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ID Datedown Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  Draft   Fri Sep 13 17:49:13 2024 Reply Dominicchiensh@gmail.comBug reportLinux3fb85fa6Re: Crash on attachment upload

I have the same problem with Ubuntu 24 on a Raspberry Pi system; it crashed whenever I uploade an attachment.  Thanks!

jaro mrazek wrote:

I am on ubuntu 24.04.1, I needed to git clone, make and make install,

HEAD is 3fb85fa6 - (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Fixed compiler warning (3 weeks ago)

It crashes on every attachment:  thank you. Jaro


root@vaio:~# systemctl status elogd
× elogd.service - The ELOG Server
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/elogd.service; enabled; preset: ena>
     Active: failed (Result: core-dump) since Thu 2024-09-12 10:39:23 CEST; 3s a>
   Duration: 5.402s
       Docs: man:elogd(8)
    Process: 724285 ExecStart=/usr/local/sbin/elogd -D -c /usr/local/elog/elogd.>
   Main PID: 724286 (code=dumped, signal=ABRT)
        CPU: 32ms

Sep 12 10:39:18 vaio systemd[1]: Starting elogd.service - The ELOG Server...
Sep 12 10:39:18 vaio elogd[724286]: elogd 3.1.5 built Sep 11 2024, 17:02:36
Sep 12 10:39:18 vaio elogd[724286]: revision 3fb85fa6
Sep 12 10:39:18 vaio elogd[724286]: File "/var/run/" exists, overwritin>
Sep 12 10:39:18 vaio systemd[1]: Started elogd.service - The ELOG Server.
Sep 12 10:39:18 vaio elogd[724286]: CKeditor detected
Sep 12 10:39:18 vaio elogd[724286]: ImageMagick detected
Sep 12 10:39:18 vaio elogd[724286]: Server listening on port 9000 ...
Sep 12 10:39:23 vaio systemd[1]: elogd.service: Main process exited, code=dumped>
Sep 12 10:39:23 vaio systemd[1]: elogd.service: Failed with result 'core-dump'.
root@vaio:~# systemctl restart elogd


  69827   Fri Sep 13 12:02:54 2024 Question Patrick Upsonpatrick.upson@dfo-mpo.gc.caQuestionWindows2.9.2Looking for version update advice

I've inherited a position that includes deploying elog for an at-sea mission. Once at sea there's no gauntee of internet connection so I have to be sure things are going to work before hand. The machines I currently have (we have several backup machines) are running elog version 2.9.2 and I'm looking for a change log, or feature list to determine if it's safe to update the at-sea laptops to the latest version of elog.

On one hand, I could leave things as they are and I'm sure it will just work, on the other hand, I hate seeing things get out of date to the point that something just stops working some day and there's no ability to get support for old software.

I'm already running elog 3.1.4 on my personal machine I use for configuration development and testing and it seems to work well. The config file is pretty simple and seems to work with 2.9.2 on the at-sea machines, but I don't want to run into any suprises if there ends up being a compatibility issue at sea.

  69826   Thu Sep 12 10:42:08 2024 Warning jaro mrazekjaromrax@gmail.comBug reportLinux3fb85fa6Crash on attachment upload

I am on ubuntu 24.04.1, I needed to git clone, make and make install,

HEAD is 3fb85fa6 - (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Fixed compiler warning (3 weeks ago)

It crashes on every attachment:  thank you. Jaro


root@vaio:~# systemctl status elogd
× elogd.service - The ELOG Server
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/elogd.service; enabled; preset: ena>
     Active: failed (Result: core-dump) since Thu 2024-09-12 10:39:23 CEST; 3s a>
   Duration: 5.402s
       Docs: man:elogd(8)
    Process: 724285 ExecStart=/usr/local/sbin/elogd -D -c /usr/local/elog/elogd.>
   Main PID: 724286 (code=dumped, signal=ABRT)
        CPU: 32ms

Sep 12 10:39:18 vaio systemd[1]: Starting elogd.service - The ELOG Server...
Sep 12 10:39:18 vaio elogd[724286]: elogd 3.1.5 built Sep 11 2024, 17:02:36
Sep 12 10:39:18 vaio elogd[724286]: revision 3fb85fa6
Sep 12 10:39:18 vaio elogd[724286]: File "/var/run/" exists, overwritin>
Sep 12 10:39:18 vaio systemd[1]: Started elogd.service - The ELOG Server.
Sep 12 10:39:18 vaio elogd[724286]: CKeditor detected
Sep 12 10:39:18 vaio elogd[724286]: ImageMagick detected
Sep 12 10:39:18 vaio elogd[724286]: Server listening on port 9000 ...
Sep 12 10:39:23 vaio systemd[1]: elogd.service: Main process exited, code=dumped>
Sep 12 10:39:23 vaio systemd[1]: elogd.service: Failed with result 'core-dump'.
root@vaio:~# systemctl restart elogd

  69825   Mon Sep 2 12:54:12 2024 Question Daniel Sajdykdaniel.sajdyk@gmail.comQuestionWindowsELOG V3.1.4-a04Please help with config


I'm trying to create config file for simple incident logbook. It should has 3 attributes:

  1. source (source of incident) with options: 
    1. email
    2. jira_id
    3. ezd_id
  2. Tactics (from MITRE but for simplicity I wrote only this):
    1. aaa,
    2. bbb,
  3. Technics (also from MITRE but also for simplicity I wrote only this):
    1. tactics1, tactics2,
    2. tactics3, tactics4

And this is not working.

For me it looks that choosing first attribute - Source - causes problems, because after that I cannot choose third - Technics - attribute.

When I will start filling attributes from the second - Tactics - then Technics options are avaiable. 

Below is config file:

Theme = default
Page Title = ELOG - $Theme

Attributes = Source, Technics, Tactics

Options Source = Email{a}, Jira{b}, EZD{c}
{a} Attributes = Source, Adres_email, Technics, Tactics
{b} Attributes = Source, JIRA_ID, Technics, Tactics
{c} Attributes = Source, EZD_ID, Technics, Tactics

Options Technics = aaa{1}, bbb{2}
{1} Options Tactics = tactics1, tactics2
{2} Options Tactics = tactics3, tactics4

Page Title = ELOG - $subject
Reverse sort = 1
Quick filter = Source, Technics, Tactics

I will appreciate any help.

Best Regards

  69824   Sun Sep 1 04:33:13 2024 Warning Dominicanonymous@gmail.comBug reportLinux | Windows | Mac OSXELOG V3.1.5Equation Editor does not work


I am not sure if this is a know issue: it seems that the equation editor does not work anymore. Is there any fix or alternative method to type latex formula in the log? 

Thank you!

  69822   Thu Aug 8 09:07:45 2024 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionAll2Re: Can Elog make a table?

I'm not exactly sure what you want to do, but there are two options in elog:

1) Insert directly a table like this one:

Index Value
first 123
second 432

2) Use one ELOG entry as a row in a table. You can try this by clicking on "List" here in the Forum should you not already see the list display, then on "Summary" which give you a spreadsheet like display, where you can specify in the config file which columns of the ELOG entries you want to see. See also the demo here:



  69821   Wed Aug 7 22:54:03 2024 Question Walter Reviolreviol@anl.govQuestionAll2Can Elog make a table?


I like to format an Elog "directory" such that all entries make/occur as a table. Say: 5 columns and a large number of rows. In a sense, make an excel spreadsheet in Elog. Is this possible? How can this be done? Is there perhaps a template?

Thanks in advance.

Walter Reviol

  69820   Mon Aug 5 21:15:08 2024 Reply Truupepijuels@gmail.comQuestionOther3.1.5Re: Elog on FreeBSD

Welp, nevermind, I dug a little more and managed to compile it on 14.1 using cmake.

Truupe wrote:

Anyone using elog on FreeBSD nowadays?  I know it used to be in the ports tree about 10 years ago but seems to be abandoned.  Tried to compile from source on 14.1, but no luck there.


ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6