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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OSdown ELOG Version Subject
  1408   Tue Sep 6 09:37:20 2005 Reply Stefan   Re: Changes in Comment and Elog Index page?

ralphb wrote:
HTML code inculed in elog.cfg "Comment" lines were previously rendered, now they are not. e.g. "Comment = Some comment
<A href="" target="_top">&nbsp; Some link text</A>" Is this change deliberate, or is the functionality likely to return?

I had to render the comment, because some people had comments like "PCs > W2k", where the ">" screwed up the HTML code of the page. I added some code now which checks if the comment is real HTML, and reverts back to the old behaviour if it is. The update is in CVS.

ralphb wrote:
The "Several logbooks are defined on this host" elog index page was previously collapsable, now it is not. Same questions as previous.

People complained about the collapsing (it's really hard to make everybody happy!!!). So the page is expanded by default. If you want the old behaviour, add an
Expand selection page = 0

into your config file
  1411   Tue Sep 6 18:36:21 2005 Reply   Re: Changes in Comment and Elog Index page?

Stefan Ritt wrote:
I added some code now which checks if the comment is real HTML, and reverts back to the old behaviour if it is. The update is in CVS.

Thanks very much Stefan.

Our new server has no gcc so I had to compile it on a sister machine, pending the next RPM release.

By the way, your download page needs an extra line:
cvs -d checkout mxml
to have a hope of the make working.

Also, it would be nice if the "Installing and running on UNIX" section of the Administrator's Guide also had a set of "Installation from CVS" instructions.

Stefan Ritt wrote:
it's really hard to make everybody happy!!!

Ah, but you are doing it so well!

Thanks again.

Best regards, Ralph.
  1430   Fri Oct 7 17:18:32 2005 Idea Stefan   ELOG repository moved from CVS to Subversion
The elog repository has been moved from CVS to Subversion for various reasons. Those people who accessed the CVS repository in the past now have to do it in one of two different ways:
  • Use the new ViewCVS gateway. This gateway now can also directly produce tarballs for the current repository snapshot
  • Use anonymous Subversion access:

    svn checkout svn+ssh:// elog's password: svn
    (you might have to enter the password several times...)
    svn checkout svn+ssh:// mxml's password: svn
    (you might have to enter the password several times...)
If there is any problem accessing the new repository, please let me know.
  1431   Sat Oct 8 05:08:40 2005 Reply Exaos LeeExaos.Lee@gmail.comQuestion  Re: ELOG repository moved from CVS to Subversion
Hi, Stefan,
I cannot checkout due to the following error:
$ svn checkout svn+ssh:// elog
ssh: Name or service not known
svn: Connection closed unexpectedly

It seems that my PC cannot find the host within CIAE. Maybe it's the problem of our DNS server. Anyway, what is the IP of savannah?
  1432   Sat Oct 8 08:44:22 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestion  Re: ELOG repository moved from CVS to Subversion

Exaos Lee wrote:
Hi, Stefan,
I cannot checkout due to the following error:
$ svn checkout svn+ssh:// elog
ssh: Name or service not known
svn: Connection closed unexpectedly

It seems that my PC cannot find the host within CIAE. Maybe it's the problem of our DNS server. Anyway, what is the IP of savannah?

Sorry, was my mistake. In the command you have to use, not (with the colon). So the full command is

$ svn checkout svn+ssh:// elog
  1532   Tue Nov 22 17:38:24 2005 Smile Michael Husbynmichaelh@online.noQuestion 2.6.0-betaThread sort / display order
Is there a way to choose the display order in threaded mode.


1 Test
2 Version 2.0 Testing 1
3 Version 2.5 Testing 2
4 Version 2.3 Testing 3

But the preferred sort order (not the ID) is something like this:
1 Test
2 Version 2.0 Testing 1
4 Version 2.3 Testing 3
3 Version 2.5 Testing 2

Example of parameter perhaps:
Thread order = Field1, $id

Or is this something too difficult to implement? Or already there?

Best regards
Michael Husbyn
  1542   Wed Dec 7 02:37:40 2005 Entry Jesse   Proxy question
I'm trying to run elog 2.6.0-beta4 under Apache 2.0.  I follow the directions, and everything works fine, so my
elog runs as

running under port 8082, with the following lines in my httpd.conf file

 Redirect permanent /elog
 ProxyPass /elog/

This machine has an alias, which is  My question is, how can I run elog so that
when someone types in this name, it brings up my elog? I know that I can make a VirtualHost entry and put a
redirect at the document root of that virtual host, but that seems clumsy.  Can I just modify ProxyPass or add a
Redirect statement somehow?

  1544   Sat Dec 10 02:01:33 2005 Question Carl Shireycarl.shirey@pw.utc.comInfo  2.6.0-bata5
Do you have 2.6.0-bata5 for linux as setup for RPM install. I was able to locate the version for windows but not for linux.
Thanks for your help.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6