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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subjectup
  68682   Mon Sep 4 11:22:05 2017 Question Tim Schelfhouttimpieworks@gmail.comRequestWindowsELOG V3.1.3-fd7edit elog config via elog web interface


Is it possible to edit the entire elog config file via the elog frontend?  I see the config button 
on some screens but it only allows me to change user and password??


  67918   Wed May 20 01:54:55 2015 Entry Konstantin Olchanskiolchansk@triumf.caBug reportOtherthis oneedit somebody else's draft
this elog offers me to edit a draft message, then yells at me "only some other user can edit this draft!!!".
methinks I should only be offered to edit draft messages that I own or I can edit. K.O.
  68824   Thu Jun 14 13:12:02 2018 Question Stefano Lacaprarastefano.lacaprara@pd.infn.itQuestionLinux3.1.3edit templates from config page
Dear all,
  I have some logbook which uses preset text depending on some option values, and uses text files for this.

something similar to:

Options Type = Start of shift{1}, 2h{2}, 4h{3}, 6h{4}, End of shift {5}

{1} Preset text = MCProdStart.txt
{2} Preset text = MCProd2h.txt
{3} Preset text = MCProd4h.txt
{4} Preset text = MCProd6h.txt
{5} Preset text = MCProdEnd.txt

I wonder if there is a way to change/edit the text files from the web interface if you are admin of that logbook, or if the only way is to change the files directly in the elog server.

thanks Stefano
  69601   Wed Jan 4 10:05:38 2023 Reply Andrey Pashninkowaraj4stuff@gmail.comBug fixAllELOG V3.1.4-493editing on a smartphone
oh! so, that's the cause of another problem I faced a while ago. 
When people edited an ELOG page on a narrow screen device (a.k.a smartphone) it put the extra CRLF and made the page look like the attachment below 
(it broke the original formatting).

I had to "fix" this by setting the width of the textarea to a huge number... 

However, removing "wrap=hard" solves both these problems! ;)
Attachment 1: Screenshot_2023-01-04_at_10.06.02.png
  69602   Wed Jan 4 10:12:43 2023 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug fixAllELOG V3.1.4-493editing on a smartphone
Yepp, that's right. But without the "wrap=hard", you could get one single long line which is almost impossible to read. So there is no perfect solution for all cases. I see three options

1) Remove "wrap=hard" and let the user do as the user wants. This can lead to very long lines almost impossible to read.
2) Keep "wrap=hard" and rely on the browser to put in CRLF between lines according to the textarea box during input. The result will then be the same as during editing. Of course this might 
require to make the textarea width wide enough on small screens not to get too many CRLFs. The default "Message width" is 78 chars, but on modern browsers some JavaScript code automatically sets 
the width to equal the screen width which normally is wider.
3) Add artificial CRCL like every 40 or 80 chars. This is the "beautifying" K.O. mentioned and will never be perfect. Not sure if elog should touch the text the user enters.

Looking at the three options, I kind of conclude that 2) would still be the best.

  67076   Thu Jun 2 12:52:10 2011 Question Sara Vaninisara.vanini@pd.infn.itBug reportLinux2.7editor dosn't work


when I try to edit an entry of my ELOG, the display shows the editor window blank, without all the previous content of the entry, and it is not possibile to write in it. It worked since yesterday, when ELOG tried to save a new entry but the disk was full. ELOG was srewed up. I deleted the buggy entry and now I can display all the previuos entries, but I cannot edit anymore... Please help!



  69089   Fri Jan 24 14:56:04 2020 Warning Sara Vaninivanini.sara@gmail.comBug reportLinux3.1.3editor hangs intermittently


I'm using ELOG with Ubuntu 19. When I create or edit an entry and I start writing, it hangs for few seconds, resumes, and all over again intermittently.

How can I fix it?



  67177   Fri Jan 27 14:05:09 2012 Idea Christian Herzogherzog@phys.ethz.chQuestionLinux2.9.0el cheapo LDAP binding

Hi all,


we would like to hook elog to our LDAP server. Instead of writing a full-featured LDAP auth module for elog, I have the following idea: use Apache's LDAP module to require LDAP auth for a single logbook:


 <Location /elog/admin>

        Use PhysLDAP

        Use RequirePhysLDAPGroup isg

        RewriteEngine On

        RewriteCond %{LA-U:REMOTE_USER} (.+)

        RewriteRule . - [E=RU:%1]

        RequestHeader add X-Forwarded-User %{RU}e

the two Use statements are Apache macros that define our LDAP settings. The last 4 lines are necessary for Apache to pass on the logged in user to the proxied elog (ends up in ENV X-Forwarded-User).
In elogd.c, I added 
   /* extract REMOTE_USER */

   if ((p = strstr(request, "X-Forwarded-User:")) != NULL) {

      p += 17;

      while (*p && *p == ' ')


      strlcpy(remote_user, p, sizeof(remote_user));

      if (strchr(remote_user, '\r'))

         *strchr(remote_user, '\r') = 0;

         char sid[32];

         /* get a new session ID */

         sid_new(NULL, remote_user, (char *) inet_ntoa(rem_addr), sid);

         /* set SID cookie */

         set_sid_cookie(NULL, sid);

         // TODO: set lbs!


to process_http_request in order to extract the LDAP login. I have managed to populate the author field with remote_user, but what I'd really like is to write a cookie containing this login name so that session handling kicks in. You can see that I attempt to write a cookie, but elogd segfaults at set_sid_cookie() (gdb backtrace: 
set_cookie (lbs=0x0, name=0x483b22 "sid", value=0x7ffffffd7590 "4831386B7B333A99", global=0, expiration=0x7ffffffd7300 "")
Would anyone be willing to help me with this? I'm not at all familiar with the program flow in elogd and my C is a bit rusty...
Dr. Christian Herzog <>  support: +41 44 633 26 68
IT Services Group, HPT H 8                    voice: +41 44 633 39 50
Department of Physics, ETH Zurich
8093 Zurich, Switzerland           
ELOG V3.1.5-fe60aaf