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ID Date Icondown Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  450   Wed Nov 12 12:25:44 2003 Warning Heiko Scheith.scheit@mpi-hd.mpg.deBug fixLinux2.3.9speed is very slow if logbook contains many entries
This is not really a bug, but elogd was getting really slow with our
logbook.  It took about 4 1/2 seconds just to get the default page in
threaded mode with 15 entries.  The logbook has in total about 2000
entries, though.

After playing around with the compiler option '-gp' and gprof the
problem was found: loc() is called about 18000 times per logbook
access!  (Attached you can find the gprof output.  There might be
other places where to save time: e.g. getcfg().)  The function loc()
calls stat every time to check if the language file was updated and
this takes a long time especially over NFS.

The quick solution for me was to just replace loc() with 'char
*loc(char *orig) {return orig;}'.  Therefore, I cannot use the
localization that I used anymore, which is not a big problem at the
moment.  After that the time to download the default page was only
0.16 s; almost a factor of 30 faster!

I would suggest to only read the language file (AND also the config
file!) once upon startup.  After changing things one has to restart
elogd, which is not so nice, but the long delay is not acceptable.
Another option not to restart elogd is to make elogd respond to a
signal (e.g. kill -HUP) to reread the config and language files.
  452   Tue Nov 18 23:19:57 2003 Warning Justin Dietersenderak@yahoo.comCommentLinux2.3.9Update request for Admin Guide
Heya, I've been using elog for a year or so, with a proxy through Apache,
but recently I've ran into some trouble with my Apache config, where
spammers were using my incorrectly configured proxy to send spam.

I have
some requests for the Administrator's Guide: "Running elogd under Apache". 
I'm hoping a few little notes will save others the trouble I've gone
through. Neither of these are any fault of elog's or Apache's, but of my own
ignorance. (I am using elog 2.3.9, and Apache 2.something, if that matters)

1) When doing "ProxyPass ..." when setting up elog under Apache, do NOT put
"ProxyRequests On".  This is not needed, if it is enabled and not set up
correctly, it allows spammers to send spam via Apache's proxy.  More
information on this is here:,
about halfway down the page, under "Spammers use open Apache proxies"

Even though it doesn't mention ProxyRequests in the guide, I think there
should be a little side note mentioning that "ProxyRequests On" is NOT
needed, because I put it in, thinking it was - I am probably not the only one.

2) I have found that mod_proxy_http.c must be loaded in addition to
mod_proxy.c and mod_alias.c for the proxy to work, otherwise I get a 403
error.  I think this should be mentioned as well.
  454   Thu Nov 20 17:51:53 2003 Warning Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chCommentLinux2.3.9Re: Update request for Admin Guide
Thanks, I added a note into the admin guide.
  461   Thu Jan 29 00:24:44 2004 Warning Joseph Giaimegiaime@phys.lsu.eduBug reportMac OSX2.3.9Strange timezone in email sent with Postfix
Hi all,
I'm having trouble getting a sensible timezone to be attached to e-mail that gets sent out when messages are posted. I'm using Postfix, not sendmail (Mac OS X Server uses this beginning with version 10.3). In this set-up, the 'sendmail' program is a front-end for Postfix, not the real thing. I suspect that there are subtle differences that cause this problem.
Instead of something like "Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 14:46:16 -0600", the "-0600" is replaced by a large number that doesn't correspond with anything I can figure out. This is the sort of thing that does no real harm, but the notebook users keep complaining
Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated. -Joe
Here is what gets mailed when a messages is posted:
Received: from ([unix socket])
	by (Cyrus v2.1.13) with LMTP; Wed, 28 Jan 2004 16:27:03 -0600
X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2
Received: from ( [])
	by (Postfix) with SMTP
	id 5E12A788D1; Wed, 28 Jan 2004 16:27:03 -0600 (CST)
Subject: New playground elog entry
X-Mailer: Elog, Version 2.3.9
X-Elog-submit-type: web|elog
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 22:27:03 +52182819
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Message-Id: <>

A new entry has been submitted on

Logbook             : playground
Author              : Joseph Giaime
Type                : Other
Category            : Other
Subject             : yet another test

Logbook URL         :
  469   Fri Feb 13 12:25:15 2004 Warning Heiko Linux2.5.0-W -Wall options (using gcc)
Maybe consider using the options -W -Wall when compiling elogd.
There are several warning messages.
  507   Wed Mar 24 17:48:28 2004 Warning Charles DuncanCharles@YorkU.CAQuestionLinux2.5.1-1 Debian LinuxElog Utility
I am trying to use the Elog Utility to import a few thousand entries. So 
far I have run into a few problems.

a) Cannot get elog utility to speak to elogd on port 8080. Even though I 
use the -p 8080 option with elog. I was able to get it to work when I 
moved my server to port 80.

b) I cannot get elog to work with and attributes or logbooks that contain 
spaces. Please refer the the following example:

elog -v -h -p 80 -a "Station Number"="CC001" -a "Mac 
Address"="000874fdc895" -a "Hostname"="" -a "IP 
Address"="" -a "Manufacturer"="Dell" -a "Model Line"="Optiplex" -
a "Model Number"="GX270" -a "Monitor Manufacturer"="Dell" -a "Monitor 
Model"="E151FP" -a "Memory"="512MB" -a "CPU Speed"="2.6GHz" -a "Hard 
Drive"="40GB" -a "Service Count"="-" -l WSC2 -u charles xxxxx "DD/MM/YY: 
Change Description"

This line executes fine. Except only Hostname, Manufacturer, Memory and 
text are populated in the record. All the rest of the fields are blank.

c) the only way I was able to get the transaction to work was by reducing 
the size of the log book to a single word (ie WSC2).

Do I have to reduce all my attributes to single words? Or am I missing 
something simple to use as a delimiter for entry??

Thanks in advance

  510   Thu Mar 25 18:20:15 2004 Warning Charles DuncanCharles@YorkU.CAQuestionLinux2.5.1-1 Debian LinuxRe: Elog Utility
> I am trying to use the Elog Utility to import a few thousand entries. So 
> far I have run into a few problems.
> a) Cannot get elog utility to speak to elogd on port 8080. Even though I 
> use the -p 8080 option with elog. I was able to get it to work when I 
> moved my server to port 80.
> b) I cannot get elog to work with and attributes or logbooks that contain 
> spaces. Please refer the the following example:
> elog -v -h -p 80 -a "Station Number"="CC001" -a "Mac 
> Address"="000874fdc895" -a "Hostname"="" -a "IP 
> Address"="" -a "Manufacturer"="Dell" -a "Model Line"="Optiplex" -
> a "Model Number"="GX270" -a "Monitor Manufacturer"="Dell" -a "Monitor 
> Model"="E151FP" -a "Memory"="512MB" -a "CPU Speed"="2.6GHz" -a "Hard 
> Drive"="40GB" -a "Service Count"="-" -l WSC2 -u charles xxxxx "DD/MM/YY: 
> Change Description"
> This line executes fine. Except only Hostname, Manufacturer, Memory and 
> text are populated in the record. All the rest of the fields are blank.
> c) the only way I was able to get the transaction to work was by reducing 
> the size of the log book to a single word (ie WSC2).
> Do I have to reduce all my attributes to single words? Or am I missing 
> something simple to use as a delimiter for entry??
> Thanks in advance
> -Charles-

As a followup, this occurs not only in the Linux environment, but also under 
Windows XP. I get the same results...

  511   Fri Mar 26 09:37:08 2004 Warning Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux2.5.1-1 Debian LinuxRe: Elog Utility
> a) Cannot get elog utility to speak to elogd on port 8080. Even though I 
> use the -p 8080 option with elog. I was able to get it to work when I 
> moved my server to port 80.

That problem has been fixed in revision 1.16 from Feb. 19th. Please get the
newest version from release 2.5.2 issued today.

> b) I cannot get elog to work with and attributes or logbooks that contain 
> spaces. Please refer the the following example:
> elog -v -h -p 80 -a "Station Number"="CC001" -a "Mac 
> Address"="000874fdc895" -a "Hostname"="" -a "IP 
> Address"="" -a "Manufacturer"="Dell" -a "Model Line"="Optiplex" -
> a "Model Number"="GX270" -a "Monitor Manufacturer"="Dell" -a "Monitor 
> Model"="E151FP" -a "Memory"="512MB" -a "CPU Speed"="2.6GHz" -a "Hard 
> Drive"="40GB" -a "Service Count"="-" -l WSC2 -u charles xxxxx "DD/MM/YY: 
> Change Description"

There was also some bug which has been fixed, plus you need following syntax:

elog -h ... -p 8080 -a "Station Number=CC001" ...

note the "" are around the whole attribute=value string, not only the attribute.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6