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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OSdown ELOG Version Subject
  359   Tue Jun 3 17:51:39 2003 Question Tomas Rudolftomas@mba.beQuestion  Loging user's activity
I was wondering if there is a way to have a more detailed log of users' 
Current Logfile = <file> gives a good base for information about 
logins/access to 'protected' logbooks. 

What we would like to have is information about when a user reads an ELOG 
entry (to be able to determine the reaction/response time). 

For instance the LOG could look sg like this: 
%%user %%datetime %%logbook %%record read/edit/new/delete 
  360   Tue Jun 3 20:08:27 2003 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestion  Re: Hosts deny
> Used to deny a certain command to a list of users. This can be used to 
> deny a guest user to enter new messages or modify a message. 
> Hosts allow = <list> 
> Hosts deny = <list> 
> could you deny guest user like this 
> guest is not loggeg ?
> hubert is logged
> Hosts deny = guest,hubert
> does anybody has experience with deny based on IP adresse ?

You probably mixed up deny of a command to a certain user and deny of hosts 
based on their IP. This has nothing to do with each other except the 
word "deny". Please read the documentation about how to set up IP 
based "hosts deny". This works only for certain IPs, but not for certain 

If you want guests not to be able to enter messages, but allow this to 
registered users, you should set up a password file, and a guest menu. 
Please refer to the elogd.cfg file for this forum which is done in this way. 
Have a look at elog:Config%20Examples/4 .
  361   Tue Jun 3 20:49:27 2003 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug report  Re: bug in cfg file
> When you take the elogd.cfg file and the menu commands = <list> and guest 
> menu commands = <list>, the config menu for edit the elogd.cfg stops 
> working, yet if I change the URL manually, I can still get to the file and 
> the menus do not change.  If I delete all menu commands, then all works 
> without errors, yet the menus do not match default.

There was a recent bug which made "Edit elog.cfg" stop working if the 
language is not English. This has been fixed and the update is in CVS. If 
you use English, this might be another problem. Can you send me your 
complete elogd.cfg so I can try to reproduce your problem?

> Also, the self registration function equal to 3 does not always send email.

"Not always" is hard to understand. Either it works or it does not for a 
certain configuration. What you can do is start elogd with the "-v" flag, 
which outputs all communication to the console window. Among this 
information, you have the communication with the SMTP server when sending an 
email. Maybe you see some problem there which only sometimes occurs (like 
wrong email addresses or so...)
  362   Wed Jun 4 10:47:36 2003 Idea Etienne Van Caillieetienne.vancaillie@mba.beComment  rhis logbook
I suggest to add an attributes  like  OS

MOptions OS = linux, windows2000, windowsXP¨, windows2003

to indicate on which version we are speaking
  367   Wed Jun 4 15:24:42 2003 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chOther  Re: syntax highligting for elog.cfg with ULTRAEDIT
> i put the last version on this link

If you don't mind I added the file to this message.
Attachment 1: u-edit-elog-syntax.txt
/L7"Elog" Line Comment = ; Block Comment On = /* Block Comment Off = */ String Chars = "' File Extensions = cfg
/Delimiters = ~!@%^&*()-+=|\/{}[]:;"'<> ,	.?
/C1"Elog Global functions"
** Logbook tabs
** SMTP host =
** Admin Password
** Admin user =
** Selection page
** Self register
** URL=
** Welcome Title
/C2"Elog Syntax"
** Attributes
** Back
** Bottom text
** Comment
** Config
** Copy to
** CSS
** Data dir
** Date format
** Delete
** Display Email recipients
** Display mode
** Download
** Edit
** edit
** Email
** Email All
** Email message body
** Email notification
** Entries per page
** Filtered browsing
** Find
** Find Menu commands
** Fixed Attributes Edit
** Fixed Attributes Reply
** full
** Group
** Guest find menu commands
** Guest menu commands
** Help
** Help URL
** IOptions
** Icon comment
** Language
** Last day
** Locked Attributes
** Logbook dir
** Logbook Tabs
** Logbook tabs
** Logfile
** Login
** Logout
** Main tab
** Menu commands
** Message Height
** Message Width
** MOptions
** Move to
** New
** Number Attachments
** on 
** Options
** Page Title
** Password file =
** port
** Preset
** Quick filter
** Remove on reply
** Reply
** Required Attributes
** Resource dir
** Restrict edit
** Reverse sort
** ROptions
** Search all logbooks
** Self register
** SMTP host
** Search all logbooks
** Subdir
** Submit Page
** Subst
** Subst on reply subject
** Suppress default
** Suppress Email on edit
** Suppress Email to users
** Tab cellpadding
** Theme
** Thread display
** Thread Icon
** threaded
** Use Email From
** Use Email Subject
/C3"Elog MBA reserved attributes"
** %a %d %m %y
** %%Action
** %%BookName
** %%MessageID
** %%User
** Email AdressesEmail
** Email AsTo
** Email Partner

  368   Wed Jun 4 15:26:15 2003 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug report 2.3.8Re: bug in cfg file
> When you take the elogd.cfg file and the menu commands = <list> and guest 
> menu commands = <list>, the config menu for edit the elogd.cfg stops 
> working, yet if I change the URL manually, I can still get to the file and 
> the menus do not change.  If I delete all menu commands, then all works 
> without errors, yet the menus do not match default.

Has just been fixed. Available under CVS and soon in 2.3.8.
  369   Wed Jun 4 15:30:12 2003 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestion  Re: Loging user's activity
> I was wondering if there is a way to have a more detailed log of users' 
> activities?
> Current Logfile = <file> gives a good base for information about 
> logins/access to 'protected' logbooks. 
> What we would like to have is information about when a user reads an ELOG 
> entry (to be able to determine the reaction/response time). 
> For instance the LOG could look sg like this: 
> %%user %%datetime %%logbook %%record read/edit/new/delete 

Very nice idea, I put it on the wishlist.
  370   Wed Jun 4 15:52:52 2003 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequest  Re: HTML page formating
Thank you very much for your request, well motivated and described. I hope I 
will soon find time to impelment this.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6