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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
    icon1.gif   Re: Converting logs, posted by Marcus Meyer on Tue Apr 22 19:27:28 2003 
> I would like to dump mylog files into comma/tab seperated files. Is there 
> an easy way to do it?
> I tried to run elconv, but had no success. Always returns an error. 
> Thanks,
> k. 


Same for me.

Here is the error:

Cannot find any ??????.log file in this directory.

    icon1.gif   Re: Converting logs, posted by Recai Oktas on Tue Apr 22 19:58:13 2003 
> Here is the error:
> Cannot find any ??????.log file in this directory.

`elconv' is just a simple tool to convert pre 2.0 log files to the current
format. (Well, after all these confusions, dropping it from the future
releases won't be surprising -at least for me- ;) You might try some
well-known text-processing tools ie. preferably awk or perl to make the
required conversions. But I think using comma or tab as the delimiter is not
suitable due to the content of logs. If all you want is importing them to
excel/word, you should play with the delimiter options of mentioned programs
before trying a solution.
icon1.gif   Feature request - fairly urgent also :), posted by nickc1 on Fri May 2 10:32:57 2003 
We are using elog as a small database system, today we came across a 
problem where 2 people were editing the same record and the first one to 
submit his changes were overwritten when the second person submitted his.

Is there anyway to lock a logbook record when someone has pressed EDIT, 
maybe set a flag in the logbook entry so it has to be unlocked when its 
submitted by the originator or by an administrator.

Many Thanks
icon1.gif   CVS URL, posted by nickc1 on Tue May 6 10:53:33 2003 
Can anyone tell me the URL for the CVS download section

the link has gone from one of the main screens

icon1.gif   Question, posted by nickc1 on Thu May 8 15:12:11 2003 
Can you tell me what the following change in CVS offers

Revision 1.99 / (download) - annotate - [select for diffs] , Fri May 2 
10:00:31 2003 UTC (6 days, 2 hours ago) by midas 
Changes since 1.98: +10 -1 lines
Diff to previous 1.98 
Added lock icon for protected logbooks

Does this relate to the request in article 309

and if so is there any flags set to enable it.

icon1.gif   HTML page formating, posted by Tomas Rudolf on Mon May 19 23:54:09 2003 elog_improve_layout.jpg
Is there a possibility to integrate into ELOG some more features in terms 
of page formating?

Currently, the .cfg file allows you to specify only the data structure of 
the dataentry/consultation HTML page. And you only have very limited 
possibilities to change the layout of the page (basically only the order of 
attributes on the page and with the help of the .css file the font, color 
and background of the page as a whole).

What we would like to do is to :
+ apply a stylesheet class to an attribute (change the particular TD class)
+ specify the width of a textfield (sometimes it is really not necessary to 
have such a long textfield area for a 3-letter long code)
+ put an attribute on the same line as the previous one (instead of putting 
it automatically on the next line)

Therefore, in addition to the current attributes & parameters, we suggest 
the following syntax in the .cfg file:
+ parameter AttribPos which would specify the position of an attribute, 
it's lenght (for text attributes only) and the .css class to apply
+ parameters in [] are optional
AttribPos AttribName = same_line, width, [class]

AttribPos DateUp =  0,20, [important]   
+ Attribute "DateUp" will be put on the next line, the textfield width will 
be 20 characters and a .important class will be applied to it from the 
default (or specified) .css file.

AttribPos DateUp =  1,15,
+ this puts the DateUp attribute on the same line, width 15

We believe that these improvements would help to make the ergonomy of the 
screen better and thus facilitate the user-dataentry/consultation. 
icon1.gif   Bug Found, posted by nickc1 on Mon Jun 16 17:44:49 2003 
Ive just been alerted to a bug with email notifications in Elog.

Basically if your log book contains a space then the URL that is sent in 
emails when creating tickets or updating old entries doesnt put %20 (IEs 
space) inthe URL it leaves a space hense breaking the link.

for example

Correct Way prior to 2.3.8

Broken way with new version Request/35
Link is broken at this point

My config looks like this

Email Status Assigned = $
Email Status Re-Assigned = $
Email Status Completed = $
Email "Send Update Email" Yes = $
Use Email Subject = A Provisioning Ticket has been assigned to you or 
Use Email From =
icon1.gif   logboog for new project, posted by Etienne Van Caillie on Wed Jun 18 14:50:23 2003 
we develop some improvement to elog and modify the C source
to adapt some internal improvement.

1. shellonsubmit command : give the possibility to execute external program
from elog by sending specific parameter (user/logbook/message ID)

2. elog log file in xml format : give a better view on what happens with 
users see attachments easy to push the files to excel or sql database.

3. synchronisation to mySql or SQL server through perl routine and the 
shellonsubmit command
this will push any new/edit/delete command in sql server so we keep a full 
historic off all transaction in ELOG

4. sms gateway : from elog entry we send sms message throught internet 
gateway (perl routine)

If somebody has good experience in C and Perl I suggest to contact me to 
improve this wonderfull product
Thank Stephan

other projet : 
we use a logbook from our external phone call

from our telephone connected to RS232 and/or TAPI interface we keep the 
phone number and try to find the name from sql server : if found 
we want to push an automatic entry in elog and fill specific field like 
name/contact/last phone call....

I will ask to Stephan Ritt what's the best way to include our routine in 
his standard source ?

could we create a specific logbook for the wishlist
in elog/contribution may be some parameters for the actual status of the 
project ? 

SQL : 
for our sql link we have a probleme as elog re use id when deleted
we must generate an unique ID for each elog CREATE 
and a version# field automaticly incremented after each update.
This must be implemented in ELOG source.
ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886