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  66907   Wed Sep 15 22:40:52 2010 Question Mike Zubermdz0739@yahoo.comQuestionWindows2.8Action after message submission

Is it possible to automatically go back to the list view in summary mode after submitting a new message instead of displaying the new message?

I know it's possible to display a page from a file after submitting a new message  by using "Submit Page = <file>". 
It would be nice to be able to use a command like "Submit Page = <command>" where I could insert "?cmd=Back" as in the "Start page" command.



  417   Wed Jul 30 08:13:56 2003 Entry eric wootenwootene@verizon.netRequestWindows2.3.9Account expiration
I know there's an item on the wishlist for password expiration, so how 
about account expiration..?? (after so many days of inactivity).

One complaint that comes from management is that when a user leaves the 
agency, the elog account seems to never get deleted.  There way of asking 
me, why I never keep up with the user account deletions.  Ha Ha, like I 
have time to constantly compare the user list from elog to the user list of 
other systems.

Another plea on my part, for Elog to allow for authentication via external 
database - such as LDAP, so we wouldn't have to maintain another user 

  1688   Tue Feb 14 12:57:37 2006 Question Dimitrios Tsirigkasdimitrios.tsirigkas@cern.chQuestionLinux2.6.1Accessing elog through two apache servers...

We have elogd running on a pc, say cmsdaqpreseries, that also runs an apache server and we've made sure that it's only accessible through the apache server, like so:

This works fine.

We then tried to set up another apache server on another computer, say cmsdaq, and use that as a proxy server to access the apache server on cmsdaqpreseries and thus the elog (don't ask why...). Our sysadmin has set up kerberos authentication on that machine, so if I go to: (note the 's')

I am prompted for a username and password and then get the elog selection page. All seems to be working well, for example, the URL:

will load properly. However, if I hit "login" ( I get caught in an infinite redirection. Of course:

will still work! Any ideas on what we should do to set it up correctly? And why does this only happen with the login command?

Our sysadmin used ethereal to sniff the message exchange between the apache on cmsdaqpreseries and elog. I am including the details of the http request that elog likes (directly from cmsdaqpreseries) and of the one it doesn't like (from cmsdaqpreseries but originating at cmsdaq) as image attachments, as the text is not selectable (sorry).

Thanks in advance,

  1609   Thu Jan 19 15:02:38 2006 Question Giorgio Croci Candianig.crocic@libero.itBug report 2.6.1Access to global configuration in v2.6.1
I just installed v.2.6.1 coming from the previous 2.6.0 (on Win2000)
When I access the "configuration" function from a logbook, in the cfg page I only see two buttons in the header
(save or cancel); in the previous version I saw more buttons there ("global config", "create new logbook" and so
on), so here I'm unable to access global configuration or logbook management (except for current logbook options).
I am logged in as admin (actually I have a single-user configuration, thus no particular users defined).
I hope this report may be helpful, and not just being caused by a misunderstanding on my side ;)
  67264   Mon May 7 13:41:38 2012 Question Roland rights


the manual says:

There are four ways through which access to a logbook may be controlled:

it may be open for all to read ;
it may require a common "read" password for all users ;
it may require each user to have an individual user account (login name) and password ;
finally, access may be granted or not depending on the address of the workstation you are using.

But it doesn't say how to do so or at least I didn't find it.

If I have each user have to log in with an individual accout, can I define which logbooks he can read and/or modify?
If yes, how to do that?

Also, please accept my vote for user groups. We can use that, too.


  66569   Mon Nov 2 11:17:20 2009 Question Niklasniklas@hoglund.pp.seQuestionLinux2.77Access control, group level

Hi elog experts =)


Anyone know if it's possible to have access control per group-level?

For instance:

Group A = B,C   

Group B = LogA   

Group C = LogB, LogC      

Group C: Read password = abc





  65878   Mon May 12 10:16:21 2008 Idea Grant Jeffcotegrant@jeffcote.orgQuestion 2.7.3-1024Access Control
Hi Stefan,

We have a configuration where different sites have their own logbooks all under the same server, these are accessed by relevant parties as you might expect by selecting the appropriate tab at the top of the page.
Everyone has visibility of everyone elses logbook as a guest but we have purposely limited the 'Guest' users view (hiding the text portion etc) for various reasons.

We would now like to allow certain parties to view certain logbooks in their entirety but with a 'Read Only' view, I see this can be done but only using a common password. (Read password = <encoded password>)

At present we can give others a full view by adding them to the 'Users' list for each individual logbook, this unfortunately also gives them 'write' access. Also if they click on the tab for a logbook that they are not a 'User' for they are logged out of their existing logbook forcing them to have to log back on. If they are designated in a 'Read Only' viewers list for that logbook then their existing password would presumably be read from the global password file and they wouldn't be logged out?

I would like to be able to implement a 'Read' access view for some parties but not have a common password (use the password file?) and not force the other party to re-logon to view the other logbook.

Something like the ability to add a "Read user = <user list>" in each logbook as can be done with 'Login User' and 'Admin User' at present would be great.

Could you let me know if this is feasible please?

Many thanks in advance.
  65726   Thu Feb 7 14:22:57 2008 Warning Jochen Krempelkrempel (at) ill.frBug reportAll2.7.2-2Absolut links for images in FCK Editor

We use ELOG inside a local network, but we want to allow access also from outside the firewall.

The suggested solution from Elog Admin Guide worked fine until version ELOG V2.6.5-1844 (essentially without FCK Editor):

ssh -L

Howerver, since the update to ELOG V2.7.1-2002 the FCK Editor uses absolute links to insert images.

An image uploaded from the local network will have an address like:

while the same image uploaded through the firewall tunnel will have a link like:


Obviously images uploaded from outside are not visible from inside and vice versa.

Is it possible to convince FCK Editor to use relative links?

ELOG is great!!


ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6