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ID Date Icon Authorup Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  554   Thu Jun 3 22:22:33 2004 Question miljan dedicmde@hvidovre.dkBug reportWindows2.5.2Resubmit as new entry
Elogd crashing when "Resubmit as new entry" is executed.
Tried with demo config, same result, also tried with snapshot version.
After the first crash i restart elogd, then it crashes every time i enter 
the logbook containing the entry i tried to "Resubmit as new entry"
Anyone seen same behavior, on win2000 platform ?.

  66   Wed Jul 10 22:19:47 2002 Warning momsheikh25@hotmail.comBug report  a bug and a question
   If you have only one entry in the logbook and have it set up in threaded 
mode like: ?cmd=Search&mode=threaded&reverse=1, when you click on the icon 
of the entry or the number of the entry to see it, it does not allow you 
to.  If there is more than one entry, it works fine.  
   Also I wanted to make a submit page from where you could either go back 
to the logbook which you just entered a message for or type a new entry for 
that logbook.  First of all, is there a way to have only one file called 
submitpage.html in which I can define this for all logbooks or do i need it 
for ever logbook.  And also, is there a way I can even set a link that will 
allow to create a new entry.  I tried: 
    <a href="demo/?cmd=new">Enter</a> another message<p>

but for some reason it does not work.  Is there a way to implement this?

  68   Thu Jul 11 15:59:17 2002 Warning momsheikh25@hotmail.comBug report  entry number not updated properly after deleting
    If you delete a message from the middle of a logbook that contains a 
bunch of messages, the message numbers do not get updated properly.  For 
instance, if you have 20 messages in the logbook, and delete number 15, 
entry numbers 16 through 20 all do not get subtracted by one; their numbers 
stay the same with #15 just missing in the middle.  

  87   Tue Jul 30 17:33:24 2002 Question momsheikh25@hotmail.comQuestion  Scroll box for attributes
   If you have the text box turned off so you only enter attributes, is it 
possible to have a couple of attributes that have small scroll through text 
boxs of a couple of lines rather than just one line?   Like not as big as 
the regular text box but something small to be able to post a couple of 
lines in and if it gets bigger then you scroll down.  For instance if you 
are posting a problem and a solution just have one small text box for the 
problem and one for the solution.

  542   Fri May 14 06:19:40 2004 Warning nait date and subst date
I'm trying capture any edit/modified entry with the following, Using the
real date format instead of text string so that I could do a quick filter on it.

Type modified = date
Subst on Edit modified = $date

Problem: It seem that the Subst on Edit always default to 1 Jan 1970 instead
of current date on edit screen. 

Could it be $date is a string and not compatible with tape date? or is there
a variable or function to convert $date to date format?
  546   Sat May 29 04:23:58 2004 Reply nait Using date and subst date
> I fixed that problem, new version under

Any binary build anywhere that I can pick? Thanks. 

  547   Sat May 29 04:28:38 2004 Cool nait notification without attachment possible?
I just noticed the problem of mail notification with big attachments. For a
files or photos exchange setup we could run into load and bandwidth problem
quickly. Any way to restrict mail notification by attributes or without

  549   Thu Jun 3 17:15:56 2004 Reply nait Using date and subst date
> is for windows, for linux you have to recompile with
> gcc -O -o elogd elogd.c
> Best regards,
>   Stefan

Hi Stefan,

I tried compile it in gentoo 1.4 GCC 3.3.3 without problem. However, it refuse
to run on ipcop box. The error message,
./elogd: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.3' not found (required by ./elogd)

I guess the kernel and/or compiler version is not matching. Any simple way to
fix it? Thanks for your help?

ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886