
List Display = Name, Author, Date for example will only show the first two fields.

It seems like Elog is dropping the last attribute in the List Display line.

We can 'fix' it by making it say:
List Display = Name, Author, Date, Date
so that it drops the second Date, but that is a bad workaround.

Anyone else seeing this?

Elog 2.60 beta on Linux, Firefox 1.04 as the client. Or IE fully patched on WinXP SP2.

PS: Love Elog at work here too! Truly has made our documentation way better. And RSS feeds of the logbooks is just wonderful.
  66016   Mon Oct 27 13:05:13 2008 Entry George B.i93.borg@gmail.comBug reportLinux2.7.5Installation problems

I just upgraded to elog 2.7.5 from 2.6.4 on my Debian system. Here is some feedback:

1) "make" fails if libssl-dev package is not installed. Documentation does not mention SSL library requirements.

2) /etc/init.d/elogd: line 10: /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions: No such file or directory (I fixed this by commenting
out that line).

3) Starting elogd: /etc/init.d/elogd: line 34: echo_success: command not found (Fixed by search/replace "echo_"
to "echo ").

Hope this helps.

  66033   Wed Nov 5 10:32:07 2008 Reply George B.i93.borg@gmail.comBug reportLinux2.7.5Re: Installation problems
> The elogd (or elogd.init in the distribution) is written for RedHat based systems where echo_success gives the 
> typical output with a green [OK] at the end of the line. For Debian, there is (was) in principle a Debian package 
> which has it's own startup script. Since the package maintainer is not active any more (I guess), the Debian 
> updates are heavily old. Once elog gets managed inside Debian again, that should get better again, but until then 
> one has to follow 2) and 3) from above. If I would remove it, the Scientific Linux users would complain. 

That makes sense. Might be worth adding a short Debian section to the installation instructions page?

FYI, Elog is no longer in Debian as of 2008-05-12.


  2219   Thu Apr 26 22:26:04 2007 Question George Chisholmgeorge.chisholm@terasengas.comQuestionWindows2.6.5 1844Sorting by column title problem

I am implementing ELOG for our Gas Control Centre.
Log entries sort ok when I click the ID or Date column title but not my custom attributes column headers???
Any suggestions?
Where do we send donations?

Best Regards and thanks for writing this very useful app.

  65912   Thu Jun 26 22:53:59 2008 Question George Chisholmgeorge.chisholm@terasengas.comQuestionWindows2.7.4browse for hyperlink target?

Just upgraded to v2.7.4 and really like the new editor but I need to be able to browse for the correct file when inserting a hyperlink.  I looked into CKfinder but can't see how to use this with ELOG.  Can anyone help?  We have been using ELOG in our control center for about a year and it is working out great!

  65914   Fri Jun 27 18:31:08 2008 Reply George Chisholmgeorge.chisholm@terasengas.comQuestionWindows2.7.4Re: browse for hyperlink target?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

George Chisholm wrote:

Just upgraded to v2.7.4 and really like the new editor but I need to be able to browse for the correct file when inserting a hyperlink.  I looked into CKfinder but can't see how to use this with ELOG.  Can anyone help?  We have been using ELOG in our control center for about a year and it is working out great!

CKfinder is a tool to browse the server, not the client where the web browser is running if I understand correctly. ELOG only supports attachment and inline images residing on the client side, so you browse with the file selector of your web browser. Or did I understand you incorrectly?


Thanks for the reply Stefan and thanks for making this program available - where can we send a donation?

When I click 'InsertLink' in the FCKeditor I get an 'Explorer User Promp' popup asking me to enter the name of the hyperlink.  After I enter the name I get 'Enter URL of hyperlink'.  Typically I want to link to a file on a mapped drive but I would prefer to browse to the file location and select the file rather than type it in.

ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886