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  725   Sat Oct 9 11:04:37 2004 Reply Windows Re: Windows XP Login Problem...
> > > We are trying to use ELog on Windows XP with Protection on individual log 
> > > book and we unable to login after creating users even if we give correct 
> > > user name and password login screen reappears. We are able to log in to the 
> > > Elog when we use windows 98 Client we are running Elog on Windows XP and 
> > > without password protection on logbook it is working fine with windows 98.
> > > 
> > > For win xp clients we are using winxp sp 1, ie 6.1 using a proxy server
> > 
> > First, upgrade to 2.5.4-5 (if you haven't done so). If the problem persists,
> > please start elogd on the server with the "-v" flag, capture the screen output
> > and send it to me by email so that I can have a look. Please send also your
> > elogd.cfg file.
> > 
> > - Stefan
> Mr. Stefan
> Following is elogd.cfg file text:
> [global]
> port = 8080
> Main Tab = Home
> Protect Selection page = 1
> [Daily Log]
> Password file = pwdfile
> Self register = 0
> Login expiration = 0
> Admin user = user
> Logout to main = 1
> Theme = bubbles
> Comment = Daily Call tracking and Issue Solving
> Attributes = Author, Type, Category, Subject
> IOptions Author = icon6.gif, icon7.gif
> Options Type = Routine, Software Installation, Problem Fixed, Configuration, Other
> Options Category = General, Hardware, Software, Network, Other
> Extendable Options = Category
> Required Attributes = Author, Type
> Page Title = ELOG - $subject
> Reverse sort = 1
> Quick filter = Date, Type

Mr. Stefan

We tried installing elog on another pc with almost the same configuration and are 
able to run it without any problems now.
  716   Sat Oct 9 11:04:37 2004 Reply Windows Re: Windows XP Login Problem...
> >
  726   Mon Oct 11 22:57:58 2004        
Hello to all,
i'm running ELOG on FreeBSD 5.2.
We've noticed an issue where e-mail notification from ELOG seem to
have their arrival time in the future, looks like it's about 13 hours ahead.

E-mail gateway to which ELOG posts its e-mail shows this e-mail transaction:
Received: from ([x.x.x.x]) by with SMTP id <143408>; Mon, 11 Oct 2004 12:22:43 
Subject: New ELOG entry
X-Mailer: Elog, Version 2.5.3
X-Elog-submit-type: web|elog
Date:  Mon, 11 Oct 2004 12:26:28 -3736512

The last line in that log seems to have some strange time zone offset
Usually you'd see a GMT+13 (New Zealand time zone on summer time).

Here's ELOG's own logs of that same e-mail delivery:
11-Oct-2004 12:26:28 [crypt0@somepc.internal.lan] {somelogbook} X-Mailer: 
Elog, Version 2.5.3
11-Oct-2004 12:26:28 [crypt0@somepc.internal.lan] {somelogbook} X-Elog-URL:
11-Oct-2004 12:26:28 [crypt0@somepc.internal.lan] {somelogbook} X-Elog-
submit-type: web|elog
11-Oct-2004 12:26:28 [crypt0@somepc.internal.lan] {somelogbook} Date: Mon, 
11 Oct 2004 12:26:28 -3736512
11-Oct-2004 12:26:28 [crypt0@somepc.internal.lan] {somelogbook} Content-
Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

I noticed that there was a post talking about ELOG on MacOSx having some 
time issues, but nothing mentioning FreeBSD..

Any ideas?
Thanks to all in advance.
  727   Tue Oct 12 10:54:04 2004        
It would be nice if elogd would recognise the whole of this as a link;en-us;138354 rather than 
just the first bit.
  732   Wed Oct 13 20:28:02 2004        
Has been fixed in revision 1.492.
  745   Wed Oct 13 20:48:52 2004        
> Date:  Mon, 11 Oct 2004 12:26:28 -3736512

The timezone offset (-3736512) is obtained from the "timezone" variable, which
is initialized with the tzset() function inside elogd. See "man tzset" for
details. It looks like if the timezone on your FreeBSD box is not correctly

Try to compile and execute following C program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

   printf("timezone: %d\n", timezone);

This should print something like "timezone: -3600". If not, you might consider
defining the "TZ" environment variable. Maybe some FreeBSD expert knows some
details about this.
  744   Wed Oct 13 20:48:52 2004        
> Date:  Mon, 11 Oct 2004 12:26:28 -3736512

The timezone offset (-3736512) is obtained from the "timezone" variable, which
is initialized with the tzset() function inside elogd. See "man tzset" for
details. It looks like if the timezone on your FreeBSD box is not correctly

Try to compile and execute following C program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

   printf("timezone: %d\n", timezone);

This should print something like "timezone: -3600". If not, you might consider
defining the "TZ" environment variable. Maybe some FreeBSD expert knows some
details about this.
  743   Wed Oct 13 20:48:52 2004        
> Date:  Mon, 11 Oct 2004 12:26:28 -3736512

The timezone offset (-3736512) is obtained from the "timezone" variable, which
is initialized with the tzset() function inside elogd. See "man tzset" for
details. It looks like if the timezone on your FreeBSD box is not correctly

Try to compile and execute following C program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

   printf("timezone: %d\n", timezone);

This should print something like "timezone: -3600". If not, you might consider
defining the "TZ" environment variable. Maybe some FreeBSD expert knows some
details about this.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6