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  68103   Mon Aug 31 09:38:38 2015 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chBug fixWindowsV3.1.1-3f311c5Re: Draft saved is treated as an entry edit

Hi Daniel,

this is an undesired side effect of a new feature. I wouldn't call it a bug ;-)

There is no straight forward way for elog to distinguish between a "Submit" and an automatic save. Therefore the "... on edit = ..." kicks in when an entry is saved automatically.

I guess Stefan can figure out a workaround, but for the moment I would sugest that you just switch off the auto save feature -- if you want to keep your save history:

Save drafts = 0

Daniel Sajdyk wrote:Save drafts = 0


In Elog i have attribute called "Zmieniano" (eng. changed)  which should store how many times entry was edited. If entry was not edited it should have only preset value "oryginalny wpis" (eng. oryginal entry), but when I edit it, it should have also date, time, and person who make edit (this is made by "Subst on Edit Zmieniano = $Zmieniano<br>- Zmiana $date przez $long_name z $remote_host)". 

From version V3.1.1-3f311c5 I have problem with that. 

When I add entry, and entry is auto saved, then auto save is shown in the attribute "Zmieniano" (eng. changed) as an next edit, which I dont want. Entry from attached screenshot was not edited, but in "Zmieniano" (eng. changed) attributes it has two values:

  • Oryginalny wpis (eng. oryginal entry),
  • Zmiana 27.08.2015, 10:52 przez Daniel Sajdyk z (eng. Changed 27.08.2015.... ) 

The second value is autosave time. 

Is this a bug?






  68104   Mon Aug 31 13:12:09 2015 Reply Daniel Sajdykdaniel.sajdyk@gmail.comBug fixWindowsV3.1.1-3f311c5Re: Draft saved is treated as an entry edit

Hi Andreas and thank you very much for explanation ;)

So, we'll have to wait for new version which will correct this.




Andreas Luedeke wrote:

Hi Daniel,

this is an undesired side effect of a new feature. I wouldn't call it a bug ;-)

There is no straight forward way for elog to distinguish between a "Submit" and an automatic save. Therefore the "... on edit = ..." kicks in when an entry is saved automatically.

I guess Stefan can figure out a workaround, but for the moment I would sugest that you just switch off the auto save feature -- if you want to keep your save history:

Save drafts = 0

Daniel Sajdyk wrote:Save drafts = 0


In Elog i have attribute called "Zmieniano" (eng. changed)  which should store how many times entry was edited. If entry was not edited it should have only preset value "oryginalny wpis" (eng. oryginal entry), but when I edit it, it should have also date, time, and person who make edit (this is made by "Subst on Edit Zmieniano = $Zmieniano<br>- Zmiana $date przez $long_name z $remote_host)". 

From version V3.1.1-3f311c5 I have problem with that. 

When I add entry, and entry is auto saved, then auto save is shown in the attribute "Zmieniano" (eng. changed) as an next edit, which I dont want. Entry from attached screenshot was not edited, but in "Zmieniano" (eng. changed) attributes it has two values:

  • Oryginalny wpis (eng. oryginal entry),
  • Zmiana 27.08.2015, 10:52 przez Daniel Sajdyk z (eng. Changed 27.08.2015.... ) 

The second value is autosave time. 

Is this a bug?







  68106   Mon Aug 31 22:35:03 2015 Question Daniel Sajdykdaniel.sajdyk@gmail.comQuestionWindowsELOG V3.1.1-3f3Preset on duplicate


Is there any way that "Preset on duplicate" contain ID entry from which it was duplicated?




  Draft   Wed Sep 2 16:55:00 2015  Mike BodineMike.Bodine@alcatel-lucent.comQuestionWindows2.9.2Copy To Function


We've recently implemented the Copy To function and it works as advertised. The issue we're having is the original entry time is also copied, so if we take an old log and copy it to another log book the entry using reverse sort, preserve = 0 may not display as the newest id. It will receive the next message id, but not display in the correct order on the page. Is there an option or parameter that will force Copy To create a new entry time, so the message id will appear in the correct order?



  68108   Wed Sep 2 17:06:10 2015 Entry Mike BodineMike.Bodine@alcatel-lucent.comQuestionWindows2.9.2Copy To Function


We've recently implemented the Copy To function and it works as advertised. The issue we're having is the original entry time is also copied, so if we take an old log and copy it to another log book the entry using reverse sort, preserve = 0 may not display as the newest id. It will receive the next message id, but not display in the correct order on the page. Is there an option or parameter that will force Copy To create a new entry time, so the message id will appear in the correct order?



  68109   Wed Sep 2 17:06:17 2015 Entry Mike BodineMike.Bodine@alcatel-lucent.comQuestionWindows2.9.2Copy To Function


We've recently implemented the Copy To function and it works as advertised. The issue we're having is the original entry time is also copied, so if we take an old log and copy it to another log book the entry using reverse sort, preserve = 0 may not display as the newest id. It will receive the next message id, but not display in the correct order on the page. Is there an option or parameter that will force Copy To create a new entry time, so the message id will appear in the correct order?



  68110   Wed Sep 2 20:23:21 2015 Entry Edmund Hertleedmund.hertle@kit.eduBug reportWindows3.1.1Attachment Uploaded Time is off by one hour

If I upload an attachment the timestamp of the attachment is set to one hour in the future, as demonstrated with this test attachment being one hour in the future compared to the entry time

Attachment 1: elogTest.rtf
{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}

\f0\fs24 \cf0 test}
  68114   Tue Sep 15 18:04:35 2015 Question Terry Ltrflin@yahoo.comQuestionWindows2.7.3Syntax for conditional list display

Good Morning,

I would like to limit the ability to edit certain attributes in an ELOG logbook, depending on the user who is logged in.  I.e. if "guest" or a standard "login user" is logged in, I only want to allow the user to edit "attribute1" & "attribute2" of say, 5 attributes.  However, if an Admin user or specific user, say "Terry" or "Bob" is logged in, I want to allow ALL 5 attributes to be editable.  To expand on this, I may want to even limit the visibility of the attributes as well.

I've read though "Condition Attributes" section of the help page, but it is not clear to me how/if I can do this?  Is that section even relevant to what I want to accomplish?

Can anyone provide some guidance?

Thank you for your time & help!



ELOG V3.1.5-fe60aaf