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  1689   Tue Feb 14 13:40:49 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux2.6.1Re: Accessing elog through two apache servers...
Hi Dimitrios,

I know where your problem is and you could actually help me in solving it. The reason of the problem is the redirection. After you login, you get redirected (via the HTTP "Location:" statement) to the start page. In an very old version of ELOG, I had relative redirection. So from I did a redirect to "." and voila I the browser asked for In meantime I learned that relative redirects are not allowed. Actually the Safari Browser on the MAC complains and does not support this. So my problem is not how to derive the URL for the redirection.

The standard way is the URL = ... option in the config file. So ELOG takes this URL, and adds the remainder if needed (like the entry ID after a submit, so to go to .../DAQ/123 for example). While this works fine if you only access ELOG through that URL, it breaks if you access if from different locations. Other people at BNL have the problem that they access ELOG through a ssh tunnel, so the browser URL is then http://localhost:1234 which is the local end of the tunnel. Since the redirection uses then the Apache URL, they have the same problem.

Now the big question is how to derive the URL dynamically. From your Ethereal dumps you see that there is the Referer: statement which would be one option. Actually if you install "Tamper Data", which is a Firefox extension, you can monitor the HTTP traffic much easier inside your browser than with Ethereal. The problem with this is that if you bookmark a ELOG page directly in the browser, the first access to that page does not contain any Referer: statement. The other options are the Host: or the X-Forwarded-Host: statements. The problem is that they do not contain any subdirectory, like your /DAQ/ in the example above. Furthermore, if you access ELOG through Apache and through an ssh tunnel directly for example, one URL does have the Apache subdirectory and the other has none.

So from the setup you have right now, can you derive a set of rules how to compose the forward URL from the items in the HTTP header? If you succeed, I'm happy to implement this into the next version of ELOG.

Best regards,

  1690   Tue Feb 14 14:23:04 2006 Reply Dimitrios Tsirigkasdimitrios.tsirigkas@cern.chQuestionLinux2.6.1Re: Accessing elog through two apache servers...
Hi Stefan,

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Hi Dimitrios,

I know where your problem is and you could actually help me in solving it. The reason of the problem is the redirection. After you login, you get redirected (via the HTTP "Location:" statement) to the start page. In an very old version of ELOG, I had relative redirection. So from I did a redirect to "." and voila I the browser asked for

But my problem begins before I log in. Trying to load will get me in the infinite redirection directly. Besides, I do have URL = in my configuration file, so the redirection should work in my case (since I'm trying to access it through cmsdaq) and fail in every other case. Is that right or is there something I'm missing?

  1691   Tue Feb 14 16:06:28 2006 Reply Dimitrios Tsirigkasdimitrios.tsirigkas@cern.chQuestionLinux2.6.1Re: Accessing elog through two apache servers...

The problem was coming from the fact that elog did not supports request coming from multiple hops through proxies. You got the ful string of them in the X-Forwarded-host header. Hence, you have to pick only the first one, terminated by a ','.

Here's the patch:

--- elogd-orig.c 2006-02-14 15:47:51.000000000 +0100
+++ elogd.c 2006-02-14 15:49:42.000000000 +0100
@@ -20985,6 +20985,8 @@
strcpy(str2, http_host);
if (strchr(str2, ':'))
*strchr(str2, ':') = 0;
+ if (strchr(str2, ','))
+ *strchr(str2, ',') = 0;
if (!strieq(str, str2)) {
redirect(lbs, _cmdline);
return FALSE;

Eric and Dimitris
  1695   Wed Feb 15 18:13:25 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux2.6.1Re: Accessing elog through two apache servers...
Thanks for the patch, I committed it to Subversion Revision #1657.
  1739   Wed Mar 1 19:51:05 2006 Warning Alexandre Gauthiersupernaut@underwares.orgBug reportLinux2.6.1-1622Inline images URL not working

I'm running elog on the blackdog embedded device so I can carry it around while doing my consultant work.

Whenever I try to insert an inline picture by using the
elog: /1
paths with ELCode, the link becomes "logbookname2/1" (Where logbookname is the name of my logbook) and hence, doesn't work. I recall that it worked once. The image did not display, but the URL seemed correct...

Any ideas?

EDIT: i inserted a space in the elog URL above because regardless of the code brackets, it would still get interpreted.
  1741   Thu Mar 2 07:15:27 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportLinux2.6.1-1622Re: Inline images URL not working

Alexandre Gauthier wrote:
Whenever I try to insert an inline picture by using the
paths with ELCode, the link becomes "logbookname2/1" (Where logbookname is the name of my logbook) and hence, doesn't work. I recall that it worked once. The image did not display, but the URL seemed correct...

The problem has been fixed in version 2.6.1-3, so just upgrade.

Alexandre Gauthier wrote:
EDIT: i inserted a space in the elog URL above because regardless of the code brackets, it would still get interpreted.

You have to put a "\" in front of everything which should not get converted into a link, so elog:1741/1 does not get interpreted.
  1742   Thu Mar 2 14:35:54 2006 Reply Alexandre Gauthiersupernaut@underwares.orgBug reportLinux2.6.1-1622Re: Re: Inline images URL not working

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Alexandre Gauthier wrote:
Whenever I try to insert an inline picture by using the
paths with ELCode, the link becomes "logbookname2/1" (Where logbookname is the name of my logbook) and hence, doesn't work. I recall that it worked once. The image did not display, but the URL seemed correct...

The problem has been fixed in version 2.6.1-3, so just upgrade.

Alexandre Gauthier wrote:
EDIT: i inserted a space in the elog URL above because regardless of the code brackets, it would still get interpreted.

You have to put a "\" in front of everything which should not get converted into a link, so elog:1741/1 does not get interpreted.

Hello Smile

This is what I have done, I checked out the trunk from subversion and built it inside my powerpc QEMU. I just updated the executables and the elcode.js file, and now it works.

  1761   Tue Mar 7 21:41:28 2006 Question Haitao Yuhtyu@phys.columbia.eduQuestionLinux2.6.1large attachment seems to hang elogd?

I am trying to attach somewhat large file (4-15MB files tested) with my messages but it seems to hang the elogd server for a really long time (30-100minutes). The file upload was done pretty soon (within a few seconds), then the elogd process seems to be busy doing something, using around 50MB of memory and 95% of CPU time, and stop respond to the requests. I can read the logbook with another copy of elogd running on another port, and I can see (and download) the uploaded file. I am wondering what could cause the problem --- and could it be related to the problem of not setting up the SMTP server right? Thanks for any suggestion!


P.S. I read in some old message that if we want to upload very large files, we have to change the WEB_BUFFER_SIZE in elogd.c, however this parameter is no longer in v2.6.1. Is there something similiar I have to change?
ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886