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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icondown Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  67900   Wed May 13 14:58:46 2015 Idea Francois CloutierFrancois@fcmail.caBug reportWindows3.1.0-3Attribute not updated
Good day,

I'm populating 2 fields based on the Option set in a third one.
It works, but for some reason, sometimes when I change the entry from one value to another (from 3/01/2015 to 26/03/2016) , the field "# Volume" stays at the first position 
(149) and doesn't get updated... I tried both with Chrome and IE.

Attributes = #Réception, #Galée, #Volume, #Parution, Partie, Parution, Infographiste, Traitement, Réviseur, Révision, Contrôleur, Contrôle, Correcteur, Correction, 
Commentaires, Contrôle final
List display = Edit, #Réception, #Volume, #Parution, #Galée, Parution, Infographiste, Traitement, Réviseur, Révision, Contrôleur, Contrôle, Correcteur, Correction, 
Show attributes edit = #Réception, #Volume, Partie, #Galée, Parution, #Parution, Infographiste, Traitement, Réviseur, Révision, Contrôleur, Contrôle, Correcteur, 
Commentaires, Contrôle final

Menu commands = Select, edit, Move to, Delete
List menu commands = Select, New, Find
Move to = Archives

Fixed Attributes Edit = #Réception, #Parution
Locked Attributes = #Réception, #Volume, Partie,  #Parution

Preset #Réception = 1-#####

Preset Partie = 1
Preset Infographiste = -
Preset Réviseur = -
Preset Contrôleur = -
Preset Correcteur = -

Options Parution = 3/01/2015{1}, 10/01/2015{2}, 17/01/2015{3}, 24/01/2015{4}, 31/01/2015{5}, 7/02/2015{6}, 14/02/2015{7}, 21/02/2015{8}, 28/02/2015{9}, 7/03/2015{10}, 
14/03/2015{11}, 21/03/2015{12}, 28/03/2015{13}, 4/04/2015{14}, 11/04/2015{15}, 18/04/2015{16}, 25/04/2015{17}, 2/05/2015{18}, 9/05/2015{19}, 16/05/2015{20}, 23/05/2015{21}, 
30/05/2015{22}, 6/06/2015{23}, 13/06/2015{24}, 20/06/2015{25}, 27/06/2015{26}, 4/07/2015{27}, 11/07/2015{28}, 18/07/2015{29}, 25/07/2015{30}, 1/08/2015{31}, 8/08/2015{32}, 
15/08/2015{33}, 22/08/2015{34}, 29/08/2015{35}, 5/09/2015{36}, 12/09/2015{37}, 19/09/2015{38}, 26/09/2015{39}, 3/10/2015{40}, 10/10/2015{41}, 17/10/2015{42}, 24/10/2015{43}, 
31/10/2015{44}, 7/11/2015{45}, 14/11/2015{46}, 21/11/2015{47}, 28/11/2015{48}, 5/12/2015{49}, 12/12/2015{50}, 19/12/2015{51}, 26/12/2015{52}, 2/01/2016{53}, 9/01/2016{54}, 
16/01/2015{55}, 23/01/2016{56}, 30/01/2016{57}, 6/02/2016{58}, 13/02/2016{59}, 20/02/2016{60}, 27/02/2016{61}, 5/03/2016{62}, 12/03/2016{63}, 19/03/2016{64}, 26/03/2016{65}

Options Infographiste = -, ML, TS, AN, AC
Options Réviseur = -, MB, JC, SS, AR, LH, CA, NB, CL, TM, NR, MS
Options Contrôleur = -, MB, JC, SS, AR, LH, CA, NB, CL, TM, NR, MS
Options Correcteur = -, ML, TS, AN, AC

{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51}Preset #Volume = 149
{53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65}Preset #Volume = 150

{1} Preset #Parution = 1
{2} Preset #Parution = 2
{3} Preset #Parution = 3
{4} Preset #Parution = 4
{5} Preset #Parution = 5
{6} Preset #Parution = 6
{7} Preset #Parution = 7
{8} Preset #Parution = 8
{9} Preset #Parution = 9
{10} Preset #Parution = 10
{11} Preset #Parution = 11
{12} Preset #Parution = 12
{13} Preset #Parution = 13
{14} Preset #Parution = 14
{15} Preset #Parution = 15
{16} Preset #Parution = 16
{17} Preset #Parution = 17
{18} Preset #Parution = 18
{19} Preset #Parution = 19
{20} Preset #Parution = 20
{21} Preset #Parution = 21
{22} Preset #Parution = 22
{23} Preset #Parution = 23
{24} Preset #Parution = 24
{25} Preset #Parution = 25
{26} Preset #Parution = 26
{27} Preset #Parution = 27
{28} Preset #Parution = 28
{29} Preset #Parution = 29
{30} Preset #Parution = 30
{31} Preset #Parution = 31
{32} Preset #Parution = 32
{33} Preset #Parution = 33
{34} Preset #Parution = 34
{35} Preset #Parution = 35
{36} Preset #Parution = 36
{37} Preset #Parution = 37
{38} Preset #Parution = 38
{39} Preset #Parution = 39
{40} Preset #Parution = 40
{41} Preset #Parution = 41
{42} Preset #Parution = 42
{43} Preset #Parution = 43
{44} Preset #Parution = 44
{45} Preset #Parution = 45
{46} Preset #Parution = 46
{47} Preset #Parution = 47
{48} Preset #Parution = 48
{49} Preset #Parution = 49
{50} Preset #Parution = 50
{51} Preset #Parution = 51
{52} Preset #Parution = 52
{53} Preset #Parution = 1
{54} Preset #Parution = 2
{55} Preset #Parution = 3
{56} Preset #Parution = 4
{57} Preset #Parution = 5
{58} Preset #Parution = 6
{59} Preset #Parution = 7
{60} Preset #Parution = 8
{61} Preset #Parution = 9
{62} Preset #Parution = 10
{63} Preset #Parution = 11
{64} Preset #Parution = 12
{65} Preset #Parution = 13
  67928   Thu May 21 12:13:21 2015 Idea Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chBug reportLinux | All3.1.0Re: elogd moves elog entries
> > elogd 3.1.0 moves all elog entries into year-named subdirectories. this feature makes it incompatible with older elogs and so should be clearly mentioned in the documentation,
> > in the release announcement and in the release and migration notes. K.O.
> But yes, the release documentation by bitbucket is not really that useful: 
> it is difficult for me too, to find out what changed with new releases. 

I did know that I've read it summarized somewhere!
The changes with the different releases are documented here:

It is actually not so difficult to find: 
it is linked on the "Download" section

"News for each version can be seen in the changelog (->"

And for version 3.0.0 it states:
- Create one logbook subdirectory pear year

I admit that version 3.0 has never been announced and the changelog is not mentioned in the announcement of version 3.1.0
Maybe we'll do better in the future ;-)
  67959   Fri Jun 5 14:24:34 2015 Idea Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chInfoAll3.1.0+Different way CSS files are handled


I just implemented a different way CSS files are handled in ELOG. Previously, we had the default.css, which could be adjusted for specific needs. Some people did that (like myself). So I changed a few colors etc. When I now implement a new feature in elog, it might need a new CSS class which I put in default.css. But this means that people who have modified this file get it either overwritten, or do not get the new styles.

In order to fix this, the default.css is now called elog.css and is always inluded in any ELOG page. If one specifies a CSS file with "CSS = <file.css>", then this CSS file is loaded in addition to elog.css. So one can put only the modifications into that file and inherits all the rest from elog.css. If new features come in elog.css, the installation with the personalized CSS file will then get the new features from the new elog.css automatically, and just overwrite a few settings in the personalized file. Here is an example:


td {


Personalized file special.css, activated with "CSS = special.css" in the elogd.cfg file:

td {

This personalized file now overwrites the font size from elog.css to 18 pixel, while maintaining all the rest from elogd.css.

The modification is committed to GIT and will be contained in the next release of elog.


  68055   Wed Jul 22 03:09:39 2015 Idea Banata Wachid Ridwanjogjacard@yahoo.comInfoWindows3.1.0Revision for Indonesian Translation

hello, in my spare time, I try to fix some bugs, typo, and update for Indonesian translation

  68101   Wed Aug 26 09:18:17 2015 Idea Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chQuestionLinux2.9.2Re: Send e-mail based on a hierarchy of attributes?

Yes, this can be done. See below for an example configuration.

Attributes = entrytype, category
Options entrytype = routine{1}, problem{2}
Options category = software, hardware

{1} Email category software =
{1} Email category hardware =
{2} Email category software =
{2} Email category hardware = a@bcd.efg, h@ijk.lmn

Phil Rubin wrote:

Is there a way to distribute e-mail based on the consideration of several attributes and values?  A simple example:  attributes type and category have several different values, say, routine and problem for type and hardware and software for category, but one would only like messages sent when there's a problem to different sets of hardware or software types.  Thus:


type routine   category hardware = no message

                        category software = no message

type problem  category hardware = a@bcd.efg, h@ijk.lmn

                         category software = 1@opq.rst,


  68121   Tue Sep 22 15:04:55 2015 Idea Edmund Hertleedmund.hertle@kit.eduRequestAll3.1.1Suggestion for tooltips and/or comments


if you define a Tooltip at the moment it is only displayed on the attribute. I would like it very much if it would also be displayed on the values (on the right column in the detailed view and on the whole column in the list view), since we are using the tooltips to define the units of the attribute and it would be nice to pop up when you hover a value.

As for the comment it would be nice to have a flag to also show the comment on the detailed view while looking at an entry. At the moment it is only showed when creating a new entry. Again we use this field to define the units.

This is an example of how we use these options:

attributes = Fill Number, Beam Current, Beam Energy, Beam Lifetime, RF Voltage S2, RF Voltage S4, RF Frequency, Synchrotron Frequency

Comment Beam Current = in mA
Comment Beam Energy = in GeV
Comment Beam Lifetime = in hh:mm
Comment RF Voltage S2 = in kV
Comment RF Voltage S4 = in kV
Comment RF Frequency = in MHz
Comment Synchrotron Frequency = in kHz

Tooltip Beam Current = in mA
Tooltip Beam Energy = in GeV
Tooltip Beam Lifetime = in hh:mm
Tooltip RF Voltage S2 = in kV
Tooltip RF Voltage S4 = in kV
Tooltip RF Frequency = in MHz
Tooltip Synchrotron Frequency = in kHz



  68135   Wed Sep 30 09:28:39 2015 Idea Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chQuestionWindows2.7.3Re: Syntax for conditional list display
Hi Terry,
if you really want to do it, you can find a way to make it work. But it is not straight forward and not what ELOG is made for. Here some ideas how it could work:
  • ELOG allows you to have different commands for different users. You could allow "New" and "Edit" for normal users, but "Reply" only for administrators.
  • You can use "Subst on reply <attribute> = <string>" to set a specifc fields only on reply. 
    • You would hide "status" & "assignee" for new entries or edit (Show Attributes Edit = <list>), and show a "set status" field instead.
    • The line "Subst on reply status = $set status" would take care, that only an administrator can set "status" with a reply to the original entry (+ a "set assignee" field, etc.). While normal users could set "set status", it would not change the "status" field. You could provide a comment or tooltip to explain that.
    • The list view or single entry view should not show the "set status", but only the "status" attribute (List display = <list>, Show Attributes = <list>).
  • Use "Propagate attribute = status, assignee" to take care, that the original entry gets their fields set accordingly.

This is how you could do what you want. But bugzilla can do a lot more if you are looking for a bug tracking software.

Cheers, Andreas

Terry L wrote:

Hi Eddy,

Thank you for your response.  I had a feeling that was the case, but I had high hopes! :)  The reason I would like this feature is because I am trying to use ELOG as a software anomaly tracking log, where any user can create an ELOG and fill out "category", "computer" etc, but only administrators can fill out the "status" & "assignee".  If I am lucky, this will be an added feature in a future revision.

Thanks again,


Edmund Hertle wrote:

Hey Terry,

I don't think this is possible, since in general you cannot define config settings in a way that it would only affect specific users. For example, you also cannot have different themes for different users (as stated here: )



Terry L wrote:

Good Morning,

I would like to limit the ability to edit certain attributes in an ELOG logbook, depending on the user who is logged in.  I.e. if "guest" or a standard "login user" is logged in, I only want to allow the user to edit "attribute1" & "attribute2" of say, 5 attributes.  However, if an Admin user or specific user, say "Terry" or "Bob" is logged in, I want to allow ALL 5 attributes to be editable.  To expand on this, I may want to even limit the visibility of the attributes as well.

I've read though "Condition Attributes" section of the help page, but it is not clear to me how/if I can do this?  Is that section even relevant to what I want to accomplish?

Can anyone provide some guidance?

Thank you for your time & help!






  68213   Tue Jan 12 11:35:55 2016 Idea Johan attributes for new post

Hi all,

I have a use case for ELOG where I need to be able to "prefill" some attributes in the "cmd=new" form, based on the URL.

To illustrate, imagine a link that takes the user directly to the form for creating a new post, with the "Subsystem" attribute already filled out to "Vacuum".

Is this possible already? I've tried naively using URL parameters (e.g. "&Subsystem=Vacuum") but that does not work. If it's not implemented, I think it would be a useful feature to have (and quite important for my particular use case). I could create a new post first using the "elog" tool, with the desired attributes set, but it makes more sense to defer the actual creation of the post to the user, i.e. he/she might change their mind before pressing "submit".


Johan Forsberg, MAX IV Laboratory, Sweden

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6