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icon5.gif   HTML-File as attachement, posted by Becher on Tue Apr 5 22:39:20 2005 
When I upload a HTML-File as attachement the file is shown as the
HTML-source and not as the formatted text. Is there a possibility to see the
HTML-attachements as formatted text like images are shown as images?
    icon2.gif   Re: HTML-File as attachement, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Apr 5 22:45:22 2005 
> When I upload a HTML-File as attachement the file is shown as the
> HTML-source and not as the formatted text. Is there a possibility to see the
> HTML-attachements as formatted text like images are shown as images?

I could turn the ASCII display off, but the result is not always what you want.
If you have a HTML file without the <html>, <header> and <body> tags, it's ok.
But if you have these tags in your HTML (and this is the normal case), the
resulting page has these tags twice, once from the ELOG page and once from the
attachment. This confuses some browsers, so the resulting page might look
strange. A solution would be to strip these tags from the attachment, but for
that I would have to interprete the HTML attachment completely, which is too
much work.

So I will turn the ASCII display off in the next release, but be prepared to see
some nonexpected results.
    icon2.gif   Re: HTML-File as attachement, posted by Becher on Wed Apr 6 14:45:22 2005 
Yesterday I mad a little experiment:
I copied in OpenOffice the content from my HTML file, which was not shown correctly
in ELOG, to a new HTML file, uploaded it in ELOG, and now my file was shown
correctly formatted. The only one problem is that not all lines are shown, in the
last line is written ...1753 more lines... . How can I show all lines? Do I have to
recompile ELOG?
    icon2.gif   Re: HTML-File as attachement, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Apr 6 14:56:09 2005 
> Yesterday I mad a little experiment:
> I copied in OpenOffice the content from my HTML file, which was not shown correctly
> in ELOG, to a new HTML file, uploaded it in ELOG, and now my file was shown
> correctly formatted. The only one problem is that not all lines are shown, in the
> last line is written ...1753 more lines... . How can I show all lines? Do I have to
> recompile ELOG?

The reason for the "...1753 more lines..." is the following: Sometimes people upload
really huge files (10 MB or so). If they are displayed as ASCII attachments, each time
you access the entry you have to DOWNLOAD 10 MB. Sometimes even the browser crashes.
That's why I limited the display of the ASCII attachments to the first 1000 lines. To
see the complete file, just lick on the attachment name.

Concerning the inline display of HTML documents, I'm currently thinking of checking if
there is an <HTML> or <BODY> statement inside the file. If not, it might be just some
HTML fraction in which case it could be shown. If yes, it cannot be shown inline, but
if you click on it's name a new browser windows is opened containing the full document.
Does that sound reasonable to you?
    icon2.gif   Re: HTML-File as attachement, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Apr 6 21:26:19 2005 
Ok, I turned display of HTML attachments completely off in 2.5.8-3. So if one wants to see
it, on has to click on it. Otherwise there is no way to ensure a correct web page, so
people would complain again that the page does not pass the HTML validator if someone
attached an invalid HTML file.
    icon14.gif   Re: HTML-File as attachement, posted by Becher on Wed Apr 6 23:02:47 2005 
I think this is reasonable. All the HTML-files which I want insert (created with the software
INCA) are not shown correctly. My testfiles made with OpenOffice are shown correctly. Maybe
you have the time to program an option for the attachement "Show inside/Show in new window or
tab", so that the user can choose, how his HTML file is shown. Similiar to the option "Submit
as HTML text".
    icon2.gif   Re: HTML-File as attachement, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Apr 7 22:18:04 2005 
> I think this is reasonable. All the HTML-files which I want insert (created with the software
> INCA) are not shown correctly. My testfiles made with OpenOffice are shown correctly. Maybe
> you have the time to program an option for the attachement "Show inside/Show in new window or
> tab", so that the user can choose, how his HTML file is shown. Similiar to the option "Submit
> as HTML text".

I changed it such that all attachment are shown in a separate browser window if clicked. Hope
this satisfies most people. I believe an extra switch in the config file is too much for this
little thing, unless someone absolutely wants back the old behaviour.
icon4.gif   error message from this forum, posted by Heiko Scheit on Wed May 18 14:20:23 2005 
Just after submitting the last message, the following error message was displayed:

Error sending Email via "": malformed address: synergie-infcom>
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