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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  67753   Fri Jan 16 14:29:58 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequestAll-Re: Configure default time range in 'Find'

Have you tried in the "Find" page to set a start date, or select "Show last: Month". This shoudl speed up searching quit a bit.

Eoin Butler wrote:


We have a very large elog database, and executing a 'Find' on the whole range takes several minutes, locking other users out of the elog for that time. It would be very nice if there could be an option to set the default value of the 'search last ...' option on the find page. Thanks in advance!


  67752   Fri Jan 16 13:41:18 2015 Entry Eoin Butlereoin.butler@cern.chRequestAll-Configure default time range in 'Find'


We have a very large elog database, and executing a 'Find' on the whole range takes several minutes, locking other users out of the elog for that time. It would be very nice if there could be an option to set the default value of the 'search last ...' option on the find page. Thanks in advance!

  67751   Tue Jan 13 10:10:56 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportMac OSX3.0.0Re: Problem with embedded Iframes

This is an issue with CKEditor, not with ELOG. 

Maybe this helps:


Eric Quintero wrote:

We've upgraded our ELOG installation to v3, and we really like the new CKeditor. However, one of my users has noticed a problem when using Iframe HTML elements with CKeditor; namely that the HTML is not present when trying to edit the post, and saving the post erases the HTML. 
I was able to reproduce this fairly simply, by trying to embed a youtube video. I would create a new post, click the "Source" view in CKeditor, and paste something like the following:
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Upon submission, this produces a totally normal .log file in the logbook directory, and the video is viewable on the ELOG page:

Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 15:52:20 -0800
Author: test
Type: General
Category: General
Subject: test
Encoding: HTML
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Then, upon hitting "Edit," I am greeted by a totally empty CKeditor window, and hitting "Source" does not display the original HTML. 
Any help is greatly appreciated!

PS: Including the first line of the logfile in this very post would cause the submitted post to be truncated for some reason, although the preview looked fine. Pasting it here also caused the log to end abruptly. The string is "(dollar sign)(at symbol)MID(at symbol)(dollar sign): 9"


  67750   Tue Jan 13 10:07:02 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux3.0.0Re: notification error services in CentOS 6.5

The init script supplied with elog was originally written for Redhat. It seems like CentOS has slightly changed the init daemon management, but I'm not an expert on that, nor do I have CentOS installed. If somebody comes with a fixed elogd.init for CentOS, I'm happy to include that in the distribution.


Banata wrote:

hello, I just upgrade from 2.9 into 3.0.0 in CentOS 6.5

but after upgrade, I can't check elogd services via command line

service elogd status,

always result in missing argument, while it works with httpd or mysqld services and old elogd version.

I try to uninstall and install rom scratch and same result,

Okay I give you screenshoot of that,

you may notice, on check service status and stopping services, error resulted


  67749   Tue Jan 13 04:11:33 2015 Question Banatajogjacard@yahoo.comQuestionLinux3.0.0notification error services in CentOS 6.5

hello, I just upgrade from 2.9 into 3.0.0 in CentOS 6.5

but after upgrade, I can't check elogd services via command line

service elogd status,

always result in missing argument, while it works with httpd or mysqld services and old elogd version.

I try to uninstall and install rom scratch and same result,

Okay I give you screenshoot of that,

you may notice, on check service status and stopping services, error resulted

Attachment 1: elogerror.png
  67748   Tue Jan 13 04:06:48 2015 Reply Banatajogjacard@yahoo.comQuestionWindows3.0.0Re: Translation problem

this is eloghelp

Banata wrote:

oh, okay, elcode_indonesia.html

for eloghelp still on progress, :D

Stefan Ritt wrote:

I also need elcode_indonesia.html and eloghelp_indonesia.html.

Banata wrote:

here you go language translation for Indonesia, if you find any mistakes or missing things please contact me.




Attachment 1: eloghelp_indo.html
  67747   Tue Jan 13 02:48:50 2015 Reply Banatajogjacard@yahoo.comQuestionWindows3.0.0Re: Translation problem

oh, okay, elcode_indonesia.html

for eloghelp still on progress, :D

Stefan Ritt wrote:

I also need elcode_indonesia.html and eloghelp_indonesia.html.

Banata wrote:

here you go language translation for Indonesia, if you find any mistakes or missing things please contact me.



Attachment 1: elcode_indonesia.html
  67746   Mon Jan 12 23:26:18 2015 Question Eric Quinteroericq@caltech.eduBug reportMac OSX3.0.0Problem with embedded Iframes

We've upgraded our ELOG installation to v3, and we really like the new CKeditor. However, one of my users has noticed a problem when using Iframe HTML elements with CKeditor; namely that the HTML is not present when trying to edit the post, and saving the post erases the HTML. 
I was able to reproduce this fairly simply, by trying to embed a youtube video. I would create a new post, click the "Source" view in CKeditor, and paste something like the following:
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Upon submission, this produces a totally normal .log file in the logbook directory, and the video is viewable on the ELOG page:

Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 15:52:20 -0800
Author: test
Type: General
Category: General
Subject: test
Encoding: HTML
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Then, upon hitting "Edit," I am greeted by a totally empty CKeditor window, and hitting "Source" does not display the original HTML. 
Any help is greatly appreciated!

PS: Including the first line of the logfile in this very post would cause the submitted post to be truncated for some reason, although the preview looked fine. Pasting it here also caused the log to end abruptly. The string is "(dollar sign)(at symbol)MID(at symbol)(dollar sign): 9"

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6